Thore Graepel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1997-2022
Publications (10 Years): 73
Publications (10 Years): 73
Technical University of Berlin, Germany (PHD)
Education History
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- Siqi Liu, Guy Lever, Zhe Wang, Josh Merel, S. M. Ali Eslami, Daniel Hennes, Wojciech M. Czarnecki, Yuval Tassa, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Abbas Abdolmaleki, Noah Y. Siegel, Leonard Hasenclever, Luke Marris, Saran Tunyasuvunakool, H. Francis Song, Markus Wulfmeier, Paul Muller, Tuomas Haarnoja, Brendan D. Tracey, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel, Nicolas Heess
- Siqi Liu, Luke Marris, Daniel Hennes, Josh Merel, Nicolas Heess, Thore Graepel
- Siqi Liu, Luke Marris, Daniel Hennes, Josh Merel, Nicolas Heess, Thore Graepel
- Ian M. Gemp, Brian McWilliams, Claire Vernade, Thore Graepel
- Karl Tuyls, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Paul Muller, Zhe Wang, Jerome T. Connor, Daniel Hennes, Ian Graham, William Spearman, Tim Waskett, Dafydd Steele, Pauline Luc, Adrià Recasens, Alexandre Galashov, Gregory Thornton, Romuald Elie, Pablo Sprechmann, Pol Moreno, Kris Cao, Marta Garnelo, Praneet Dutta, Michal Valko, Nicolas Heess, Alex Bridgland, Julien Pérolat, Bart De Vylder, S. M. Ali Eslami, Mark Rowland, Andrew Jaegle, Rémi Munos, Trevor Back, Razia Ahamed, Simon Bouton, Nathalie Beauguerlange, Jackson Broshear, Thore Graepel, Demis Hassabis
- Siqi Liu, Guy Lever, Zhe Wang, Josh Merel, S. M. Ali Eslami, Daniel Hennes, Wojciech M. Czarnecki, Yuval Tassa, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Abbas Abdolmaleki, Noah Y. Siegel, Leonard Hasenclever, Luke Marris, Saran Tunyasuvunakool, H. Francis Song, Markus Wulfmeier, Paul Muller, Tuomas Haarnoja, Brendan D. Tracey, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel, Nicolas Heess
- Ian M. Gemp, Brian McWilliams, Claire Vernade, Thore Graepel
- Tobias Baumann, Thore Graepel, John Shawe-Taylor
- Allan Dafoe, Edward Hughes, Yoram Bachrach, Tantum Collins, Kevin R. McKee, Joel Z. Leibo, Kate Larson, Thore Graepel
- Thore Graepel
- Karl Tuyls, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Paul Muller, Zhe Wang, Jerome T. Connor, Daniel Hennes, Ian Graham, William Spearman, Tim Waskett, Dafydd Steele, Pauline Luc, Adrià Recasens, Alexandre Galashov, Gregory Thornton, Romuald Elie, Pablo Sprechmann, Pol Moreno, Kris Cao, Marta Garnelo, Praneet Dutta, Michal Valko, Nicolas Heess, Alex Bridgland, Julien Pérolat, Bart De Vylder, S. M. Ali Eslami, Mark Rowland, Andrew Jaegle, Rémi Munos, Trevor Back, Razia Ahamed, Simon Bouton, Nathalie Beauguerlange, Jackson Broshear, Thore Graepel, Demis Hassabis
- Alistair Letcher, David Balduzzi, Sébastien Racanière, James Martens, Jakob N. Foerster, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel
- Siqi Liu, Guy Lever, Josh Merel, Saran Tunyasuvunakool, Nicolas Heess, Thore Graepel
- Alistair Letcher, David Balduzzi, Sébastien Racanière, James Martens, Jakob N. Foerster, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel
- Siqi Liu, Guy Lever, Josh Merel, Saran Tunyasuvunakool, Nicolas Heess, Thore Graepel
- David Balduzzi, Sébastien Racanière, James Martens, Jakob N. Foerster, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel
- David Balduzzi, Karl Tuyls, Julien Pérolat, Thore GraepelRe-evaluating evaluation. NeurIPS (2018)
- David Balduzzi, Sébastien Racanière, James Martens, Jakob N. Foerster, Karl Tuyls, Thore Graepel
- Karl Tuyls, Julien Pérolat, Marc Lanctot, Joel Z. Leibo, Thore Graepel
- Tobias Baumann, Thore Graepel, John Shawe-Taylor
- Karl Tuyls, Julien Pérolat, Marc Lanctot, Joel Z. Leibo, Thore Graepel
- David Balduzzi, Karl Tuyls, Julien Pérolat, Thore GraepelRe-evaluating evaluation. CoRR (2018)
- Karl Tuyls, Julien Pérolat, Marc Lanctot, Georg Ostrovski, Rahul Savani, Joel Z. Leibo, Toby Ord, Thore Graepel, Shane Legg
- David Silver, Aja Huang, Chris J. Maddison, Arthur Guez, Laurent Sifre, George van den Driessche, Julian Schrittwieser, Ioannis Antonoglou, Vedavyas Panneershelvam, Marc Lanctot, Sander Dieleman, Dominik Grewe, John Nham, Nal Kalchbrenner, Ilya Sutskever, Timothy P. Lillicrap, Madeleine Leach, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Thore Graepel, Demis Hassabis
- Aaron Defazio, Thore Graepel
- Sameer Singh, Thore Graepel
- Tim Salimans, Ulrich Paquet, Thore Graepel
- Sameer Singh, Thore Graepel
- Thore Graepel, Kristin E. Lauter, Michael Naehrig
- Yoram Bachrach, Thore Graepel, Gjergji Kasneci, Michal Kosinski, Jurgen Van Gael
- Xi Alice Gao, Yoram Bachrach, Peter B. Key, Thore Graepel
- Yoram Bachrach, Michal Kosinski, Thore Graepel, Pushmeet Kohli, David Stillwell
- Shengbo Guo, Scott Sanner, Thore Graepel, Wray L. Buntine
- Thore Graepel, Kristin E. Lauter, Michael Naehrig
- Philipp Hennig, David H. Stern, Ralf Herbrich, Thore GraepelKernel Topic Models. AISTATS (2012)
- Philipp Hennig, David H. Stern, Ralf Herbrich, Thore GraepelKernel Topic Models CoRR (2011)