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Simone Borsci
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2024
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Usability Testing
User Experience
Conversational Agents
Public Administration
Top Venues
HCI (3)
HCI (1)
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
Virtual Real.
Tommaso Turchi
Alessio Malizia
Simone Borsci
Reflecting on Algorithmic Bias With Design Fiction: The MiniCoDe Workshops.
IEEE Intell. Syst.
39 (2) (2024)
Tommaso Turchi
Alessio Malizia
Fabio Paternò
Simone Borsci
Alan Chamberlain
Adaptive XAI: Towards Intelligent Interfaces for Tailored AI Explanations.
IUI Companion
Stefano Federici
Giovanni Bifolchi
Marco Bracalenti
Alessandro Ansani
Agnese Napoletti
Rosa Lanzilotti
Giuseppe Desolda
Maria Laura Mele
Simone Borsci
Maria Laura De Filippis
Giancarlo Gaudino
Massimo Amendola
Antonello Cocco
Aldo Doria
Emilio Simonetti
eGLU-Box Mobile: A Smartphone App for Usability Testing by Italian Public Administration Webmasters.
HCI (1)
Simone Borsci
Ville V. Lehtola
Francesco Nex
Michael Ying Yang
Ellen-Wien Augustijn
Leila Bagheriye
Christoph Brune
Ourania Kounadi
Jamy Li
João L. R. Moreira
Joanne Van Der Nagel
Bernard P. Veldkamp
Duc V. Le
Mingshu Wang
Fons Wijnhoven
Jelmer M. Wolterink
Raúl Zurita-Milla
Embedding artificial intelligence in society: looking beyond the EU AI master plan using the culture cycle.
AI Soc.
38 (4) (2023)
Simone Borsci
Elisa Prati
Alessio Malizia
Martin Schmettow
Alan Chamberlain
Stefano Federici
Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
27 (6) (2023)
Simone Borsci
Martin Schmettow
Alessio Malizia
Alan Chamberlain
Frank van der Velde
A confirmatory factorial analysis of the Chatbot Usability Scale: a multilanguage validation.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
27 (2) (2023)
Simone Borsci
Alessio Malizia
Martin Schmettow
Frank van der Velde
Gunay Tariverdiyeva
Divyaa Balaji
Alan Chamberlain
The Chatbot Usability Scale: the Design and Pilot of a Usability Scale for Interaction with AI-Based Conversational Agents.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
26 (1) (2022)
Stefano Federici
Giovanni Bifolchi
Maria Laura Mele
Marco Bracalenti
Maria Laura De Filippis
Simone Borsci
Giancarlo Gaudino
Massimo Amendola
Antonello Cocco
Emilio Simonetti
Remote Working: A Way to Foster Greater Inclusion and Accessibility?
Elisa Prati
Simone Borsci
Margherita Peruzzini
Marcello Pellicciari
A Systematic Literature Review of User Experience Evaluation Scales for Human-Robot Collaboration.
Ville V. Lehtola
Mila Koeva
Sander Oude Elberink
Paulo Raposo
Juho-Pekka Virtanen
Faridaddin Vahdatikhaki
Simone Borsci
Digital twin of a city: Review of technology serving city needs.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
114 (2022)
Stefano Federici
Maria Laura Mele
Marco Bracalenti
Maria Laura De Filippis
Rosa Lanzilotti
Giuseppe Desolda
Simone Borsci
Giancarlo Gaudino
Antonello Cocco
Massimo Amendola
Emilio Simonetti
A Chatbot Solution for eGLU-Box Pro: The Usability Evaluation Platform for Italian Public Administrations.
HCI (1)
Julie Polisena
Martina Andellini
Piergiorgio Salerno
Simone Borsci
Leandro Pecchia
Ernesto Iadanza
Case Studies on the Use of Sentiment Analysis to Assess the Effectiveness and Safety of Health Technologies: A Scoping Review.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Maria Laura De Filippis
Stefano Federici
Maria Laura Mele
Simone Borsci
Marco Bracalenti
Giancarlo Gaudino
Antonello Cocco
Massimo Amendola
Emilio Simonetti
Preliminary Results of a Systematic Review: Quality Assessment of Conversational Agents (Chatbots) for People with Disabilities or Special Needs.
Simone Borsci
Stefano Federici
Alessio Malizia
Maria Laura De Filippis
Shaking the usability tree: why usability is not a dead end, and a constructive way forward.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
38 (5) (2019)
Simone Borsci
Glyn Lawson
Davide Salanitri
Bhavna Jha
When simulated environments make the difference: the effectiveness of different types of training of car service procedures.
Virtual Real.
20 (2) (2016)
Simone Borsci
Glyn Lawson
Bhavna Jha
Mark Burgess
Davide Salanitri
Effectiveness of a multidevice 3D virtual environment application to train car service maintenance procedures.
Virtual Real.
20 (1) (2016)
Simone Borsci
Stefano Federici
Silvia Bacci
Michela Gnaldi
Francesco Bartolucci
Assessing User Satisfaction in the Era of User Experience: Comparison of the SUS, UMUX, and UMUX-LITE as a Function of Product Experience.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
31 (8) (2015)
Mohsen Jahangirian
Simone Borsci
Syed Ghulam Sarwar Shah
Simon J. E. Taylor
Causal factors of low stakeholder engagement: a survey of expert opinions in the context of healthcare simulation projects.
91 (6) (2015)
Simone Borsci
Glyn Lawson
Simon Broome
Empirical evidence, evaluation criteria and challenges for the effectiveness of virtual and mixed reality tools for training operators of car service maintenance.
Comput. Ind.
67 (2015)
Davide Salanitri
Chrisminder Hare
Simone Borsci
Glyn Lawson
Sarah Sharples
Brian Waterfield
Relationship Between Trust and Usability in Virtual Environments: An Ongoing Study.
HCI (1)
Simone Borsci
Stefano Federici
Maria Laura Mele
Matilde Conti
Short Scales of Satisfaction Assessment: A Proxy to Involve Disabled Users in the Usability Testing of Websites.
HCI (3)
Simone Borsci
Glyn Lawson
Mark Burgess
Bhavna Jha
Early Prototype Assessment of a New Virtual System for Training Procedural Skills of Automotive Service Operators: LARTE Tool.
HCI (3)
Stefano Federici
Maria Laura Mele
Salvatore Agostino Romeo
Walter Didimo
Giuseppe Liotta
Simone Borsci
Fabio Meloni
A Model of Web-Based Follow-Up to Reduce Assistive Technology Abandonment.
HCI (3)
Simone Borsci
Robert D. Macredie
Julie Barnett
Jennifer L. Martin
Jasna Kuljis
Terry Young
Reviewing and Extending the Five-User Assumption: A Grounded Procedure for Interaction Evaluation.
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact.
20 (5) (2013)
Simone Borsci
Jennifer L. Martin
Julie Barnett
A Grounded Procedure for Managing Data and Sample Size of a Home Medical Device Assessment.
HCI (1)
Stefano Federici
Simone Borsci
Maria Laura Mele
Environmental Evaluation of a Rehabilitation Aid Interaction under the Framework of the Ideal Model of Assistive Technology Assessment Process.
HCI (1)
Simone Borsci
Alessandro Londei
Stefano Federici
The Bootstrap Discovery Behaviour (BDB): a new outlook on usability evaluation.
Cogn. Process.
12 (1) (2011)
Stefano Federici
Simone Borsci
Gianluca Stamerra
Web usability evaluation with screen reader users: implementation of the partial concurrent thinking aloud technique.
Cogn. Process.
11 (3) (2010)
Stefano Federici
Simone Borsci
Gianluca Stamerra
Erratum to: Web usability evaluation with screen reader users: implementation of the partial concurrent thinking aloud technique.
Cogn. Process.
11 (3) (2010)
Stefano Federici
Simone Borsci
Maria Laura Mele
Usability evaluation with screen reader users: a video presentation of the PCTA's experimental setting and rules.
Cogn. Process.
11 (3) (2010)
Maria Laura Mele
Stefano Federici
Simone Borsci
Giuseppe Liotta
Beyond a Visuocentric Way of a Visual Web Search Clustering Engine: The Sonification of WhatsOnWeb.
Stefano Federici
Simone Borsci
Maria Laura Mele
Gianluca Stamerra
Web popularity: an illusory perception of a qualitative order in information.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc.
9 (4) (2010)
Simone Borsci
Stefano Federici
Marco Lauriola
On the dimensionality of the System Usability Scale: a test of alternative measurement models.
Cogn. Process.
10 (3) (2009)