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Quan Le
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2024
Publications (10 Years): 22
Top Topics
Deep Learning
Detecting Malicious
Secondary Structure Prediction
Metadata Extraction
Top Venues
Digit. Investig.
Daniel Gibert
Luca Demetrio
Giulio Zizzo
Quan Le
Jordi Planes
Battista Biggio
Certified Adversarial Robustness of Machine Learning-based Malware Detectors via (De)Randomized Smoothing.
Daniel Gibert
Giulio Zizzo
Quan Le
Jordi Planes
A Robust Defense against Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-based Malware Detectors via (De)Randomized Smoothing.
Lila Bozgeyikli
Evren Bozgeyikli
Ryu Funakoshiya
Quan Le
Kyle Walker
L. Matthew Law
Daniel R. Griffiths
Arne D. Ekstrom
Jonathan Lifshitz
Insights from the Participatory Design of a Virtual Reality Spatial Navigation Application for Veterans with a History of TBI.
VR Workshops
Daniel Gibert
Giulio Zizzo
Quan Le
Towards a Practical Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-Based Malware Detectors via Randomized Smoothing.
ESORICS Workshops (2)
Daniel Gibert
Giulio Zizzo
Quan Le
Towards a Practical Defense against Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-based Malware Detectors via Randomized Smoothing.
Daniel Gibert
Jordi Planes
Quan Le
Giulio Zizzo
Query-Free Evasion Attacks Against Machine Learning-Based Malware Detectors with Generative Adversarial Networks.
Melissa Dell
Jacob Carlson
Tom Bryan
Emily Silcock
Abhishek Arora
Zejiang Shen
Luca D'Amico-Wong
Quan Le
Pablo Querubin
Leander Heldring
American Stories: A Large-Scale Structured Text Dataset of Historical U.S. Newspapers.
Daniel Gibert
Giulio Zizzo
Quan Le
Certified Robustness of Static Deep Learning-based Malware Detectors against Patch and Append Attacks.
Daniel Gibert
Jordi Planes
Quan Le
Giulio Zizzo
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Query-Free Evasion Attacks Against Machine Learning-Based Malware Detectors with Generative Adversarial Networks.
EuroS&P Workshops
Melissa Dell
Jacob Carlson
Tom Bryan
Emily Silcock
Abhishek Arora
Zejiang Shen
Luca D'Amico-Wong
Quan Le
Pablo Querubin
Leander Heldring
American Stories: A Large-Scale Structured Text Dataset of Historical U.S. Newspapers.
Adrian Byrne
Ivan Caffrey
Quan Le
Towards a Framework for the Global Assessment of Sensitive Attribute Bias Within Binary Classification Algorithms.
Daniel Gibert
Matt Fredrikson
Carles Mateu
Jordi Planes
Quan Le
Enhancing the insertion of NOP instructions to obfuscate malware via deep reinforcement learning.
Comput. Secur.
113 (2022)
Daniel Gibert
Jordi Planes
Carles Mateu
Quan Le
Fusing feature engineering and deep learning: A case study for malware classification.
Expert Syst. Appl.
207 (2022)
Daniel Gibert
Carles Mateu
Jordi Planes
Quan Le
Fusing Feature Engineering and Deep Learning: A Case Study for Malware Classification.
Daniel Gibert
Matt Fredrikson
Carles Mateu
Jordi Planes
Quan Le
Enhancing the Insertion of NOP Instructions to Obfuscate Malware via Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Quan Le
Luis Miralles-Pechuán
Asanka P. Sayakkara
Nhien-An Le-Khac
Mark Scanlon
Identifying Internet of Things software activities using deep learning-based electromagnetic side-channel analysis.
Digit. Investig.
39 (2021)
Xiaoyu Du
Quan Le
Mark Scanlon
Automated Artefact Relevancy Determination from Artefact Metadata and Associated Timeline Events.
Cyber Security
Xiaoyu Du
Quan Le
Mark Scanlon
Automated Artefact Relevancy Determination from Artefact Metadata and Associated Timeline Events.
Eoghan Cunningham
Oisín Boydell
Cormac Doherty
Benjamin Roques
Quan Le
Using Text Classification Methods to Detect Malware.
Quan Le
Oisín Boydell
Brian Mac Namee
Mark Scanlon
Deep learning at the shallow end: Malware classification for non-domain experts.
Quan Le
Oisín Boydell
Brian Mac Namee
Mark Scanlon
Deep learning at the shallow end: Malware classification for non-domain experts.
Digit. Investig.
Quan Le
Fabian Sievers
Desmond G. Higgins
Protein multiple sequence alignment benchmarking through secondary structure prediction.
33 (9) (2017)
Sang Hyun Park
Quan Le
Bo-Hun Choi
An Optical Transimpedance Amplifier Using an Inductive Buffer Stage Technique.
IEICE Trans. Commun.
(6) (2009)
Sang Hyun Park
Mikko Karppinen
Quan Le
Bin Young Yoon
Burst-mode optical transmitter with DC-coupled burst-enable signal for 2.5-Gb/s GPON system.
Microelectron. J.
39 (1) (2008)
Anh-Tuan Phan
Jeong-Seon Lee
Vladimir Krizhanovskii
Quan Le
Seok-Kyun Han
Sang-Gug Lee
Energy-Efficient Low-Complexity CMOS Pulse Generator for Multiband UWB Impulse Radio.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(11) (2008)
Quan Le
Sang-Gug Lee
Ho-Yong Kang
Sang-Hoon Chang
A CMOS Burst-Mode TIA with Step AGC and Selective Internally Created Reset for 1.25Gb/s EPON.
Quoc-Hoang Duong
Quan Le
Chang-Wan Kim
Sang-Gug Lee
A 95-dB linear low-power variable gain amplifier.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(8) (2006)
Yong-Hun Oh
Sang-Gug Lee
Quan Le
Ho-Yong Kang
Tae-Whan Yoo
A CMOS burst-mode optical transmitter for 1.25-Gb/s ethernet PON applications.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
(11) (2005)
Quan Le
Sang-Gug Lee
Yong-Hun Oh
Ho-Yong Kang
Tae-Whan Yoo
A burst-mode receiver for 1.25-Gb/s ethernet PON with AGC and internally created reset signal.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
39 (12) (2004)
Yong-Hun Oh
Quan Le
Sang-Gug Lee
Nguyen Duy Bien Yen
Ho-Yong Kang
Tae-Whan Yoo
Burst-mode transmitter for 1.25Gb/s Ethernet PON applications [passive optical networks].
Quan Le
Samy Bengio
Client Dependent GMM-SVM Models for Speaker Verification.