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EuroS&P Workshops
Enzo Marquet
Jerico Moeyersons
Erik Pohle
Michiel Van Kenhove
Aysajan Abidin
Bruno Volckaert
Secure Key Management for Multi-Party Computation in MOZAIK.
EuroS&P Workshops
Dimitri Mankowski
Thom Wiggers
Veelasha Moonsamy
TLS → Post-Quantum TLS: Inspecting the TLS landscape for PQC adoption on Android.
EuroS&P Workshops
Lilian Bossuet
Vincent Grosso
Carlos Andres Lara-Nino
Emulating Side Channel Attacks on gem5: lessons learned.
EuroS&P Workshops
Benjamin Reichenwallner
Peter Meerwald-Stadler
Simplification of General Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Expressions: GAMBA.
EuroS&P Workshops
Akshath Jain
David Rodriguez
José M. del Álamo
Norman M. Sadeh
ATLAS: Automatically Detecting Discrepancies Between Privacy Policies and Privacy Labels.
EuroS&P Workshops
Xu Zheng
Tianchun Wang
Samin Yasar Chowdhury
Ruimin Sun
Dongsheng Luo
Unsafe Behavior Detection with Adaptive Contrastive Learning in Industrial Control Systems.
EuroS&P Workshops
Blake Anderson
David A. McGrew
Assessing and Exploiting Domain Name Misinformation.
EuroS&P Workshops
Megha Sharma
Kuldeep Singh
Palvi Aggarwal
Varun Dutt
How well does GPT phish people? An investigation involving cognitive biases and feedback.
EuroS&P Workshops
Rodolfo V. Valentim
Idilio Drago
Marco Mellia
Federico Cerutti
Lost in Translation: AI-based Generator of Cross-Language Sound-squatting.
EuroS&P Workshops
Pieter Philippaerts
Davy Preuveneers
Wouter Joosen
Revisiting OAuth 2.0 Compliance: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study.
EuroS&P Workshops
Tyler Malloy
Cleotilde Gonzalez
Learning to Defend by Attacking (and Vice-Versa): Transfer of Learning in Cybersecurity Games.
EuroS&P Workshops
Javier Martínez Llamas
Davy Preuveneers
Wouter Joosen
Effective Machine Learning-based Access Control Administration through Unlearning.
EuroS&P Workshops
Jack Hughes
Alice Hutchings
Digital Drift and the Evolution of a Large Cybercrime Forum.
EuroS&P Workshops
Anne Borcherding
Mark Giraud
Ian Fitzgerald
Jürgen Beyerer
The Bandit's States: Modeling State Selection for Stateful Network Fuzzing as Multi-armed Bandit Problem.
EuroS&P Workshops
Leonie Reichert
Björn Scheuermann
An Analysis of Requirements and Privacy Threats in Mobile Data Donations.
EuroS&P Workshops
Nikolaos Lykousas
Constantinos Patsakis
Tales from the Git: Automating the detection of secrets on code and assessing developers' passwords choices.
EuroS&P Workshops
M. Patrick Collins
Alefiya Hussain
Stephen Schwab
Identifying and Differentiating Acknowledged Scanners in Network Traffic.
EuroS&P Workshops
Fatih Durmaz
Nureddin Kamadan
Melih Taha Öz
Musa Sadik Unal
Arsalan Javeed
Cemal Yilmaz
Erkay Savas
TimeInspector: A Static Analysis Approach for Detecting Timing Attacks.
EuroS&P Workshops
Jay Jacobs
Sasha Romanosky
Octavian Suciuo
Benjamin Edwards
Armin Sarabi
Enhancing Vulnerability Prioritization: Data-Driven Exploit Predictions with Community-Driven Insights.
EuroS&P Workshops
Abulfaz Hajizada
Tyler Moore
On Gaps in Enterprise Cyber Attack Reporting.
EuroS&P Workshops
Siôn Lloyd
Carlos Hernandez Gañán
Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob
Towards more rigorous domain-based metrics: quantifying the prevalence and implications of "Active" Domains.
EuroS&P Workshops
Jens Pottebaum
Jost Rossel
Juraj Somorovsky
Yasemin Acar
René Fahr
Patricia Arias Cabarcos
Eric Bodden
Iris Gräßler
Re-Envisioning Industrial Control Systems Security by Considering Human Factors as a Core Element of Defense-in-Depth.
EuroS&P Workshops
Filipo Sharevski
Jennifer Vander Loop
Peter Jachim
Amy Devine
Emma Pieroni
Talking Abortion (Mis)information with ChatGPT on TikTok.
EuroS&P Workshops
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, EuroS&P 2023 - Workshops, Delft, Netherlands, July 3-7, 2023
EuroS&P Workshops
Daniel Gibert
Jordi Planes
Quan Le
Giulio Zizzo
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Query-Free Evasion Attacks Against Machine Learning-Based Malware Detectors with Generative Adversarial Networks.
EuroS&P Workshops
Daniel Reti
Tillmann Angeli
Hans D. Schotten
Honey Infiltrator: Injecting Honeytoken Using Netfilter.
EuroS&P Workshops
Pavlo Burda
Abdul Malek Altawekji
Luca Allodi
Nicola Zannone
The Peculiar Case of Tailored Phishing against SMEs: Detection and Collective DefenseMechanisms at a Small IT Company.
EuroS&P Workshops
Samin Yasar Chowdhury
Brandon Dudley
Ruimin Sun
The Case for Virtual PLC-enabled Honeypot Design.
EuroS&P Workshops
Yuejun Guo
Seifeddine Bettaieb
An Investigation of Quality Issues in Vulnerability Detection Datasets.
EuroS&P Workshops
Giacomo Benedetti
Luca Verderame
Alessio Merlo
A Preliminary Study of Privilege Life Cycle in Software Management Platform Automation Workflows.
EuroS&P Workshops
Mohammed Asiri
Neetesh Saxena
Pete Burnap
ARCSG: Advancing Resilience of Cyber-Physical Smart Grid: An Integrated Co-Simulation Approach Incorporating Indicators of Compromise.
EuroS&P Workshops
Marcel Urpí-Bricollé
Ismael Castell-Uroz
Pere Barlet-Ros
Detecting and Analyzing Mouse Tracking in the Wild.
EuroS&P Workshops
Vincent Giraud
Guillaume Bouffard
Faulting original McEliece's implementations is possible How to mitigate this risk?
EuroS&P Workshops
Elisa Chiapponi
Marc Dacier
Olivier Thonnard
Inside Residential IP Proxies: Lessons Learned from Large Measurement Campaigns.
EuroS&P Workshops
Yunhe Yang
Mu Zhang
From Tactics to Techniques: A Systematic Attack Modeling for Advanced Persistent Threats in Industrial Control Systems.
EuroS&P Workshops
Sasha Romanosky
Peter Schirmer
Mapping the Cyberstalking Landscape: An Empirical Analysis of Federal U.S Crimes.
EuroS&P Workshops
Muhammad Yasir Muzayan Haq
Abhishta Abhishta
Raffaele Sommese
Mattijs Jonker
Lambert J. M. Nieuwenhuis
Assessing Network Operator Actions to Enhance Digital Sovereignty and Strengthen Network Resilience: A Longitudinal Analysis during the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.
EuroS&P Workshops
Yevheniya Nosyk
Olivier Hureau
Simon Fernandez
Andrzej Duda
Maciej Korczynski
Unveiling the Weak Links: Exploring DNS Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Fortifying Defenses.
EuroS&P Workshops
Magdalene Ng
Maria Bada
Kovila P. L. Coopamootoo
What We Do in the Shadows: How does Experiencing Cybercrime Affect Response Actions & Protective Practices?
EuroS&P Workshops
Ahmet Erinola
Annalina Buckmann
Jennifer Friedauer
Asli Yardim
M. Angela Sasse
"As Usual, I Needed Assistance of a Seeing Person": Experiences and Challenges of People with Disabilities and Authentication Methods.
EuroS&P Workshops
Francesco Zola
Jan Lukas Bruse
Mikel Galar
Temporal Analysis of Distribution Shifts in Malware Classification for Digital Forensics.
EuroS&P Workshops
Nikolaos Foivos Polychronou
Pierre-Henri Thevenon
Maxime Puys
Vincent Beroulle
A Hybrid Solution for Constrained Devices to Detect Microarchitectural Attacks.
EuroS&P Workshops
Francesco Ferazza
Cosimo Melella
Konstantinos Mersinas
Antonio Calcara
Divided We Hack: Exploring the Degree of Sino-Russian Coordination in Cyberspace During the Ukraine War.
EuroS&P Workshops
Carmelo Aparo
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Giuseppe Lettieri
Fabio Lucattini
Salvatore Montanarella
An Analysis System to Test Security of Software on Continuous Integration-Continuous Delivery Pipeline.
EuroS&P Workshops
Immanuel Kunz
Shuqian Xu
Privacy as an Architectural Quality: A Definition and an Architectural View.
EuroS&P Workshops
Nicolas Gaudin
Jean-Loup Hatchikian-Houdot
Frédéric Besson
Pascal Cotret
Guy Gogniat
Guillaume Hiet
Vianney Lapotre
Pierre Wilke
Work in Progress: Thwarting Timing Attacks in Microcontrollers using Fine-grained Hardware Protections.
EuroS&P Workshops
Wesley de Kraker
Harald Vranken
Arjen Hommmersom
GLICE: Combining Graph Neural Networks and Program Slicing to Improve Software Vulnerability Detection.
EuroS&P Workshops
Patrick Wake
Sue Black
Jonathan Young
Work in Progress: Evaluation of Security Standards through a Cyber Range using Hackers' Tactics, Techniques and Procedures.
EuroS&P Workshops
Weiheng Bai
Kefu Wu
Qiushi Wu
Kangjie Lu
Guiding Directed Fuzzing with Feasibility.
EuroS&P Workshops
James Burroughs
Michal Tereszkowski-Kaminski
Guillermo Suarez-Tangil
Visualizing Cyber-Threats in Underground Forums.
EuroS&P Workshops