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Pedro Arias
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2024
Publications (10 Years): 25
Top Topics
Land Cover Classification
Semantic Segmentation
Point Cloud
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng.
Erik Rúa
Pedro Arias
Ángeles Saavedra
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Combination of macroscopic and microscopic crash prediction models with multiple modeling approaches: A highway case study.
Expert Syst. Appl.
258 (2024)
Lino Comesaña-Cebral
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Gabriel Suárez-Fernández
Pedro Arias
Wildfire response of forest species from multispectral LiDAR data. A deep learning approach with synthetic data.
Ecol. Informatics
81 (2024)
Zhouyan Qiu
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Pedro Arias
Mihai Datcu
A novel low-cost multi-sensor solution for pavement distress segmentation and characterization at night.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
120 (2023)
Saqib Nazir
Zhouyan Qiu
Daniela Coltuc
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Pedro Arias
iDFD: A Dataset Annotated for Depth and Defocus.
SCIA (1)
Erik Rúa
Antón Núñez-Seoane
Pedro Arias
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Automatic detection to inventory road slopes using open LiDAR point clouds.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
118 (2023)
Zhouyan Qiu
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Pedro Arias
A novel license plate detection based Time-To-Collision calculation for forward collision warning using Azure Kinect.
Zhouyan Qiu
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Víctor M. Brea
Paula López
Pedro Arias
Low-cost mobile mapping system solution for traffic sign segmentation using Azure Kinect.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
112 (2022)
Pablo del Río-Barral
Mario Soilán
Silvia María González-Collazo
Pedro Arias
Pavement Crack Detection and Clustering via Region-Growing Algorithm from 3D MLS Point Clouds.
Remote. Sens.
14 (22) (2022)
Iván Garrido
Jorge Erazo-Aux
Susana Lagüela
Stefano Sfarra
Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo
Elena Pivarciová
Gianfranco Gargiulo
Xavier Maldague
Pedro Arias
Introduction of Deep Learning in Thermographic Monitoring of Cultural Heritage and Improvement by Automatic Thermogram Pre-Processing Algorithms.
21 (3) (2021)
Sergio de Paz Mouriño
Jesús Balado
Pedro Arias
Multiview Rasterization of Street Cross-sections Acquired with Mobile Laser Scanning for Semantic Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks.
Jesús Balado
Pedro Arias
Henrique Lorenzo
Adrián Meijide-Rodríguez
Disturbance Analysis in the Classification of Objects Obtained from Urban LiDAR Point Clouds with Convolutional Neural Networks.
Remote. Sens.
13 (11) (2021)
Lino Comesaña-Cebral
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Henrique Lorenzo
Pedro Arias
Individual Tree Segmentation Method Based on Mobile Backpack LiDAR Point Clouds.
21 (18) (2021)
Iván Garrido
Susana Lagüela
Stefano Sfarra
Pedro Arias
Development of Thermal Principles for the Automation of the Thermographic Monitoring of Cultural Heritage.
20 (12) (2020)
Jesús Balado
Elena González
Pedro Arias
David Castro
Novel Approach to Automatic Traffic Sign Inventory Based on Mobile Mapping System Data and Deep Learning.
Remote. Sens.
12 (3) (2020)
Mario Soilán
Belén Riveiro
Jesús Balado
Pedro Arias
Comparison of heuristic and deep learning-based methods for ground classification from aerial point clouds.
Int. J. Digit. Earth
13 (10) (2020)
Roi Otero
Ernesto Frías
Susana Lagüela
Pedro Arias
Automatic gbXML Modeling from LiDAR Data for Energy Studies.
Remote. Sens.
12 (17) (2020)
Ana Sánchez-Rodríguez
Mario Soilán
Manuel Cabaleiro
Pedro Arias
Automated Inspection of Railway Tunnels' Power Line Using LiDAR Point Clouds.
Remote. Sens.
11 (21) (2019)
Jesús Balado
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Pedro Arias
Ana Novo
Road Environment Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning from MLS Point Cloud Data.
19 (16) (2019)
Luis Miguel González-deSantos
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Higinio González-Jorge
Maria Ribeiro
João Borges de Sousa
Pedro Arias
Payload for Contact Inspection Tasks with UAV Systems.
19 (17) (2019)
Jesús Balado
Pedro Arias
Lucía Díaz-Vilariño
Luis M. González-de Santos
Automatic CORINE land cover classification from airborne LIDAR data.
Susana Lagüela
Iago Dorado
Manuel Gesto
Pedro Arias
Diego González-Aguilera
Henrique Lorenzo
Behavior Analysis of Novel Wearable Indoor Mapping System Based on 3D-SLAM.
18 (3) (2018)
Alberto Holgado-Barco
Belén Riveiro
Diego González-Aguilera
Pedro Arias
Automatic Inventory of Road Cross-Sections from Mobile Laser Scanning System.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng.
32 (1) (2017)
Martín Bueno
Lucía Díaz-Vilariño
Higinio González-Jorge
Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Pedro Arias
Quantitative Evaluation of CHT and GHT for Column Detection under Different Conditions of Data Quality.
J. Comput. Civ. Eng.
31 (5) (2017)
Belén Riveiro
Paulo B. Lourenço
Daniel V. Oliveira
Higinio González-Jorge
Pedro Arias
Automatic Morphologic Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Masonry Walls from LiDAR.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng.
31 (4) (2016)
Belén Riveiro
Lucía Díaz-Vilariño
Borja Conde-Carnero
Mario Soilán
Pedro Arias
Automatic Segmentation and Shape-Based Classification of Retro-Reflective Traffic Signs from Mobile LiDAR Data.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
9 (1) (2016)
Lucía Díaz-Vilariño
Kourosh Khoshelham
Joaquin Martinez-Sanchez
Pedro Arias
3D Modeling of Building Indoor Spaces and Closed Doors from Imagery and Point Clouds.
15 (2) (2015)
M. Varela-González
Higinio González-Jorge
Belén Riveiro
Pedro Arias
Performance testing of LiDAR exploitation software.
Comput. Geosci.
54 (2013)
Lucía Díaz-Vilariño
Susana Lagüela
Julia Armesto
Pedro Arias
As-built BIM with shades modeling for energy analysis.
Aurora Cuartero
Julia Armesto
Pablo García Rodríguez
Pedro Arias
Error Analysis of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data by Means of Spherical Statistics and 3D Graphs.
10 (11) (2010)
Celestino Ordóñez
Belén Riveiro
Pedro Arias
Julia Armesto
Application of Close Range Photogrammetry to Deck Measurement in Recreational Ships.
9 (9) (2009)
Javier Roca-Pardiñas
Henrique Lorenzo
Pedro Arias
Julia Armesto
From laser point clouds to surfaces: Statistical nonparametric methods for three-dimensional reconstruction.
Comput. Aided Des.
40 (5) (2008)
Pedro Arias
J. Carlos Caamaño
Henrique Lorenzo
Julia Armesto
3D Modeling and Section Properties of Ancient Irregular Timber Structures by Means of Digital Photogrammetry.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng.
22 (8) (2007)
Pedro Arias
Julia Armesto
Henrique Lorenzo
Celestino Ordóñez
Terrestrial laser technology in sporting craft 3D modelling.