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Maureen Biggers
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
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Chemical Engineering
Electronic Documents
Top Venues
Minji Jeon
Jacob Koressel
Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich
Alan Peterfreund
Sarah Dunton
Jeffrey Xavier
Carol L. Fletcher
Rebecca Zarch
Maureen Biggers
Debra J. Richardson
Joshua Childs
Leigh Ann DeLyser
John Goodhue
Document Analysis of ECEP Longitudinal Data: A Case Study with Indiana.
Carol L. Fletcher
Sarah T. Dunton
Ryan Torbey
John Goodhue
Maureen Biggers
Joshua Childs
Leigh Ann DeLyser
Anne Leftwich
Debra J. Richardson
Leveraging Collective Impact to Promote Systemic Change in CS Education.
Wendy M. DuBow
Elizabeth Litzler
Maureen Biggers
Mike Erlinger
Implementing evidence-based practices makes a difference in female undergraduate enrollments.
Susan Horwitz
Susan H. Rodger
Maureen Biggers
David W. Binkley
C. Kolin Frantz
Dawn Gundermann
Susanne E. Hambrusch
Steven Huss-Lederman
Ethan V. Munson
Barbara G. Ryder
Monica Sweat
Using peer-led team learning to increase participation and success of under-represented groups in introductory computer science.
Maureen Biggers
Tuba Yilmaz
Monica Sweat
Using collaborative, modified peer led team learning to improve student success and retention in intro cs.
Amy S. Bruckman
Maureen Biggers
Barbara Ericson
Tom McKlin
Jill P. Dimond
Betsy James DiSalvo
Mike Hewner
Lijun Ni
Sarita Yardi
"Georgia computes!": improving the computing education pipeline.
Gerry V. Dozier
Maureen Biggers
D. Scott McCrickard
Building diversity in the undergraduate computer science research pipeline.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference
Maureen Biggers
Anne Brauer
Tuba Yilmaz
Student perceptions of computer science: a retention study comparing graduating seniors with cs leavers.
Barbara Ericson
Mark Guzdial
Maureen Biggers
Improving secondary CS education: progress and problems.
Barbara Ericson
Mark Guzdial
Maureen Biggers
A model for improving secondary CS education.