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Marc A. Sommer
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1994-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Probabilistic Inference
Virtual Environment
Bucket Elimination
Neural Network
Top Venues
Yucheng Chen
Pingping Zhu
Anthony Alers
Tobias Egner
Marc A. Sommer
Silvia Ferrari
Heuristic Satisficing Inferential Decision Making in Human and Robot Active Perception.
Sicong Liu
Jillian M. Clements
Elayna P. Kirsch
Hrishikesh M. Rao
David J. Zielinski
Yvonne Lu
Boyla O. Mainsah
Nicholas D. Potter
Marc A. Sommer
Regis Kopper
Lawrence G. Appelbaum
Psychophysiological Markers of Performance and Learning during Simulated Marksmanship in Immersive Virtual Reality.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
33 (7) (2021)
Md Navid Akbar
Mathew Yarossi
Marc Martinez-Gost
Marc A. Sommer
Moritz Dannhauer
Sumientra Rampersad
Dana H. Brooks
Eugene Tunik
Deniz Erdogmus
Mapping Motor Cortex Stimulation to Muscle Responses: A Deep Neural Network Modeling Approach.
Md Navid Akbar
Mathew Yarossi
Marc Martinez-Gost
Marc A. Sommer
Moritz Dannhauer
Sumientra Rampersad
Dana H. Brooks
Eugene Tunik
Deniz Erdogmus
Mapping motor cortex stimulation to muscle responses: a deep neural network modeling approach.
Mathew Yarossi
Fernando Quivira
Moritz Dannhauer
Marc A. Sommer
Dana H. Brooks
Deniz Erdogmus
Eugene Tunik
An experimental and computational framework for modeling multi-muscle responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human motor cortex.
Jillian M. Clements
Regis Kopper
David J. Zielinski
Hrishikesh Rao
Marc A. Sommer
Elayna P. Kirsch
Boyla O. Mainsah
Leslie M. Collins
Lawrence G. Appelbaum
Neurophysiology of Visual-Motor Learning During a Simulated Marksmanship Task in Immersive Virtual Reality.
Hanna Oh-Descher
Jeffrey M. Beck
Silvia Ferrari
Marc A. Sommer
Tobias Egner
Probabilistic inference under time pressure leads to a cortical-to-subcortical shift in decision evidence integration.
162 (2017)
Hrishikesh M. Rao
Juan San Juan
Fred Y. Shen
Jennifer E. Villa
Kimia S. Rafie
Marc A. Sommer
Neural Network Evidence for the Coupling of Presaccadic Visual Remapping to Predictive Eye Position Updating.
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci.
10 (2016)
David J. Zielinski
Marc A. Sommer
Hrishikesh M. Rao
Lawrence G. Appelbaum
Nicholas D. Potter
Regis Kopper
Evaluating the effects of image persistence on dynamic target acquisition in low frame rate virtual environments.
David J. Zielinski
Hrishikesh M. Rao
Marc A. Sommer
Regis Kopper
Exploring the effects of image persistence in low frame rate virtual environments.
W. Richards
H. R. Wilson
Marc A. Sommer
Chaos in percepts?
Biol. Cybern.
70 (4) (1994)