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Maíra Marques
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2024
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Literature Review
Software Engineering
Product Line
Engineering Courses
Top Venues
Inf. Softw. Technol.
HCI (8)
Tomás Vera
Anelis Pereira Vale
Daniel Perovich
Sergio F. Ochoa
Maíra Marques
Making Explicit the Problem and Context to Address in Project-Based Software Engineering Courses.
HCI (8)
Maíra Marques
Roc Meseguer
Sergio F. Ochoa
Luis Silvestre
Coordination and Awareness Mechanisms to Support Collaboration in Project-based Software Engineering Courses.
Maíra Marques
Jocelyn Simmonds
Pedro O. Rossel
María Cecilia Bastarrica
Software product line evolution: A systematic literature review.
Inf. Softw. Technol.
105 (2019)
María Cecilia Bastarrica
Daniel Perovich
Francisco J. Gutierrez
Maíra Marques
A grading schema for reinforcing teamwork quality in a capstone course.
ICSE (Companion Volume)
Maíra Marques
Javier Robledo
What Software Engineering "Best Practices" are we Teaching Students - a Systematic Literature Review.
Maíra Marques
Sergio F. Ochoa
María Cecilia Bastarrica
Francisco J. Gutierrez
Enhancing the Student Learning Experience in Software Engineering Project Courses.
IEEE Trans. Educ.
61 (1) (2018)
Carolina Fuentes
Valeria Herskovic
Iyubanit Rodriguez
Carmen Gerea
Maíra Marques
Pedro O. Rossel
A systematic literature review about technologies for self-reporting emotional information.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
8 (4) (2017)
Sergio F. Ochoa
Romain Robbes
Maíra Marques
Luis Silvestre
Alcides Quispe
What Differentiates Chilean Niche Software Companies: Business Knowledge and Reputation.
IEEE Softw.
34 (3) (2017)
Maíra Marques
Sergio F. Ochoa
María Cecilia Bastarrica
Software Engineering Education in Chile - Status Report.
Maíra Marques
A Prescriptive Software Process for Academic Scenarios.
Luis Silvestre
Sergio F. Ochoa
Maíra Marques
Understanding the design of software development teams for academic scenarios.
Maíra Marques
Software engineering education - Does gender matter in project results? - A Chilean case study.
Carolina Fuentes
Carmen Gerea
Valeria Herskovic
Maíra Marques
Iyubanit Rodriguez
Pedro O. Rossel
User Interfaces for Self-reporting Emotions: A Systematic Literature Review.
Maíra Marques
Sergio F. Ochoa
Improving teamwork in students software projects.
Alcides Quispe
Maíra Marques
Luis Silvestre
Sergio F. Ochoa
Romain Robbes
Requirements Engineering Practices in Very Small Software Enterprises: A Diagnostic Study.
Maíra Marques
Sergio F. Ochoa
Alcides Quispe
Luis Silvestre
Agustín Villena
Coordination and pressing: A formula for teamwork - A case study.