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Lars Richter
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2018
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Structural Model
Open Data
Scoring Functions
Windows Nt
Top Venues
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
Daniel W. E. Hein
Philipp A. Rauschnabel
Jun He
Lars Richter
Björn Sven Ivens
What Drives the Adoption of Autonomous Cars?
David C. B. Siebert
Marcus Wieder
Lydia Schlener
Petra Scholze
Stefan Boresch
Thierry Langer
Michael Schnürch
Marko D. Mihovilovic
Lars Richter
Margot Ernst
Gerhard F. Ecker
SAR-Guided Scoring Function and Mutational Validation Reveal the Binding Mode of CGS-8216 at the α1+/γ2- Benzodiazepine Site.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
58 (8) (2018)
Lars Richter
Topliss Batchwise Schemes Reviewed in the Era of Open Data Reveal Significant Differences between Enzymes and Membrane Receptors.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
57 (10) (2017)
Sankalp Jain
Melanie Grandits
Lars Richter
Gerhard F. Ecker
Structure based classification for bile salt export pump (BSEP) inhibitors using comparative structural modeling of human BSEP.
J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des.
31 (6) (2017)
Lars Richter
Johannes Götzfried
Tilo Müller
Isolating Operating System Components with Intel SGX.
Borja Rodríguez-Herreros
Julià L. Amengual
Ane Gurtubay-Antolín
Lars Richter
Philipp Jauer
Christian Erdmann
Achim Schweikard
Joan López-Moliner
Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells
Thomas F. Münte
Microstructure of the superior longitudinal fasciculus predicts stimulation-induced interference with on-line motor control.
120 (2015)
Lars Richter
Ralf Bruder
Design, implementation and evaluation of an independent real-time safety layer for medical robotic systems using a force-torque-acceleration (FTA) sensor.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg.
8 (3) (2013)
Lars Richter
Ralf Bruder
Achim Schweikard
Hand-assisted positioning and contact pressure control for motion compensated robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg.
7 (6) (2012)
Philipp Grüning
Patrick Stüber
Lars Richter
Oliver Blanck
Ralf Bruder
Achim Schweikard
Estimation for error sources for optical head tracking in cranial radiation therapy.
Lars Richter
Ralf Bruder
Alexander Schlaefer
Achim Schweikard
Realisierung einer schnellen und wiederholbaren Hot-Spot-Bestimmung für die robotergestützte Transkranielle Magnetstimulation mittels Kraft-Momenten-Steuerung.
Lars Richter
Ralf Bruder
Peter Trillenberg
Achim Schweikard
Navigated and Robotized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation based on 3D Laser Scans.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Ralf Bruder
Philipp Jauer
Floris Ernst
Lars Richter
Achim Schweikard
Real-time 4D ultrasound visualization with the Voreen framework.
Lars Richter
Lars Matthäus
Peter Trillenberg
Claudia Diekmann
Dirk Rasche
Achim Schweikard
Behandlung von chronischem Tinnitus mit roboterunterstützter TMS.
GI Jahrestagung