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Kwang-Eun Ko
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2023
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Nonverbal Communication
Deep Learning
Surveillance System
Pose Estimation
Top Venues
Int. J. Humanoid Robotics
Comput. Electron. Agric.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
Chanyoung Yoon
Yoongu Lim
Dongwook Lee
Kwang-Eun Ko
Deep Learning-based Head Pose Estimation for Enhancing Nonverbal Communication in Human-Robot Interaction.
JoonYoung Kim
HyeRan Pyo
Inhoon Jang
Jaehyeon Kang
Byeong-Kwon Ju
Kwang-Eun Ko
Tomato harvesting robotic system based on Deep-ToMaToS: Deep learning network using transformation loss for 6D pose estimation of maturity classified tomatoes with side-stem.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
201 (2022)
Kwang-Eun Ko
Inhoon Jang
Jeong Hee Choi
Jeong Ho Lim
Da Uhm Lee
Stochastic Decision Fusion of Convolutional Neural Networks for Tomato Ripeness Detection in Agricultural Sorting Systems.
21 (3) (2021)
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Deep convolutional framework for abnormal behavior detection in a smart surveillance system.
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell.
67 (2018)
Kyunghwan Cho
Kwang-Eun Ko
Heereen Shim
Inhoon Jang
Development of Automatic Virtual Guidance Visualization System for Teleoperation Using Object Detection.
Heereen Shim
Kyunghwan Cho
Kwang-Eun Ko
In-Hoon Jang
Kwee-Bo Sim
Multi-tasking deep convolutional network architecture design for extracting nonverbal communicative information from a face.
Cogn. Syst. Res.
52 (2018)
Kyunghwan Cho
Kwang-Eun Ko
Heereen Shim
Inhoon Jang
Development of VR visualization system including deep learning architecture for improving teleoperability.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Imitative Neural Mechanism-Based Behavior Intention Recognition System in Human-Robot Interaction.
Int. J. Humanoid Robotics
11 (4) (2014)
XinYang Yu
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Discriminative Power Feature Selection Method for Motor Imagery EEG Classification in Brain Computer Interface Systems.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
13 (1) (2013)
Jun-Yeup Kim
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Optimal EEG Channel Selection for Motor Imagery BCI System Using BPSO and GA.
Pharino Chum
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Optimal EEG feature selection by genetic algorithm for classification of imagination of hand movement.
Pharino Chum
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Particle Swarm Optimization Based Optimal Spatial-Spectral-Temporal Component Search in Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface.
Makara Vanny
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Analysis of Physiological Signals for Emotion Recognition Based on Support Vector Machine.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Junheong Park
Seung-Min Park
Jun-Yeup Kim
Kwee-Bo Sim
Occluded Object Motion Estimation System based on Particle Filter with 3D Reconstruction.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
12 (1) (2012)
Thanh Ha Nguyen
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Improvement of Spatial Filtering by Using ICA in Auditory Stimuli BCI Systems of Hand Movement.
Jun-Yeup Kim
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
A Binary PSO-Based Optimal EEG Channel Selection Method for a Motor Imagery Based BCI System.
Thanh Ha Nguyen
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Invariant common spatial pattern advanced feature extraction in mu rhythms of EEG signals.
Seung-Min Park
Kwang-Eun Ko
Junheong Park
Kwee-Bo Sim
A study on hybrid model of HMMs and GMMs for mirror neuron system modeling using EEG signals.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Optimized adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for motor imagery EEG signals classifications.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Optimized Hidden Markov Model for Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Development of a Facial Emotion Recognition Method Based on Combining AAM with DBN.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Emotion Recognition in Facial Image Sequences Using a Combination of AAM with FACS and DBN.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Development of the facial feature extraction and emotion recognition method based on ASM and Bayesian network.
Kwang-Eun Ko
Kwee-Bo Sim
Context Aware System based on Bayesian Network driven Context Reasoning and Ontology Context Modeling.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
8 (4) (2008)
Sang-Wook Seo
Kwang-Eun Ko
Se-Hee Hwang
In-Hun Jang
Kwee-Bo Sim
Bluetooth Network for Group Behavior of Multi-Agent Robotic System.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
7 (1) (2007)
Kwang-Eun Ko
Young-Im Cho
Kwee-Bo Sim
Fingerprint Matching Algorithm using String-Based MHC Detector Set.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst.
7 (2) (2007)