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James Marsh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2019
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Virtual Reality Environments
Computer Interface
Top Venues
James Marsh
Stephen Pettifer
Cliff Richardson
Jai Kulkarni
Experiences of treating phantom limb pain using immersive virtual reality.
Steve Pettifer
Philip McDermott
James Marsh
David Thorne
Alice Villéger
Terri K. Attwood
Ceci n'est pas un hamburger: modelling and representing the scholarly article.
Learn. Publ.
24 (3) (2011)
Terri K. Attwood
Douglas B. Kell
Philip McDermott
James Marsh
Stephen Pettifer
David Thorne
Utopia documents: linking scholarly literature with research data.
26 (18) (2010)
Alain Coletta
John W. Pinney
David Y. Weiss Solís
James Marsh
Steve Pettifer
Teresa K. Attwood
Low-complexity regions within protein sequences have position-dependent roles.
BMC Syst. Biol.
4 (2010)
Steve Pettifer
David Thorne
Philip McDermott
James Marsh
Alice Villéger
Douglas B. Kell
Teresa K. Attwood
Visualising biological data: a semantic approach to tool and database integration.
BMC Bioinform.
10 (S-6) (2009)
John M. Brooke
James Marsh
Steve Pettifer
L. S. Sastry
The importance of locality in the visualization of large datasets.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
19 (2) (2007)
Steve Pettifer
Katy Wolstencroft
Pinar Alper
Teresa K. Attwood
Alain Coletta
Carole A. Goble
Peter Li
Philip McDermott
James Marsh
Tom Oinn
James Sinnott
David Thorne
Grid and UTOPIA: An Integrated Approach to Enacting and Visualising in Silico Experiments in the Life Sciences.
James Marsh
Mashhuda Glencross
Steve Pettifer
Roger J. Hubbold
A Network Architecture Supporting Consistent Rich Behavior in Collaborative Interactive Applications.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
12 (3) (2006)
James Marsh
Steve Pettifer
Daniel Hanlon
Stephen Pickles
Jon MacLaren
Martyn Foster
GRENADE: A Grid Enabled Desktop Environment.
James Marsh
Mashhuda Glencross
Steve Pettifer
Roger J. Hubbold
Jonathan Cook
Sylvain Daubrenet
Minimising latency and maintaining consistency in distributed virtual prototyping.
Mashhuda Glencross
James Marsh
Jonathan Cook
Sylvain Daubrenet
Steve Pettifer
Roger J. Hubbold
DIVIPRO: Distributed Interactive VIrtual PROtotoyping.
SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications
Steve Pettifer
James Marsh
A Collaborative Access Model for Shared Virtual Environments.
Daphne Economou
William L. Mitchell
Steve Pettifer
Jonathan Cook
James Marsh
User centred virtual actor technology.
Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage
Steve Pettifer
Jonathan Cook
James Marsh
Adrian J. West
DEVA3: architecture for a large-scale distributed virtual reality system.