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Huy Le
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2024
Publications (10 Years): 32
Top Topics
Currency Exchange
Variational Inference
Qr Code
Smart Devices
Top Venues
Multimodal Technol. Interact.
Huy Le
Tung Kieu
Anh Nguyen
Ngan Le
WAVER: Writing-Style Agnostic Text-Video Retrieval Via Distilling Vision-Language Models Through Open-Vocabulary Knowledge.
Huy Le
Philipp Schillinger
Miroslav Gabriel
Alexander Qualmann
Ngo Anh Vien
Pseudo Labeling and Contextual Curriculum Learning for Online Grasp Learning in Robotic Bin Picking.
Huy Le
Philipp Schillinger
Miroslav Gabriel
Alexander Qualmann
Ngo Anh Vien
Pseudo-Labeling and Contextual Curriculum Learning for Online Grasp Learning in Robotic Bin Picking.
Billy Pham
Huy Le
Sisu: Decentralized Trustless Bridge For Full Ethereum Node.
Emanuela Marasco
Karl Ricanek
Huy Le
We Are Also Metabolites: Towards Understanding the Composition of Sweat on Fingertips via Hyperspectral Imaging.
3 (2) (2023)
Anh Nguyen-Duc
Beatriz Cabrero Daniel
Adam Przybylek
Chetan Arora
Dron Khanna
Tomas Herda
Usman Rafiq
Jorge Melegati
Eduardo Guerra
Kai-Kristian Kemell
Mika Saari
Zheying Zhang
Huy Le
Tho Quan
Pekka Abrahamsson
Generative Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering - A Research Agenda.
Huy Le
Tung Kieu
Anh Nguyen
Ngan Le
WAVER: Writing-style Agnostic Video Retrieval via Distilling Vision-Language Models Through Open-Vocabulary Knowledge.
Thanh-Ha Do
Huy Le
Trung-Hieu Ha
COVID-Net Network and Application on Support Diagnosis COVID-19 over X-ray Images.
Minh-Vuong Nguyen-Thi
Huy Le
Truong Le
Tung Le
Huy Tien Nguyen
Youtube Engagement Analytics via Deep Multimodal Fusion Model.
Quan Nguyen
Minh Nguyen
Bowen Sun
Huy Le
New Zealand Shellfish Detection, Recognition and Counting: A Deep Learning Approach on Mobile Devices.
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Wei Qi Yan
Saide Lo
Training a convolutional neural network for transportation sign detection using synthetic dataset.
Hoa Nguyen
Minh Nguyen
Quan Nguyen
Shu Yang
Huy Le
Web-based object detection and sound feedback system for visually impaired people.
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Wei Qi Yan
Machine Learning with Synthetic Data - a New Way to Learn and Classify the Pictorial Augmented Reality Markers in Real-Time.
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Quan Nguyen
Hoa Nguyen
Wei Qi Yan
Automatic Data Generation for Deep Learning Model Training of Image Classification used for Augmented Reality on Pre-school Books.
Minh Nguyen
Huy Le
Wei Qi Yan
Red-Green-Blue Augmented Reality Tags for Retail Stores.
Huy Le
Robert G. Clapp
Stewart A. Levin
Biondo Biondi
A pipeline approach for three dimensional time-domain finite-difference multi-parameter waveform inversion on GPUs.
Comput. Geosci.
140 (2020)
Minh Nguyen
Minh Phu Lai
Huy Le
Wei Qi Yan
A Web-based Augmented Reality Plat-form using Pictorial QR Code for Educational Purposes and Beyond.
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Wei Qi Yan
A Web-Based Augmented Reality Approach to Instantly View and Display 4D Medical Images.
ACPR (2)
Tai Hoang
Huy Le
Tho Quan
Towards Autoencoding Variational Inference for Aspect-Based Opinion Summary.
Appl. Artif. Intell.
33 (9) (2019)
Tai Hoang
Huy Le
Tho Quan
Towards Autoencoding Variational Inference for Aspect-based Opinion Summary.
Dang Pham
Huy Le
Tho Quan
Transfer learning for a Vietnamese dialogue system.
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Wei Qi Yan
CSPM: A Novel Curtain Style Pictorial Marker for Enhancing Augmented Reality Experiences.
Tri-Viet Vo
Minh Nguyen
Huy Le
Augmented Reality on Mobile Platform: A New Way to Instantly View and Display Foreign Currency Exchange Rate.
Minh Nguyen
Huy Le
Wei Qi Yan
Arpita Dawda
A Vision Aid for the Visually Impaired using Commodity Dual-Rear-Camera Smartphones.
Minh Nguyen
Huy Tran
Huy Le
Exploration of the 3D World on the Internet Using Commodity Virtual Reality Devices.
Multimodal Technol. Interact.
1 (3) (2017)
Minh Nguyen
Huy Tran
Huy Le
Wei Qi Yan
A tile based colour picture with hidden QR code for augmented reality and beyond.
Lei Qiu
Minh Nguyen
Huy Tran
Huy Le
WeiQi Yan
Digital map using augmented reality on smart devices: Motivation, design, and implementation.
Huy Tran
Minh Nguyen
Huy Le
Wei Qi Yan
A personalised stereoscopic 3D gallery with virtual reality technology on smartphone.
Minh Nguyen
Huy Le
Huy Tran
Wai K. Yeap
Adaptive stereo vision system using portable low-cost 3D mini camera lens.
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Enhancing Textbook Study Experiences with Pictorial Bar-Codes and Augmented Reality.
CAIP (2)
Huy Le
Minh Nguyen
Huy Tran
Wai-Kiang Yeap
Pictorial AR Tag with Hidden Multi-Level Bar-Code and Its Potential Applications.
Multimodal Technol. Interact.
1 (3) (2017)
Hojeong Yu
Huy Le
Steven Lumetta
Brian T. Cunningham
Eliangiringa Kaale
Thomas Layloff
Smartphone-based thin layer chromatography for the discrimination of falsified medicines.
Chinmay Eishan Kulkarni
Pang Wei Wei
Huy Le
Daniel Jin hao Chia
Kathryn Papadopoulos
Justin Cheng
Daphne Koller
Scott R. Klemmer
Peer and self assessment in massive online classes.
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact.
20 (6) (2013)
Carol A. Thornson
Brian F. Goldiez
Huy Le
Predicting presence: Constructing the Tendency toward Presence Inventory.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.
67 (1) (2009)
Huy Le
Jerry T. Wong
Sabee Molloi
Estimation of regional myocardial mass at risk based on distal arterial lumen volume and length using 3D micro-CT images.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph.
32 (6) (2008)
Huy Le
Paul D. Coddington
Andrew L. Wendelborn
A Data-Aware Resource Broker for Data Grids.