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Carlos Cruz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2024
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Capacity Constraints
Scheduling Algorithm
Electronic Nose
Video Games
Top Venues
Comput. Hum. Behav.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
Marcelino Cabrera
Carlos Cruz
Pavel Novoa-Hernández
David A. Pelta
José Luis Verdegay Galdeano
Trustworthy human-centric based Automated Decision-Making Systems.
Luís Marques
Luís Félix
Gonçalo Cruz
Vasco Coelho
João Caetano
Alberto Vale
Carlos Cruz
Luís Alves
Pedro Vaz
Neutron and Gamma-Ray Detection System Coupled to a Multirotor for Screening of Shipping Container Cargo.
23 (1) (2023)
Pedro Ruas
Diana F. Sousa
André Neves
Carlos Cruz
Francisco M. Couto
LASIGE and UNICAGE solution to the NASA LitCoin NLP Competition.
Miguel Ferreira
André Neves
Rodrigo Gorjão
Carlos Cruz
Miguel L. Pardal
Smart meter data processing: a showcase for simple and efficient textual processing.
Carlos Cruz
Daniel Matatagui
Cristina Ramírez
Isidro Badillo-Ramirez
Emmanuel de la O.-Cuevas
José Manuel Saniger
María Carmen Horrillo
Carbon SH-SAW-Based Electronic Nose to Discriminate and Classify Sub-ppm NO2.
22 (3) (2022)
Esther Palomar
Carlos Cruz
Ignacio G. Bravo
Alfredo Gardel Vicente
Performance Evaluation of a Collaborative IoT Framework for Energy-Efficient Communities.
Carlos Cruz
Esther Palomar
Ignacio G. Bravo
Alfredo Gardel Vicente
Towards Sustainable Energy-Efficient Communities Based on a Scheduling Algorithm.
19 (18) (2019)
Marina Torres
David A. Pelta
José L. Verdegay
Carlos Cruz
Towards adaptive maps.
Int. J. Intell. Syst.
34 (3) (2019)
Esther Palomar
Carlos Cruz
Ignacio G. Bravo
Alfredo Gardel Vicente
Cooperative System and Scheduling Algorithm for Sustainable Energy-Efficient Communities.
Carlos Cruz
Michael D. Hanus
Jesse Fox
The need to achieve: Players' perceptions and uses of extrinsic meta-game reward systems for video game consoles.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
71 (2017)
Marina Torres
David A. Pelta
Carlos Cruz
José L. Verdegay
Personalized route problem with fuzzy constraints.
Isis Torres Pérez
Carlos Cruz
Alejandro Rosete-Suárez
José L. Verdegay
A Characterization of the Performance of Ordering Methods in TTRP with Fuzzy Coefficients in the Capacity Constraints.
IPMU (2)
Morgan E. Ellithorpe
Carlos Cruz
John A. Velez
David R. Ewoldsen
Adam K. Bogert
Moral License in Video Games: When Being Right Can Mean Doing Wrong.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
18 (4) (2015)
Jesse Fox
Carlos Cruz
Ji Young Lee
Perpetuating online sexism offline: Anonymity, interactivity, and the effects of sexist hashtags on social media.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
52 (2015)
Germán Terrazas
Carlos Cruz
Juan Ramón González
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (Part I).
Memetic Comput.
3 (3) (2011)
Juan Ramón González
Carlos Cruz
Ignacio García del Amo
David A. Pelta
An Adaptive Multiagent Strategy for Solving Combinatorial Dynamic Optimization Problems.
Germán Terrazas
Carlos Cruz
Juan Ramón González
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (Part II).
Memetic Comput.
3 (4) (2011)
Carlos Cruz
Juan Ramón González
David A. Pelta
Optimization in dynamic environments: a survey on problems, methods and measures.
Soft Comput.
15 (7) (2011)
Claudio Rossi
Leyre Aldama
Antonio Barrientos
Alberto Valero
Carlos Cruz
Negotiation of target points for teams of heterogeneous robots: an application to exploration.
Dagoberto Castellanos Nieves
Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis
Rafael Valencia-García
Carlos Cruz
Maria Paz Prendes-Espinosa
Rodrigo Martínez-Béjar
Using Semantic Web Technologies for the Assessment of Open Questions.