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Beste Özcan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Virtual Reality
Social Interaction
Emotional Intelligence
Activity Recognition
Top Venues
Int. J. Soc. Robotics
HCI (49)
Clara Sardella
Claudia Di Marco
Martina Porcelli
Jasmine Miozzi
Valerio Sperati
Beste Özcan
Massimiliano De Luca
Alessandro Pecora
Massimiliano Schembri
Gianluca Baldassarre
Riccardo Santilli
The use of Transitional Wearable Companion toys to promote children's emotional intelligence: the Emotion-Lab program.
Valerio Sperati
Beste Özcan
Federica Giovannone
Massimiliano Schembri
Noemi Faedda
Carla Sogos
Vincenzo Guidetti
Gianluca Baldassarre
A tangible, toy-based platform to evaluate the child's social interaction in turn-taking game: a prospective on monitoring neurodevelopmental disorders.
Beste Özcan
Valerio Sperati
Flora Giocondo
Jonata Tyska Carvalho
Gianluca Baldassarre
Co-designing play activities and monitoring tools with smart interactive toys to support early intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder and comparable neurodevelopmental conditions.
Flora Giocondo
Noemi Faedda
Gioia Cavalli
Massimiliano Schembri
Francesco Montedori
Federica Giovannone
Carla Sogos
Vincenzo Guidetti
Valerio Sperati
Beste Özcan
Gianluca Baldassarre
Supporting turn-taking activities: a pilot study using a smart toy with children with a diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Beste Özcan
Valerio Sperati
Flora Giocondo
Massimiliano Schembri
Gianluca Baldassarre
Multi-sensory Wearable Bio-feedback Pillow to Enhance Genuine Feeling of Intimate Connection.
Flora Giocondo
Noemi Faedda
Gioia Cavalli
Valerio Sperati
Beste Özcan
Federica Giovannone
Carla Sogos
Vincenzo Guidetti
Gianluca Baldassarre
Leveraging curiosity to encourage social interactions in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: preliminary results using the interactive toy PlusMe.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Beste Özcan
Valerio Sperati
Flora Giocondo
Massimiliano Schembri
Gianluca Baldassarre
Interactive soft toys to support social engagement through sensory-motor plays in early intervention of kids with special needs.
Francesco Montedori
Francesca Romana Mattei
Beste Özcan
Massimiliano Schembri
Valerio Sperati
Gianluca Baldassarre
A Novel System Based on a Smart Toy Responding to Child's Facial Expressions: Potential Use in Early Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
HCI (48)
Beste Özcan
Valerio Sperati
Flora Giocondo
Gianluca Baldassarre
"X-8": An Experimental Interactive Toy to Support Turn-Taking Games in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
HCI (37)
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga
Beste Özcan
The Progressive Intertwinement Between Design, Human Needs and the Regulation of Care Technology: The Case of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons.
Int. J. Soc. Robotics
12 (4) (2020)
Beste Özcan
Valerio Sperati
Lokahi: The Wearable Body Pillow to Foster an Intimate Interaction Between Two Users Through Their Heartbeat Awareness.
HCI (49)
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga
Alex Barco
Beste Özcan
Jainendra Shukla
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction - A Novel Emotion-Based Model.
Beste Özcan
Daniele Caligiore
Valerio Sperati
Tania Moretta
Gianluca Baldassarre
Transitional Wearable Companions: A Novel Concept of Soft Interactive Social Robots to Improve Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Int. J. Soc. Robotics
8 (4) (2016)