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Ali Farooq
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2023
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Continuance Intention
University Students
Perceived Usefulness
Information Security
Top Venues
Inf. Process. Manag.
Ali Farooq
Laila Dahabiyeh
Christian Maier
Social media discontinuation: A systematic literature review on drivers and inhibitors.
Telematics Informatics
77 (2023)
Ali Farooq
Alina Dubinina
Seppo Virtanen
Jouni Isoaho
Understanding Dynamics of Initial Trust and its Antecedents in Password Managers Adoption Intention among Young Adults.
Saira Hanif Soroya
Ali Farooq
Khalid Mahmood
Jouni Isoaho
Shan-e Zara
From information seeking to information avoidance: Understanding the health information behavior during a global health crisis.
Inf. Process. Manag.
58 (2) (2021)
Samuli Laato
Ali Farooq
Henri Tenhunen
Tinja Pitkamaki
Antti Hakkala
Antti Airola
AI in Cybersecurity Education- A Systematic Literature Review of Studies on Cybersecurity MOOCs.
Ali Farooq
Farhan Ahmad
Nyla Khadam
Birgy Lorenz
Jouni Isoaho
The Impact of Perceived Security on Intention to use E-Learning Among Students.
Samuli Laato
Henna Vilppu
Juho Heimonen
Antti Hakkala
Jari Björne
Ali Farooq
Tapio Salakoski
Antti Airola
Propagating AI Knowledge Across University Disciplines- The Design of A Multidisciplinary AI Study Module.
Ali Farooq
Antti Hakkala
Seppo Virtanen
Jouni Isoaho
Cybersecurity Education and Skills: Exploring Students' Perceptions, Preferences and Performance in a Blended Learning Initiative.
Ali Farooq
Debora Jeske
Jouni Isoaho
Predicting Students' Security Behavior Using Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model.
Saira Jabeen
AbdulGhaffar Malkana
Ali Farooq
Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan
Weather Classification on Roads for Drivers Assistance using Deep Transferred Features.
Muhammad Ahmad
Poom Kumam
Zahir Shah
Ali Farooq
Rashid Nawaz
Abdullah Dawar
Saeed Islam
Phatiphat Thounthong
Darcy-Forchheimer MHD Couple Stress 3D Nanofluid over an Exponentially Stretching Sheet through Cattaneo-Christov Convective Heat Flux with Zero Nanoparticles Mass Flux Conditions.
21 (9) (2019)
Muhammad Hamza Hanif
Muhammad Adnan
Syyed Adnan Raheel Shah
Nasir Mahmood Khan
Mehwish Nadeem
Jahanzeb Javed
Muhammad Waseem Akbar
Ali Farooq
Muhammad Waseem
Rainfall Runoff Analysis and Sustainable Soil Bed Optimization Engineering Process: Application of an Advanced Decision-Making Technique.
11 (10) (2019)
Ali Farooq
Joshua Rumo Arongo Ndiege
Jouni Isoaho
Factors Affecting Security Behavior of Kenyan Students: An Integration of Protection Motivation Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.
Ali Farooq
Lalitha Balakrishnan
Muneeroh Phadung
Seppo Virtanen
Johanna Isoaho
Dhan Prasad Poudel
Jouni Isoaho
Dimensions of Internet Use and Threat Sensitivity: An Exploratory Study among Students of Higher Education.
Ali Farooq
Johanna Isoaho
Seppo Virtanen
Jouni Isoaho
Information Security Awareness in Educational Institution: An Analysis of Students' Individual Factors.
TrustCom/BigDataSE/ISPA (1)
Ali Farooq
Syed Rameez Ullah Kakakhel
Seppo Virtanen
Jouni Isoaho
A taxonomy of perceived information security and privacy threats among IT security students.
Ali Farooq
Johanna Isoaho
Seppo Virtanen
Jouni Isoaho
Observations on Genderwise Differences among University Students in Information Security Awareness.
Int. J. Inf. Secur. Priv.
9 (2) (2015)
Zina Ben-Miled
Malika Mahoui
Mindi Dippold
Ali Farooq
Nianhua Li
Omran A. Bukhres
A Wrapper Induction Application with Knowledge Base Support: A Use Case for Initiation and Maintenance of Wrappers.