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Comput. Graph. Forum
volume 43, number 3, 2024
Munkhtulga Battogtokh
Yiwen Xing
Cosmin Davidescu
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Michael Luck
Rita Borgo
Visual Analytics for Fine-grained Text Classification Models and Datasets.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Kajetan Enge
Elias Elmquist
Valentina Caiola
Niklas Rönnberg
Alexander Rind
Michael Iber
Sara Lenzi
Fangfei Lan
Robert Höldrich
Wolfgang Aigner
Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State-of-the-Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Daniel Pahr
Henry Ehlers
Hsiang-Yun Wu
Manuela Waldner
Renata G. Raidou
Investigating the Effect of Operation Mode and Manifestation on Physicalizations of Dynamic Processes.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
C. Lv
Huijie Zhang
Y. Lin
J. Dong
L. Tian
RouteVis: Quantitative Visual Analytics of Various Factors to Understand Route Choice Preferences.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Danhua Lei
Ehsan Miandji
Jonas Unger
Ingrid Hotz
Sparse q-ball imaging towards efficient visual exploration of HARDI data.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Emilia Ståhlbom
Jesper Molin
Anders Ynnerman
Claes Lundström
Should I make it round? Suitability of circular and linear layouts for comparative tasks with matrix and connective data.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Matej Lang
Radoslav Mráz
Marek Trtík
Sergej Stoppel
Jan Byska
Barbora Kozlíková
Antarstick: Extracting Snow Height From Time-Lapse Photography.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Sunwoo Ha
Shayan Monadjemi
Alvitta Ottley
Guided By AI: Navigating Trust, Bias, and Data Exploration in AI-Guided Visual Analytics.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Paul Himmler
Tobias Günther
Transmittance-based Extinction and Viewpoint Optimization.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Mingwei Li
Sangwon Jeong
Shusen Liu
Matthew Berger
CAN: Concept-Aligned Neurons for Visual Comparison of Deep Neural Network Models.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Judith Friedl-Knirsch
Fabian Pointecker
S. Pfistermüller
Christian Stach
Christoph Anthes
Daniel Roth
A Systematic Literature Review of User Evaluation in Immersive Analytics.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Simon Warchol
Jakob Troidl
Jeremy Muhlich
Robert Krüger
John Hoffer
Tica Lin
Johanna Beyer
Elena L. Glassman
Peter K. Sorger
Hanspeter Pfister
psudo: Exploring Multi-Channel Biomedical Image Data with Spatially and Perceptually Optimized Pseudocoloring.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Kiran Gadhave
Zach Cutler
Alexander Lex
Persist: Persistent and Reusable Interactions in Computational Notebooks.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Diogo Duarte
Rita Costa
Pedro Bizarro
Carlos Duarte
AutoVizuA11y: A Tool to Automate Screen Reader Accessibility in Charts.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Alister Machado
Michael Behrisch
Alexandru C. Telea
Exploring Classifiers with Differentiable Decision Boundary Maps.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Front Matter.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Kai Lawonn
Monique Meuschke
Tobias Günther
InverseVis: Revealing the Hidden with Curved Sphere Tracing.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
B. Vago
Daniel Archambault
Alessio Arleo
DynTrix: A Hybrid Representation for Dynamic Graphs.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Samuel Beck
Nina Doerr
Kuno Kurzhals
Alexander Riedlinger
Fabian Schmierer
Michael Sedlmair
Steffen Koch
ChoreoVis: Planning and Assessing Formations in Dance Choreographies.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Pepe Eulzer
Kevin Richter
Anna Hundertmark
Ralph Wickenhöfer
Carsten Klingner
Kai Lawonn
Instantaneous Visual Analysis of Blood Flow in Stenoses Using Morphological Similarity.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Nicolas Brich
Theresa Anisja Harbig
Mathias Witte Paz
Kay Nieselt
Michael Krone
ProtEGOnist: Visual Analysis of Interactions in Small World Networks Using Ego-graphs.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Nina Doerr
Benjamin Lee
Katarina Baricova
Dieter Schmalstieg
Michael Sedlmair
Visual Highlighting for Situated Brushing and Linking.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Stefan Zellmann
Qi Wu
Alper Sahistan
Kwan-Liu Ma
Ingo Wald
Beyond ExaBricks: GPU Volume Path Tracing of AMR Data.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Yayan Zhao
Mingwei Li
Matthew Berger
CUPID: Contextual Understanding of Prompt-conditioned Image Distributions.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Fabio Miranda
Thomas Ortner
Gustavo Moreira
Maryam Hosseini
Milena Vuckovic
Filip Biljecki
Cláudio T. Silva
Marcos Lage
Nivan Ferreira
The State of the Art in Visual Analytics for 3D Urban Data.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Peter Rottmann
Peter J. Rodgers
Xinyuan Yan
Daniel Archambault
Bei Wang
Jan-Henrik Haunert
Generating Euler Diagrams Through Combinatorial Optimization.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Front Matter.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Fangfei Lan
Brandi Gamelin
Lin Yan
Jiali Wang
Bei Wang
Hanqi Guo
Topological Characterization and Uncertainty Visualization of Atmospheric Rivers.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Congrong Ren
Xin Liang
Hanqi Guo
A Prediction-Traversal Approach for Compressing Scientific Data on Unstructured Meshes with Bounded Error.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Simon van Wageningen
Tamara Mchedlidze
Alexandru C. Telea
An Experimental Evaluation of Viewpoint-Based 3D Graph Drawing.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Jacob Miller
Dhruv Bhatia
Stephen G. Kobourov
State of the Art of Graph Visualization in non-Euclidean Spaces.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Alexander Dobler
Martin Nöllenburg
Improving Temporal Treemaps by Minimizing Crossings.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Silvana Rauer-Zechmeister
Daniel Cornel
Bernhard Sadransky
Zsolt Horváth
Artem Konev
Andreas Buttinger-Kreuzhuber
Raimund Heidrich
Günter Blöschl
Eduard Gröller
Jürgen Waser
HORA 3D: Personalized Flood Risk Visualization as an Interactive Web Service.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
Shusen Liu
Haichao Miao
Zhimin Li
Matthew L. Olson
Valerio Pascucci
Peer-Timo Bremer
AVA: Towards Autonomous Visualization Agents through Visual Perception-Driven Decision-Making.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (3) (2024)
volume 43, number 4, 2024
Qiqin-Maxwell Fang
Toshiya Hachisuka
Lossless Basis Expansion for Gradient-Domain Rendering.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Alban Fichet
Laurent Belcour
Pascal Barla
Non-Orthogonal Reduction for Rendering Fluorescent Materials in Non-Spectral Engines.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Guan Yu Soh
Zahra Montazeri
Neural Appearance Model for Cloth Rendering.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Yohan Poirier-Ginter
Alban Gauthier
Julien Philip
Jean-François Lalonde
George Drettakis
A Diffusion Approach to Radiance Field Relighting using Multi-Illumination Synthesis.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Xiaolong Wu
Yanning Xu
Lu Wang
Stereo-consistent Screen Space Reflection.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Eugene d'Eon
Andrea Weidlich
VMF Diffuse: A unified rough diffuse BRDF.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Bruno Galerne
Lara Raad
José Lezama
Jean-Michel Morel
Scaling Painting Style Transfer.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Ishaan Nikhil Shah
Luis E. Gamboa
Adrien Gruson
P. J. Narayanan
Neural Histogram-Based Glint Rendering of Surfaces With Spatially Varying Roughness.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Bing Xu
Tzu-Mao Li
Iliyan Georgiev
Trevor Hedstrom
Ravi Ramamoorthi
Residual path integrals for re-rendering.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Chenghao Wu
Hamila Mailee
Zahra Montazeri
Tobias Ritschel
Learning to Rasterize Differentiably.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Thomson TG
Duc Minh Tran
Henrik Wann Jensen
Ravi Ramamoorthi
Jeppe Revall Frisvad
Neural SSS: Lightweight Object Appearance Representation.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Panagiotis Tsiapkolis
Pierre Bénard
Patch Decomposition for Efficient Mesh Contours Extraction.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Vincent Schüßler
Johannes Hanika
Carsten Dachsbacher
Bridge Sampling for Connections via Multiple Scattering Events.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Dario Lanza
Juan Raúl Padrón-Griffe
Alina Pranovich
Adolfo Muñoz Orbañanos
Jeppe Revall Frisvad
Adrián Jarabo
Practical Appearance Model for Foundation Cosmetics.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Alban Gauthier
Bernhard Kerbl
Jérémy Levallois
Robin Faury
Jean-Marc Thiery
Tamy Boubekeur
MatUp: Repurposing Image Upsamplers for SVBRDFs.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)
Xiaohui Li
Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera
Arvin Lin
Abhijeet Ghosh
Realistic Facial Age Transformation with 3D Uplifting.
Comput. Graph. Forum
43 (4) (2024)