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ICML (2)
Stefano Ermon
Carla P. Gomes
Ashish Sabharwal
Bart Selman
Taming the Curse of Dimensionality: Discrete Integration by Hashing and Optimization.
ICML (2)
Huayan Wang
Daphne Koller
Subproblem-Tree Calibration: A Unified Approach to Max-Product Message Passing.
ICML (2)
Quoc Tran-Dinh
Anastasios Kyrillidis
Volkan Cevher
A proximal Newton framework for composite minimization: Graph learning without Cholesky decompositions and matrix inversions.
ICML (2)
Liu Yang
Steve Hanneke
Activized Learning with Uniform Classification Noise.
ICML (2)
Shuang-Hong Yang
Hongyuan Zha
Mixture of Mutually Exciting Processes for Viral Diffusion.
ICML (2)
Truyen Tran
Dinh Q. Phung
Svetha Venkatesh
Thurstonian Boltzmann Machines: Learning from Multiple Inequalities.
ICML (2)
David Lopez-Paz
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
Zoubin Ghahramani
Gaussian Process Vine Copulas for Multivariate Dependence.
ICML (2)
Sanjeev Arora
Rong Ge
Yonatan Halpern
David M. Mimno
Ankur Moitra
David A. Sontag
Yichen Wu
Michael Zhu
A Practical Algorithm for Topic Modeling with Provable Guarantees.
ICML (2)
Nicola Rebagliati
Strict Monotonicity of Sum of Squares Error and Normalized Cut in the Lattice of Clusterings.
ICML (2)
Ruichu Cai
Zhenjie Zhang
Zhifeng Hao
SADA: A General Framework to Support Robust Causation Discovery.
ICML (2)
Daniel Golovin
D. Sculley
H. Brendan McMahan
Michael Young
Large-Scale Learning with Less RAM via Randomization.
ICML (2)
Uri Shalit
Daphna Weinshall
Gal Chechik
Modeling Musical Influence with Topic Models.
ICML (2)
Pinghua Gong
Changshui Zhang
Zhaosong Lu
Jianhua Huang
Jieping Ye
A General Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm for Non-convex Regularized Optimization Problems.
ICML (2)
Sida I. Wang
Christopher D. Manning
Fast dropout training.
ICML (2)
Billy Chang
Uwe Krüger
Rafal Kustra
Junping Zhang
Canonical Correlation Analysis based on Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion and Centered Kernel Target Alignment.
ICML (2)
Sharon Wulff
Ruth Urner
Shai Ben-David
Monochromatic Bi-Clustering.
ICML (2)
Zheng Wen
Branislav Kveton
Brian Eriksson
Sandilya Bhamidipati
Sequential Bayesian Search.
ICML (2)
Andreas Maurer
Massimiliano Pontil
Bernardino Romera-Paredes
Sparse coding for multitask and transfer learning.
ICML (2)
Fang Han
Han Liu
Transition Matrix Estimation in High Dimensional Time Series.
ICML (2)
Alexandra Carpentier
Rémi Munos
Toward Optimal Stratification for Stratified Monte-Carlo Integration.
ICML (2)
Blaise Hanczar
Mohamed Nadif
Precision-recall space to correct external indices for biclustering.
ICML (2)
Mrinal Kanti Das
Suparna Bhattacharya
Chiranjib Bhattacharyya
Kanchi Gopinath
Subtle Topic Models and Discovering Subtly Manifested Software Concerns Automatically.
ICML (2)
Rémi Bardenet
Mátyás Brendel
Balázs Kégl
Michèle Sebag
Collaborative hyperparameter tuning.
ICML (2)
Esther Salazar
Ryan Bogdan
Adam Gorka
Ahmad Hariri
Lawrence Carin
Exploring the Mind: Integrating Questionnaires and fMRI.
ICML (2)
Ha Quang Minh
Loris Bazzani
Vittorio Murino
A unifying framework for vector-valued manifold regularization and multi-view learning.
ICML (2)
Matus Telgarsky
Margins, Shrinkage, and Boosting.
ICML (2)
Joonseok Lee
Seungyeon Kim
Guy Lebanon
Yoram Singer
Local Low-Rank Matrix Approximation.
ICML (2)
Jason Weston
Ameesh Makadia
Hector Yee
Label Partitioning For Sublinear Ranking.
ICML (2)
Ka Yu Hui
Direct Modeling of Complex Invariances for Visual Object Features.
ICML (2)
Zhirong Yang
Jaakko Peltonen
Samuel Kaski
Scalable Optimization of Neighbor Embedding for Visualization.
ICML (2)
Rajesh Ranganath
Chong Wang
David M. Blei
Eric P. Xing
An Adaptive Learning Rate for Stochastic Variational Inference.
ICML (2)
Jan-Willem van de Meent
Jonathan E. Bronson
Frank D. Wood
Ruben L. Gonzalez
Chris Wiggins
Hierarchically-coupled hidden Markov models for learning kinetic rates from single-molecule data.
ICML (2)
Do-kyum Kim
Geoffrey M. Voelker
Lawrence K. Saul
A Variational Approximation for Topic Modeling of Hierarchical Corpora.
ICML (2)
Siddharth Gopal
Yiming Yang
Distributed training of Large-scale Logistic models.
ICML (2)
Kihyuk Sohn
Guanyu Zhou
Chansoo Lee
Honglak Lee
Learning and Selecting Features Jointly with Point-wise Gated Boltzmann Machines.
ICML (2)
Georg M. Goerg
Forecastable Component Analysis.
ICML (2)
Michal Valko
Alexandra Carpentier
Rémi Munos
Stochastic Simultaneous Optimistic Optimization.
ICML (2)
Anastasios Kyrillidis
Stephen Becker
Volkan Cevher
Christoph Koch
Sparse projections onto the simplex.
ICML (2)
Alain Droniou
Olivier Sigaud
Gated Autoencoders with Tied Input Weights.
ICML (2)
Gabriel Krummenacher
Cheng Soon Ong
Joachim M. Buhmann
Ellipsoidal Multiple Instance Learning.
ICML (2)
Tanguy Urvoy
Fabrice Clérot
Raphaël Féraud
Sami Naamane
Generic Exploration and K-armed Voting Bandits.
ICML (2)
Gartheeban Ganeshapillai
John V. Guttag
Andrew Lo
Learning Connections in Financial Time Series.
ICML (2)