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Shape Modeling International
Jörg Peters
Jianhua Fan
The Projective Linear Transition Map for Constructing Smooth Surfaces.
Shape Modeling International
Christopher Weber
Stefanie Hahmann
Hans Hagen
Sharp Feature Detection in Point Clouds.
Shape Modeling International
Richard Pusch
Faramarz Samavati
Local Constraint-Based General Surface Deformation.
Shape Modeling International
Xinghua Song
Bert Jüttler
Adrien Poteaux
Hierarchical Spline Approximation of the Signed Distance Function.
Shape Modeling International
Zhi-Quan Cheng
Wei Jiang
Gang Dang
Ralph R. Martin
Jun Li
Honghua Li
Yin Chen
Yanzhen Wang
Bao Li
Kai Xu
Shiyao Jin
Non-rigid Registration in 3D Implicit Vector Space.
Shape Modeling International
Bo Li
Xin Li
Kexiang Wang
Hong Qin
Generalized PolyCube Trivariate Splines.
Shape Modeling International
Yamei Wen
Hui Zhang
Zhongmian Yu
Jiaguang Sun
Jean-Claude Paul
Reconstructing 3D Objects from 2D Sectional Views of Engineering Drawings Using Volume-Based Method.
Shape Modeling International
Younis Hijazi
Dominique Bechmann
David Cazier
Cyril Kern
Sylvain Thery
Fully-automatic Branching Reconstruction Algorithm: Application to Vascular Trees.
Shape Modeling International
Giuseppe Patanè
Bianca Falcidieno
Multi-scale Feature Spaces for Shape Processing and Analysis.
Shape Modeling International
Ruding Lou
Jean-Philippe Pernot
Philippe Véron
Franca Giannini
Bianca Falcidieno
Alexei Mikchevitch
Raphael Marc
Semantic-Preserving Mesh Direct Drilling.
Shape Modeling International
Zhouhui Lian
Afzal Godil
Xianfang Sun
Visual Similarity Based 3D Shape Retrieval Using Bag-of-Features.
Shape Modeling International
Qing Xing
Ergun Akleman
Jianer Chen
Jonathan L. Gross
Single-Cycle Plain-Woven Objects.
Shape Modeling International
Kan-Le Shi
Jun-Hai Yong
Peng Liu
Jia-Guang Sun
Jean-Claude Paul
The Transition Between Sharp and Rounded Features and the Manipulation of Incompatible Boundary in Filling n-sided Holes.
Shape Modeling International
Yuntao Jia
Xinlai Ni
Eric Lorimer
Michael Mullan
Ross T. Whitaker
John C. Hart
RBF Dipole Surface Evolution.
Shape Modeling International
Hichem Barki
Florence Denis
Florent Dupont
A New Algorithm for the Computation of the Minkowski Difference of Convex Polyhedra.
Shape Modeling International
Dimitri Kudelski
Jean-Luc Mari
Sophie Viseur
3D Feature Line Detection Based on Vertex Labeling and 2D Skeletonization.
Shape Modeling International
Herbert Grasberger
Andrea Weidlich
Alexander Wilkie
Brian Wyvill
Precise Construction and Control of Implicit Fillets in the BlobTree.
Shape Modeling International
Xuli Han
Shape Representation of Polynomial Curves with Adjustable Interpolation Points.
Shape Modeling International
WeiPeng Zhu
Chengying Gao
Xiaonan Luo
Ning Liu
Reversely Anisotropic Quad-dominant Remeshing.
Shape Modeling International
Ergun Akleman
Jianer Chen
Jonathan L. Gross
Paper-Strip Sculptures.
Shape Modeling International
Junjie Cao
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Matt Olson
Hao Zhang
Zhixun Su
Point Cloud Skeletons via Laplacian Based Contraction.
Shape Modeling International
John Brosz
Faramarz Samavati
Shape Defined Panoramas.
Shape Modeling International
Kai-Mo Hu
Bin Wang
Yi Gao
Qi-Ming Yuan
Jun-Hai Yong
A Face-Based Shape Matching Method for IGES Surface Model.
Shape Modeling International
Kai Wang
Guillaume Lavoué
Florence Denis
Atilla Baskurt
Xiyan He
A Benchmark for 3D Mesh Watermarking.
Shape Modeling International
David Cazier
Pierre Kraemer
X-maps: An Efficient Model for Non-manifold Modeling.
Shape Modeling International
Gabriel Taubin
Çagatay Demiralp
Surface Deformations Driven by Vector-Valued 1-Forms.
Shape Modeling International
Thomas Bellet
Mathieu Poudret
Agnès Arnould
Laurent Fuchs
Pascale Le Gall
Designing a Topological Modeler Kernel: A Rule-Based Approach.
Shape Modeling International
Jean-Marie Favreau
Vincent Barra
Tiling Surfaces with Cylinders Using n-loops.
Shape Modeling International
Suraj Musuvathy
Tobias Martin
Elaine Cohen
Ridge Extraction from Isosurfaces of Volumetric Data Using Implicit B-Splines.
Shape Modeling International
SMI 2010, Shape Modeling International Conference, Aix en Provence, France, June 21-23 2010
Shape Modeling International
Jiazhi Xia
Ying He
Xiaotian Yin
Shuchu Han
Xianfeng Gu
Direct-Product Volumetric Parameterization of Handlebodies via Harmonic Fields.
Shape Modeling International
Alexander A. Pasko
Turlif Vilbrandt
Oleg Fryazinov
Valery Adzhiev
Procedural Function-Based Spatial Microstructures.
Shape Modeling International
Livio De Luca
Chawee Busarayat
Chiara Stefani
Noemie Renaudin
Michel Florenzano
Philippe Véron
An Iconography-Based Modeling Approach for the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Architectural Heritage.
Shape Modeling International