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INTERACT (Workshops)
volume 13198, 2022
Sense, Feel, Design - INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, Bari, Italy, August 30 - September 3, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
INTERACT (Workshops)
13198 (2022)
Célia Martinie
Philippe A. Palanque
Sandra Steere
David Navarre
Eric Barboni
A Generic Framework for Structuring Configuration Management for Socio-technical System: Application to Control Rooms.
INTERACT (Workshops)
David Naranjo-Romero
Leonardo Parra Agudelo
Subverting Divisive Geopolitical Issues in HCI Through Autonomous Design and Punk Narratives.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Morten Hertzum
A Summary of the Workshop on Pilot Implementation for Testing Human-Work Interaction Designs.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Marta Lárusdóttir
Ruochen Wang
Åsa Cajander
Contextual Personas - A Method for Capturing the Digital Work Environment of Users.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Martin Hedlund
Cristian Bogdan
Gerrit Meixner
Creating a Post-sedentary Work Context for Software Engineering.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Alan J. Dix
Interface Engineering for UX Professionals.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Pawan Wawage
Yogesh Deshpande
Pilot Implementation for Driver Behaviour Classification Using Smartphone Sensor Data for Driver-Vehicle Interaction Analysis.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Shubham Mathesul
Ganesh Bhutkar
Ayush Rambhad
AttnGAN: Realistic Text-to-Image Synthesis with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Sybille Caffiau
Laurence Nigay
Teaching Human-Computer Interaction in the Software Engineering Master's Degree Program of the University Grenoble Alpes.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Sybille Caffiau
José Creissac Campos
Célia Martinie
Laurence Nigay
Philippe A. Palanque
Lucio Davide Spano
Teaching HCI Engineering: Four Case Studies.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Regina Bernhaupt
Stefan Sauer
Carmelo Ardito
Workshop Report for IFIP WG 13.2's HCSE@INTERACT 2021 - International Workshop on Human-Centered Software Engineering for Changing Contexts of Use.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Philippe A. Palanque
Célia Martinie
The Curriculum for Education in Engineering Interactive Systems at the Master in HCI of the University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Fabrizio Balducci
Paolo Buono
An Action-Management Video Game to Foster Sustainability Through Garbage Recycling.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Maria C. Pereira
João C. Ferreira
Sérgio Moro
Frederica Gonçalves
University Digital Engagement of Students.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Gerrit C. van der Veer
Teresa Consiglio
Adult Students Become Professionals Teaching or Learning - What's in a Name?
INTERACT (Workshops)
Kamila Rios da Hora Rodrigues
Vânia Paula de Almeida Néris
Lara S. G. Piccolo
Masood Masoodian
Human-Centred Technology for Sustainable Development Goals - Workshop Results.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Tilo Mentler
Philippe A. Palanque
Michael D. Harrison
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Paolo Masci
Control Rooms from a Human-Computer Interaction Perspective.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Jan Van den Bergh
Florian Heller
MyLYL: Towards Flexible Interaction Design for Operator Assistance Systems.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Renata O. Rodrigues
Kamila Rios da Hora Rodrigues
Vânia Paula de Almeida Néris
Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of Computing Technology.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Saturnino Luz
Masood Masoodian
An Informatics-Based Approach for Sustainable Management of Factors Affecting the Spread of Infectious Diseases.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Fiona Draxler
Using Wearables to Optimize Learning at Home.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Maria Teresa Baldassarre
Vita Santa Barletta
Danilo Caivano
Antonio Piccinno
Michele Scalera
Privacy Knowledge Base for Supporting Decision-Making in Software Development.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Fabio Paternò
Teaching End-User Development in the Time of IoT and AI.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Poehler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Tilo Mentler
Towards Control Rooms as Human-Centered Pervasive Computing Environments.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Vera Marie Memmesheimer
Achim Ebert
Towards Advanced Evaluation of Collaborative XR Spaces.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Lara S. G. Piccolo
Luciano de Oliveira Neris
Luana Maria da Silva Menezes
Vânia Paula de Almeida Néris
Internet of Things in Education for Sustainable Development.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Bilal Naqvi
Carmelo Ardito
Coping with Changing Contexts: A Healthcare Security Perspective.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Linnea Krista Herbæk
Carl Emil Derby Hansen
Torkil Clemmensen
Pilot Implementation: Organizational Alignment When Implementing an IT-System.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Rukman Senanayake
Grit Denker
bRIGHT - A Framework for Capturing and Adapting to Context for User-Centered Design.
INTERACT (Workshops)
José L. Abdelnour-Nocera
Ali Gheitasy
Micro-politics, Semiotic Power and Infrastructural Inversion: Theoretical Lenses for Geopolitical HCI.
INTERACT (Workshops)
José Creissac Campos
António Nestor Ribeiro
Addressing Interactive Computing Systems' Concerns in Software Engineering Degrees.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Tejas Pradhan
Ganesh Bhutkar
Aditya Pangaonkar
Prototype Design of a Multi-modal AI-Based Web Application for Hateful Content Detection in Social Media Posts.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Jan H. Kroeze
Africanization of HCI Teaching and Learning.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Elodie Bouzekri
Célia Martinie
Philippe A. Palanque
Erwann Poupart
Sandra Steere
UX for Some and Usability for Others: Issues of Blending Multi-user and Multi-property in Control Centers.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Cristian Bogdan
Affordance-Derived Declarative Interaction Models for Context Adaptation.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Danzhu Li
Gerrit C. van der Veer
Ears on My Back - Experiencing the Soundscape Without Hearing.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Kai Biermeier
Enes Yigitbas
Nils Weidmann
Gregor Engels
Ensuring User Interface Adaptation Consistency Through Triple Graph Grammars.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Thomas Rist
Masood Masoodian
Interactive Map Visualizations for Supporting Environmental Sustainable Development Goals.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Suvodip Chakraborty
Peter Kiefer
Martin Raubal
Improving Resilience by Communicating Predicted Disruptions in Control Rooms.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Parisa Saadati
José L. Abdelnour-Nocera
Torkil Clemmensen
Co-design Workshops as a Step Towards Pilot Implementation for Complex Workplaces - A Case Study of London-Based Airport Future Workplace.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Torkil Clemmensen
Dropping a Bomb or Providing a Gentle Loving Touch? Towards a Relation Artefact Theory of Pilot Implementation.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Jonas Poehler
Nadine Flegel
Tilo Mentler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
LstSim-Extended: Towards Monitoring Interaction and Beyond in Web-Based Control Room Simulations.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Michael D. Harrison
Paolo Masci
Proving Display Conformance and Action Consistency: The Example of an Integrated Clinical Environment.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Artemis Skarlatidou
Dilek Fraisl
Yaqian Wu
Linda See
Muki Haklay
Extreme Citizen Science Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for a Human-Centred Design Approach.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Wasja Brunotte
Lukas Nagel
Kurt Schneider
Jil Klünder
How to Identify Changing Contexts of Use with Creativity Workshops - An Experience Report.
INTERACT (Workshops)