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Nadine Flegel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2023
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Interaction Design
Ifip Wg
Working Environment
Pupil Size
Top Venues
INTERACT Workshops (1)
INTERACT (Workshops)
MuC (Workshopband)
Tilo Mentler
Philippe A. Palanque
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Margareta Holtensdotter Lützhöft
Nadine Flegel
From One to Many, from Onsite to Remote: Control Rooms as Diverse Contexts of Use.
INTERACT Workshops (1)
Nadine Flegel
Daniel Wessel
Jonas Pöhler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Tilo Mentler
Autonomy and Safety: A Quantitative Study with Control Room Operators on Affinity for Technology Interaction and Wish for Pervasive Computing Solutions.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Poehler
Tilo Mentler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Whereables? Examining Personal Technology Adoption in Contemporary Control Rooms.
IEEE Pervasive Comput.
22 (2) (2023)
Tilo Mentler
Philippe A. Palanque
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Margareta Holtensdotter Lützhöft
Nadine Flegel
On Land, at Sea, and in the Air: Human-Computer Interaction in Safety-Critical Spaces of Control - IFIP WG 13.5 Workshop at INTERACT 2023.
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Pöhler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Tilo Mentler
Towards a Pattern Language for Scalable Interaction Design in Control Rooms as Human-Centered Pervasive Computing Environments.
INTERACT Workshops (1)
Tilo Mentler
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Pöhler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Does Automation Scale? Notes From an HCI Perspective.
Jonas Pöhler
Antonia Vitt
Nadine Flegel
Tilo Mentler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Investigating Cognitive Load in Emergency Control Room Simulations.
MuC (Workshopband)
Nadine Flegel
Tilo Mentler
'What do you see now?': lessons learned while integrating a virtual reality application in ambulatory care of a pediatric surgery.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
42 (3) (2023)
Tilo Mentler
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Pöhler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
"Man's (and Sheep's) Best Friend": Towards a Shepherding-based Metaphor for Human-Computer Cooperation in Process Control.
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Poehler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Tilo Mentler
"I Want My Control Room To Be...": On the Aesthetics of Interaction in a Safety-Critical Working Environment.
Tilo Mentler
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Pöhler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Use Cases and Design of a Virtual Cross-Domain Control Room Simulator.
MuC (Workshopband)
Jonas Poehler
Nadine Flegel
Tilo Mentler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
A chat with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Intent in chatbot communication.
Nadine Flegel
Tilo Mentler
"What Do You See Now?": Lessons Learned While Integrating a Virtual Reality Application in Ambulatory Care of a Pediatric Surgery.
Nadine Flegel
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Tilo Mentler
Scalable Human Computer Interaction in Control Rooms as Pervasive Computing Environments.
Jonas Poehler
Nadine Flegel
Tilo Mentler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
LstSim-Extended: Towards Monitoring Interaction and Beyond in Web-Based Control Room Simulations.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Nadine Flegel
Jonas Poehler
Kristof Van Laerhoven
Tilo Mentler
Towards Control Rooms as Human-Centered Pervasive Computing Environments.
INTERACT (Workshops)
Nadine Flegel
Christian Pick
Tilo Mentler
A Gaze-Supported Mouse Interaction Design Concept for State-of-the-Art Control Rooms.
IHIET (Strasbourg)
Christian Wolters
Nadine Flegel
Michael Herczeg
Entwicklung einer effizienten Integrationslösung zur Bereitstellung von Vorlesungsfolien in hochschulischer Präsenzlehre.