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COST 2102 Training School
volume 7403, 2012
Cognitive Behavioural Systems - COST 2102 International Training School, Dresden, Germany, February 21-26, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
COST 2102 Training School
7403 (2012)
Lutz-Michael Alisch
Nonverbal Communication - Signals, Conventions and Incommensurable Explanations.
COST 2102 Training School
Rudy Rotili
Emanuele Principi
Martin Wöllmer
Stefano Squartini
Björn W. Schuller
Conversational Speech Recognition in Non-stationary Reverberated Environments.
COST 2102 Training School
Limin Zeng
Gerhard Weber
ATMap: Annotated Tactile Maps for the Visually Impaired.
COST 2102 Training School
Angiola Di Conza
Augusto Gnisci
First Impression in Mark Evaluation: Predictive Ability of the SC-IAT.
COST 2102 Training School
Günther Wirsching
Markus Huber
Christian Kölbl
Robert Lorenz
Ronald Römer
Semantic Dialogue Modeling.
COST 2102 Training School
Uwe Altmann
Catharine Oertel
Nick Campbell
Conversational Involvement and Synchronous Nonverbal Behaviour.
COST 2102 Training School
James T. Graham
Daniel Jachyra
Motivated Learning in Computational Models of Consciousness.
COST 2102 Training School
Fridanna Maricchiolo
Augusto Gnisci
Marino Bonaiuto
Coding Hand Gestures: A Reliable Taxonomy and a Multi-media Support.
COST 2102 Training School
Costanza Navarretta
Individuality in Communicative Bodily Behaviours.
COST 2102 Training School
Anna Esposito
Vincenzo Capuano
Jirí Mekyska
Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy
A Naturalistic Database of Thermal Emotional Facial Expressions and Effects of Induced Emotions on Memory.
COST 2102 Training School
Sebastian Pannasch
Jens R. Helmert
Romy Müller
Boris M. Velichkovsky
The Analysis of Eye Movements in the Context of Cognitive Technical Systems: Three Critical Issues.
COST 2102 Training School
Jana Vlcková-Mejvaldová
Petr Horák
Czech Emotional Prosody in the Mirror of Speech Synthesis.
COST 2102 Training School
Bernd J. Kröger
Jim Kannampuzha
Cornelia Eckers
Stefan Heim
Emily Kaufmann
Christiane Neuschaefer-Rube
The Neurophonetic Model of Speech Processing ACT: Structure, Knowledge Acquisition, and Function Modes.
COST 2102 Training School
Björn W. Schuller
Felix Weninger
Ten Recent Trends in Computational Paralinguistics.
COST 2102 Training School
Zdenek Chaloupka
Petr Horák
Prosody Modelling for TTS Systems Using Statistical Methods.
COST 2102 Training School
Matthias Wolff
Rüdiger Hoffmann
An Approach to Intelligent Signal Processing.
COST 2102 Training School
Erik Cambria
Andrew G. Livingstone
Amir Hussain
The Hourglass of Emotions.
COST 2102 Training School
Luca Berardinelli
Dajana Cassioli
Antinisca Di Marco
Anna Esposito
Maria Teresa Riviello
Catia Trubiani
VISION as a Support to Cognitive Behavioural Systems.
COST 2102 Training School
Egon L. van den Broek
Affective Computing: A Reverence for a Century of Research.
COST 2102 Training School
Samer Al Moubayed
Jonas Beskow
Gabriel Skantze
Björn Granström
Furhat: A Back-Projected Human-Like Robot Head for Multiparty Human-Machine Interaction.
COST 2102 Training School
Hongwei Ding
Oliver Jokisch
Rüdiger Hoffmann
An Audiovisual Feedback System for Pronunciation Tutoring - Mandarin Chinese Learners of German.
COST 2102 Training School
Izidor Mlakar
Zdravko Kacic
Matej Rojc
Form-Oriented Annotation for Building a Functionally Independent Dictionary of Synthetic Movement.
COST 2102 Training School
Hui Fang
Nicholas Costen
Natalie Butcher
Karen Lander
Modeling the Effect of Motion at Encoding and Retrieval for Same and Other Race Face Recognition.
COST 2102 Training School
Robert Vích
Martin Vondra
Pitch Synchronous Transform Warping in Voice Conversion.
COST 2102 Training School
Maria Koutsombogera
Harris Papageorgiou
TV Interview Participant Profiles from a Multimodal Perspective.
COST 2102 Training School
Maria Teresa Riviello
Anna Esposito
Klára Vicsi
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Perception of Emotions: How Hungarian Subjects Evaluate American and Italian Emotional Expressions.
COST 2102 Training School
Ronald Römer
A Cortical Approach Based on Cascaded Bidirectional Hidden Markov Models.
COST 2102 Training School
Ágnes Abuczki
A Conversation Analytical Study on Multimodal Turn-Giving Cues - End-of-Turn Prediction.
COST 2102 Training School
Augusto Gnisci
Enza Graziano
Angiola Di Conza
Si.Co.D.: A Computer Manual for Coding Questions.
COST 2102 Training School
Scott A. Love
Frank E. Pollick
Karin Petrini
Effects of Experience, Training and Expertise on Multisensory Perception: Investigating the Link between Brain and Behavior.
COST 2102 Training School
Daniel Hládek
Ján Stas
Jozef Juhár
Rule-Based Morphological Tagger for an Inflectional Language.
COST 2102 Training School
Carl Vogel
Lydia Behan
Measuring Synchrony in Dialog Transcripts.
COST 2102 Training School
Vincent C. Müller
From Embodied and Extended Mind to No Mind.
COST 2102 Training School
Alessandro Vinciarelli
Hugues Salamin
Anna Polychroniou
Gelareh Mohammadi
Antonio Origlia
From Nonverbal Cues to Perception: Personality and Social Attractiveness.
COST 2102 Training School
Ingo Siegert
Ronald Böck
Andreas Wendemuth
Modeling Users' Mood State to Improve Human-Machine-Interaction.
COST 2102 Training School
Karel Palecek
David Gerónimo
Frédéric Lerasle
Pre-attention Cues for Person Detection.
COST 2102 Training School
Ewa Jarmolowicz-Nowikow
Are Pointing Gestures Induced by Communicative Intention?
COST 2102 Training School
Andreas Wendemuth
Susanne Biundo
A Companion Technology for Cognitive Technical Systems.
COST 2102 Training School
Jiri Pribil
Anna Pribilová
Comparison of Complementary Spectral Features of Emotional Speech for German, Czech, and Slovak.
COST 2102 Training School
volume 6456, 2011
Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces. Theoretical and Practical Issues - Third COST 2102 International Training School, Caserta, Italy, March 15-19, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
COST 2102 Training School
6456 (2011)
Alessandro Vinciarelli
Hugues Salamin
Gelareh Mohammadi
Khiet P. Truong
More Than Words: Inference of Socially Relevant Information from Nonverbal Vocal Cues in Speech.
COST 2102 Training School
Betsy van Dijk
Job Zwiers
Rieks op den Akker
Olga A. Kulyk
Hendri Hondorp
Dennis Hofs
Anton Nijholt
Conveying Directional Gaze Cues to Support Remote Participation in Hybrid Meetings.
COST 2102 Training School
Evgenia Hristova
Severina Georgieva
Maurice Grinberg
Top-Down Influences on Eye-Movements during Painting Perception: The Effect of Task and Titles.
COST 2102 Training School
Sascha Fagel
Gérard Bailly
Speech, Gaze and Head Motion in a Face-to-Face Collaborative Task.
COST 2102 Training School
Björn W. Schuller
Tobias Knaup
Learning and Knowledge-Based Sentiment Analysis in Movie Review Key Excerpts.
COST 2102 Training School
Martin Vondra
Robert Vích
Speech Modeling Using the Complex Cepstrum.
COST 2102 Training School
Tim Rohrer
Speaking without Thinking: Embodiment, Speech Technology and Social Signal Processing.
COST 2102 Training School
Argiro Vatakis
Georgios Papadelis
A Timely Endeavor: Theoretical, Behavioral, Bioimaging, and Clinical Perspectives on Time Perception.
COST 2102 Training School
volume 5967, 2010
Development of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony, Second COST 2102 International Training School, Dublin, Ireland, March 23-27, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
COST 2102 Training School
5967 (2010)