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CHItaly Workshops
Leonardo Codamo
Ilaria Mariani
Interactive systems as storyworlds. An approach for building coherent interactive narratives.
CHItaly Workshops
Rosella Gennari
Alessandra Melonio
Mehdi Rizvi
Maristella Matera
Physical or On the Cloud: Play with IoTgo and Design Smart Things.
CHItaly Workshops
Maurizio Mancini
Jake Spreadborough
Laura Maye
Béatrice Biancardi
Giovanna Varni
Interaction Fidelity vs User's Workload in a VR Environment: A Pilot Study.
CHItaly Workshops
CHItaly Workshops
Marie-Luise Meier
Mattia Bellini
Framing the Dilemma: The Influence of Immersion in Ethical Choice Making.
CHItaly Workshops
Anna Quecke
Ilaria Mariani
How to design taskification in video games. A framework for purposeful game-based crowdsourcing.
CHItaly Workshops
Jan Gugenheimer
Ubiquitous Mixed Reality: Designing Mixed Reality Technology to Fit into the Fabric of our Daily Lives (invited talk).
CHItaly Workshops
Reshmashree B. Kantharaju
Catherine Pelachaud
Evaluation of Multi-party Virtual Agents.
CHItaly Workshops
volume 2934, 2021
Joint Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHItaly21) & 1st Workshop on Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality (MIXR) in conjunction with CHITALY 2021 - Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, Bolzano (Italy), July 12, 2021
CHItaly Workshops
2934 (2021)