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AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Islam Beltagy
Raymond J. Mooney
Efficient Markov Logic Inference for Natural Language Semantics.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Shrutika Poyrekar
Sriraam Natarajan
Kristian Kersting
A Deeper Empirical Analysis of CBP Algorithm: Grounding Is the Bottleneck.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Joris Renkens
Angelika Kimmig
Guy Van den Broeck
Luc De Raedt
Explanation-Based Approximate Weighted Model Counting for Probabilistic Logics.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Matthew C. Dirks
Andrew Csinger
Andrew Bamber
David Poole
Representation, Reasoning, and Learning for a Relational Influence Diagram Applied to a Real-Time Geological Domain.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence, Papers from the 2014 AAAI Workshop, Québec City, Québec, Canada, July 27, 2014
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Aniruddh Nath
Pedro M. Domingos
Automated Debugging with Tractable Probabilistic Programming.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Fatemeh Riahi
Oliver Schulte
Qing Li
A Proposal for Statistical Outlier Detection in Relational Structures.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Aniruddh Nath
Pedro M. Domingos
Learning Tractable Statistical Relational Models.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Tushar Khot
Sriraam Natarajan
Jude W. Shavlik
Classification from One Class of Examples for Relational Domains.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Daniel Lowd
Brenton Lessley
Mino De Raj
Towards Adversarial Reasoning in Statistical Relational Domains.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Masaaki Nishino
Akihiro Yamamoto
Masaaki Nagata
A Sparse Parameter Learning Method for Probabilistic Logic Programs.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Junkyu Lee
Radu Marinescu
Rina Dechter
Applying Marginal MAP Search to Probabilistic Conformant Planning: Initial Results.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Sebastian Riedel
Sameer Singh
Vivek Srikumar
Tim Rocktäschel
Larysa Visengeriyeva
Jan Noessner
WOLFE: Strength Reduction and Approximate Programming for Probabilistic Programming.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Golnoosh Farnadi
Stephen H. Bach
Marie-Francine Moens
Lise Getoor
Martine De Cock
Extending PSL with Fuzzy Quantifiers.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Jaesik Choi
Eyal Amir
Tianfang Xu
Albert J. Valocchi
Parameter Estimation for Relational Kalman Filtering.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Mathias Niepert
Pedro M. Domingos
Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Bases: Wikipedia and Beyond.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Zhengya Sun
Zhuoyu Wei
Jue Wang
Hongwei Hao
Scalable Learning for Structure in Markov Logic Networks.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Deepak Venugopal
Vibhav Gogate
Evidence-Based Clustering for Scalable Inference in Markov Logic.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Guy Van den Broeck
Kristian Kersting
Sriraam Natarajan
David Poole
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Brian E. Ruttenberg
Matthew P. Wilkins
Avi Pfeffer
Hierarchical Reasoning with Probabilistic Programming.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Ismail Ilkan Ceylan
Rafael Peñaloza
Reasoning in the Description Logic BEL Using Bayesian Networks.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Sriraam Natarajan
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Jonas Vlasselaer
Wannes Meert
Guy Van den Broeck
Luc De Raedt
Efficient Probabilistic Inference for Dynamic Relational Models.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
William Yang Wang
Kathryn Mazaitis
William W. Cohen
ProPPR: Efficient First-Order Probabilistic Logic Programming for Structure Discovery, Parameter Learning, and Scalable Inference.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Eric Gribkoff
Guy Van den Broeck
Dan Suciu
Understanding the Complexity of Lifted Inference and Asymmetric Weighted Model Counting.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Seyed Mehran Kazemi
David Buchman
Kristian Kersting
Sriraam Natarajan
David Poole
Relational Logistic Regression: The Directed Analog of Markov Logic Networks.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Udi Apsel
Kristian Kersting
Martin Mladenov
Lifting Relational MAP-LPs using Cluster Signatures.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Mihaela Verman
Philip Stutz
Abraham Bernstein
Solving Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems Using Ranks.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
William Austin Webb
Pedro M. Domingos
Tractable Probabilistic Knowledge Bases with Existence Uncertainty.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Babak Ahmadi
Kristian Kersting
Sriraam Natarajan
MapReduce Lifting for Belief Propagation.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Martin Mladenov
Kristian Kersting
Lifted Inference via k-Locality.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Vibhav Gogate
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Wen Pu
Jaesik Choi
Eyal Amir
Lifted Inference on Transitive Relations.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence, Papers from the 2013 AAAI Workshop, Bellevue, Washington, USA, July 15, 2013
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Jan Noessner
Mathias Niepert
Heiner Stuckenschmidt
RockIt: Exploiting Parallelism and Symmetry for MAP Inference in Statistical Relational Models.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Somdeb Sarkhel
Vibhav Gogate
Lifting WALKSAT-Based Local Search Algorithms for MAP Inference.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Young Chol Song
Henry A. Kautz
Yuncheng Li
Jiebo Luo
A General Framework for Recognizing Complex Events in Markov Logic.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Saket Joshi
Roni Khardon
Prasad Tadepalli
Alan Fern
Aswin Raghavan
Relational Markov Decision Processes: Promise and Prospects.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Sindhu Raghavan
Raymond J. Mooney
Online Inference-Rule Learning from Natural-Language Extractions.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Tivadar Papai
Henry A. Kautz
Modal Markov Logic for Multiple Agents.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Nima Taghipour
Daan Fierens
Guy Van den Broeck
Jesse Davis
Hendrik Blockeel
On the Completeness of Lifted Variable Elimination.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Guy Van den Broeck
Wannes Meert
Jesse Davis
Lifted Generative Parameter Learning.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Sriraam Natarajan
Jose Picado
Tushar Khot
Kristian Kersting
Christopher Ré
Jude W. Shavlik
Using Commonsense Knowledge to Automatically Create (Noisy) Training Examples from Text.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Vibhav Gogate
Kristian Kersting
Sriraam Natarajan
David Poole
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Chia-Li Kuo
David Poole
On Integrating Ontologies with Relational Probabilistic Models.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Fabian Hadiji
Kristian Kersting
Reduce and Re-Lift: Bootstrapped Lifted Likelihood Maximization for MAP.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence
Guy Van den Broeck
On the Complexity and Approximation of Binary Evidence in Lifted Inference.
AAAI Workshop: Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence