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ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
volume 2085, 2018
Late Breaking Papers of the 27th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Orléans, France, September 4-6, 2017.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
2085 (2018)
Jáchym Barvínek
Filip Zelezný
A First-Order Axiomatization for Transition Learning with Rich Constraints.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Ahmed Samet
Thomas Guyet
Benjamin Négrevergne
Mining Rare Sequential Patterns with ASP.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Tomoyuki Uchida
Satoshi Matsumoto
Takayoshi Shoudai
Yusuke Suzuki
Tetsuhiro Miyahara
Learning of Primitive Formal Systems Defining Labelled Ordered Tree Languages via Queries.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Hendrik Blockeel
PU-learning Disjunctive Concepts in ILP.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Hank Conn
Stephen H. Muggleton
The Effect of Predicate Order on Curriculum Learning in ILP.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Yulong Gu
Paolo Missier
Adaptive Incremental Learning for Statistical Relational Models Using Gradient-Based Boosting.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Yin Jun Phua
Tony Ribeiro
Sophie Tourret
Katsumi Inoue
Learning Logic Program Representation for Delayed Systems With Limited Training Data.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Vincent Claveau
Clustering Multi-relationnal TV Data by Diverting Supervised ILP.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Nunung Nurul Qomariyah
Dimitar Kazakov
Learning from Ordinal Data with Inductive Logic Programming in Description Logic.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
volume 1636, 2016
Late Breaking Papers of the 25th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, August 20th to 22nd, 2015.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
1636 (2016)
Claude Sammut
Raymond Sheh
Adam Haber
Handy Wicaksono
The Robot Engineer.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Wang-Zhou Dai
Stephen H. Muggleton
Zhi-Hua Zhou
Logical Vision: Meta-Interpretive Learning for Simple Geometrical Concepts.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Atsushi Matsumoto
Katsutoshi Kanamori
Kazuyuki Kuchitsu
Hayato Ohwada
Extracting the Common Structure of Compounds to Induce Plant Immunity Activation using ILP.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Hiroyuki Nishiyama
Hayato Ohwada
Yet Another Parallel Hypothesis Search for Inverse Entailment.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Ondrej Kuzelka
Jan Ramon
A Note on Restricted Forms of LGG.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Fumio Mizoguchi
Hayato Ohwada
Hiroyuki Nishiyama
Akira Yoshizawa
Hirotoshi Iwasaki
Extracting rules to detect cognitive distractions through driving simulation.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Adrien Rougny
Yoshitaka Yamamoto
Hidetomo Nabeshima
Gauvain Bourgne
Anne Poupon
Katsumi Inoue
Christine Froidevaux
Completing signaling networks by abductive reasoning with perturbation experiments.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Colin Farquhar
Gudmund Grov
Andrew Cropper
Stephen Muggleton
Alan Bundy
Typed meta-interpretive learning for proof strategies.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Jianmin Ji
Brave Induction Revisited.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Dung Tuan Ho
Min Zhang
Kazuhiro Ogata
Case Studies on Extracting the Characteristics of the Reachable States of State Machines Formalizing Communication Protocols with Inductive Logic Programing.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Latest Advances in Inductive Logic Programming, ILP 2011, Late Breaking Papers, Windsor Great Park, UK, July 31 - August 3, 2011.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
volume 1187, 2014
Late Breaking Papers of the 23rd International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 28th - to - 30th, 2013.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
1187 (2014)
Fabrizio Riguzzi
Elena Bellodi
Evelina Lamma
Riccardo Zese
Learning the Parameters of Probabilistic Description Logics.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Andrei Doncescu
Modeling of Resilient Systems in Default Logic.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Houssam Nassif
Finn Kuusisto
Elizabeth S. Burnside
Jude W. Shavlik
Uplift Modeling with ROC: An SRL Case Study.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Orlando Muñoz Texzocotetla
René MacKinney-Romero
Background Knowledge-enrichment for Bottom Clauses Improving.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Ajay Nagesh
Naveen Nair
Ganesh Ramakrishnan
Comparison between Explicit Learning and Implicit Modeling of Relational Features in Structured Output Spaces.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Clément Charnay
Nicolas Lachiche
Agnès Braud
Incremental Construction of Complex Aggregates: Counting over a Secondary Table.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Gustav Sourek
Ondrej Kuzelka
Filip Zelezný
Predicting Top-k Trends on Twitter using Graphlets and Time Features.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Raphael Melo
Kate Revoredo
Aline Paes
Learning Multiple Description Logics Concepts.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
volume 975, 2013
Late Breaking Papers of the 22nd International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 17-19, 2012
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
975 (2013)
Irma Ravkic
Jan Ramon
Jesse Davis
Hybrid Logical Bayesian Networks.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Alexander van Den Berghe
Jan Van Haaren
Stefan Van Baelen
Yolande Berbers
Wouter Joosen
Towards an Automated Pattern Selection Procedure in Software Models.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Matic Perovsek
Anze Vavpetic
Nada Lavrac
A Wordification Approach to Relational Data Mining: Early Results.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Andrei Doncescu
Katsumi Inoue
Jacques Demongeot
MicroRNAs Robustness in Genetic Regulatory Networks.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
António Gonçalves
Irene M. Ong
Jeffrey A. Lewis
Vítor Santos Costa
A Problog Model for Analyzing Gene Regulatory Networks.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Yoshitaka Yamamoto
Koji Iwanuma
Katsumi Inoue
Non-monotone Dualization via Monotone Dualization.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Quang-Thang Dinh
Christel Vrain
Matthieu Exbrayat
A Link-Based Method for Propositionalization.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Noriaki Nishio
Atsuko Mutoh
Nobuhiro Inuzuka
On Computing Minimal Generators in Multi-Relational Data Mining with respect to theta-Subsumption.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Katsutoshi Kanamori
Hayato Ohwada
Creative Problem Solving by Concept Generation Using Relation Structure.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Francesca A. Lisi
Umberto Straccia
Can ILP Deal with Incomplete and Vague Structured Knowledge?
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Yoshihisa Shiina
Hayato Ohwada
Using Machine-Generated Soft Constraints for Roster Problems.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Filip Zelezný
Satisfiability Machines.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Orlando Muñoz Texzocotetla
René MacKinney-Romero
Multivalue Learning in ILP.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Takashi Yamada
Takayoshi Shoudai
Graph Contraction Pattern Matching for Graphs of Bounded Treewidth.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Man Zhu
Zhiqiang Gao
Learning from Linked Data by Markov Logic.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Mahito Sugiyama
Kentaro Imajo
Keisuke Otaki
Akihiro Yamamoto
Discovering Ligands for TRP Ion Channels Using Formal Concept Analysis.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)
Waleed Alsanie
James Cussens
Learning a Generative Failure-Free PRISM Clause.
ILP (Late Breaking Papers)