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IC3K (Selected Papers)
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Hiroki Sugiyama
Yoshimi Suzuki
Suguru Matsuyoshi
Exploiting Guest Preferences with Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis for Hotel Recommendation.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Miki Saijo
Makiko Watanabe
Sanae Aoshima
Norihiro Oda
Satoshi Matsumoto
Shishin Kawamoto
Elucidating and Creating Working Knowledge for the Care of the Frail Elderly Through User-Centered Technology Evaluation of a 4-Wheel Electric Power Assisted Bicycle: A Case Study of a Salutogenic Device in Healthcare Facilities in Japan.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Servet Tasci
Ilyas Cicekli
Content-Based News Recommendation: Comparison of Time-Based System and Keyphrase-Based System.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Elnaz Bigdeli
Mahdi Mohammadi
Bijan Raahemi
Stan Matwin
Cluster Summarization with Dense Region Detection.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Mounira Harzallah
Giuseppe Berio
Pascale Kuntz
Towards an Approach for Configuring Ontology Validation.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Damiano Distante
Alejandro Fernández
Luigi Cerulo
Aaron Visaggio
Enhancing Online Discussion Forums with Topic-Driven Content Search and Assisted Posting.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Thi Thuy Anh Nguyen
Stefan Conrad
An Improved String Similarity Measure Based on Combining Information-Theoretic and Edit Distance Methods.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Giacomo Domeniconi
Gianluca Moro
Roberto Pasolini
Claudio Sartori
Iterative Refining of Category Profiles for Nearest Centroid Cross-Domain Text Classification.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Carlos Alberto Malcher Bastos
Monica Rodrigues Moreira
Ana Cristina Martins Bruno
Sergio Mecena Filho
José Rodrigues de Farias Filho
An Information Flow Based Modeling Approach to Information Management.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Victoria Nebot
Rafael Berlanga Llavori
Building MD Analytical Stars Using a Visual Linked Data Query Builder.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Cândida Silva
Isabel Ramos
Ontology Methodology Building Criteria for Crowdsourcing Innovation Intermediaries.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Gerhard Wickler
Lukás Chrpa
Thomas Leo McCluskey
Ontological Support for Modelling Planning Knowledge.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Giacomo Domeniconi
Marco Masseroli
Gianluca Moro
Pietro Pinoli
Random Perturbations of Term Weighted Gene Ontology Annotations for Discovering Gene Unknown Functionalities.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Xinghang Dai
Nada Matta
Guillaume Ducellier
Cooperative Knowledge Representation and Classification for Design Projects.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Rebecca J. Passonneau
Tifara Ramelson
Boyi Xie
Named Entity Recognition from Financial Press Releases.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
David Aveiro
Duarte Pinto
Interview Based DEMO Axioms' Benefits Validation: A Regional Government Case Study.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Ines Ben Messaoud
Jamel Feki
Gilles Zurfluh
A Semi-automatic Approach to Build XML Document Warehouse.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Iaakov Exman
Danil Iskusnov
Apogee: Application Ontology Generation with Size Optimization.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Alexander V. Smirnov
Tatiana Levashova
Nikolay Shilov
Role-Driven Context-Based Decision Support: Approach, Implementation and Lessons Learned.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Lina Fahed
Armelle Brun
Anne Boyer
Efficient Discovery of Episode Rules with a Minimal Antecedent and a Distant Consequent.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Hlomani Hlomani
Deborah A. Stacey
Multiple Dimensions to Data-Driven Ontology Evaluation.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Antonio Lieto
Daniele Paolo Radicioni
Marcello Frixione
Valentina Rho
Extending Ontological Categorization Through a Dual Process Conceptual Architecture.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Federico Cabitza
Angela Locoro
"Made with Knowledge": Reporting a Qualitative Literature Review on the Concept of the IT Knowledge Artifact.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Marco Buijs
Marco R. Spruit
Determining the Relative Importance of Webpages Based on Social Signals Using the Social Score and the Potential Role of the Social Score in an Asynchronous Social Search Engine.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Lorena Otero-Cerdeira
Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Martínez
Tito Valencia-Requejo
Alma Gómez-Rodríguez
A New Similarity Measure for an Ontology Matching System.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Belaïd Benhamou
Saïd Jabbour
Lakhdar Sais
Yakoub Salhi
A Generic and Declarative Method for Symmetry Breaking in Itemset Mining.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
John M. Favaro
Knowledge Reuse in Innovation.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Augusta Maria Paci
Cecilia Bartolucci
Cecilia Lalle
Francesco Tampieri
Knowledge Capture and Information Sharing for Science and Technology.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Octavian Lucian Hasna
Florin Cristian Macicasan
Mihaela Dînsoreanu
Rodica Potolea
Modeling Sentiment Polarity with Meta-features to Achieve Domain-Independence.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
A Novel Knowledge-Based Architecture for Concept Mining on Italian and English Texts.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Tarek Amr Abdallah
Beatriz de la Iglesia
URL-Based Web Page Classification: With n-Gram Language Models.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Anabel Fraga
Juan Lloréns
How to Build Ontologies for Requirements Systems Engineering Projects Aiding the Quality Management Process.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Domenico Redavid
Stefano Ferilli
Berardina De Carolis
Floriana Esposito
A Tool for Complete OWL-S Services Annotation by Means of Concept Networks.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Carmen Chui
Michael Grüninger
Techniques for Merging Upper Ontologies.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Roger B. Bradford
Techniques for Processing LSI Queries Incorporating Phrases.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Helvi Nyerwanire
Erja Mustonen-Ollila
Antti Valpas
Knowledge Management Problems at Hospital: An Empirical Study Using the Grounded Theory.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Jérémy Bénard
Philippe Martin
Improving General Knowledge Sharing via an Ontology of Knowledge Representation Language Ontologies.
IC3K (Selected Papers)