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Dario De Nart
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2017
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Web Pages
Keyphrase Extraction
User Model
Top Venues
UMAP Workshops
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Marco Pavan
Leveraging Conversation Structure on Social Media to Identify Potentially Influential Users.
Eddy Maddalena
Marco Basaldella
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Stefano Mizzaro
Gianluca Demartini
Crowdsourcing Relevance Assessments: The Unexpected Benefits of Limiting the Time to Judge.
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Marco Peressotti
Carlo Tasso
Stratifying Semantic Data for Citation and Trust: An Introduction to RDFDF.
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Marco Peressotti
Well-Stratified Linked Data for Well-Behaved Data Citation.
Bull. IEEE Tech. Comm. Digit. Libr.
12 (1) (2016)
Muhammad Helmy
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Carlo Tasso
Leveraging Arabic morphology and syntax for achieving better keyphrase extraction.
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Marco Basaldella
Maristella Agosti
Carlo Tasso
A Content-Based Approach to Social Network Analysis: A Case Study on Research Communities.
Marco Basaldella
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
Introducing Distiller: A Unifying Framework for Knowledge Extraction.
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Carlo Tasso
Introducing Distiller: a Lightweight Framework for Knowledge Extraction and Filtering.
UMAP Workshops
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Andrea Pavan
Marco Basaldella
Carlo Tasso
Modelling the User Modelling Community (and Other Communities as Well).
Dario De Nart
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Marco Peressotti
Well-Stratified Linked Data for Well-Behaved Data Citation.
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Users as Crawlers: Exploiting Metadata Embedded in Web Pages for User Profiling.
UMAP Workshops
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
A New Multi-lingual Knowledge-base Approach to Keyphrase Extraction for the Italian Language.
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
Dante Degl'Innocenti
A Semantic Metadata Generator for Web Pages Based on Keyphrase Extraction.
ISWC (Posters & Demos)
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
A Personalized Concept-driven Recommender System for Scientific Libraries.
Dante Degl'Innocenti
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
A Novel Knowledge-Based Architecture for Concept Mining on Italian and English Texts.
IC3K (Selected Papers)
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
A Domain Independent Double Layered Approach to Keyphrase Generation.
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
Dante Degl'Innocenti
A Thin-Server Approach to Ephemeral Web Personalization Exploiting RDF Data Embedded in Web Pages.
Dario De Nart
Felice Ferrara
Carlo Tasso
Personalized Access to Scientific Publications: from Recommendation to Explanation.
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
Felice Ferrara
Personalized Recommendation and Explanation by using Keyphrases Automatically extracted from Scientific Literature.
Dario De Nart
Carlo Tasso
A Keyphrase Generation Technique Based upon Keyphrase Extraction and Reasoning on Loosely Structured Ontologies.
Dario De Nart
Felice Ferrara
Carlo Tasso
RES: A Personalized Filtering Tool for CiteSeerX Queries Based on Keyphrase Extraction.