Detection and Dynamical Tracking of Temperature Facial Distribution Caused by Alcohol Intoxication with Using of Modified OTSU Regional Segmentation.
Jan KubícekMarek PenhakerMartin AugustynekMartin CernýDavid OczkaPetra MaresováPublished in: ACIIDS (2) (2018)
- landmark detection
- accurate localization
- threshold selection
- otsu method
- automatic initialization
- thresholding method
- bounding box
- level set
- foreground background separation
- motion segmentation
- segmentation algorithm
- detection responses
- text detection
- active shape
- multi target tracking
- cluttered background
- geometric active contours
- complex background
- motion detection
- face detection and tracking
- video scene
- multiscale
- reliable detection
- detecting and tracking multiple
- facial expressions
- partial occlusion
- image segmentation
- object detection
- background modeling
- face recognition
- joint detection
- medical images
- algorithm for image segmentation
- detection algorithm
- computer vision
- object segmentation
- motion estimation
- face images
- particle filter
- thresholding algorithm
- segmentation method
- appearance model
- foreground background
- background subtraction
- facial images
- region growing
- human detection
- multiple objects
- occlusion reasoning
- energy minimization
- shape prior
- video surveillance