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William Ryan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1978-2013
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Buffer Overflow
Ns Simulator
Sparsely Connected
Game Playing
Top Venues
DiGRA Conference
William Ryan
Zach Gilson
Transforming Game Narrative through Social Media: Studying the Mass Effect Universe of Twitter.
DiGRA Conference
William Ryan
Dennis Charsky
Integrating serious content into serious games.
William Ryan
Adam Peruta
Suzanne Chouman
Social media and the transformation of brand communication.
William Ryan
Jennifer Stewart
Dean Verleger
Jackie Crofts
Network Nightmares: Using games to teach networks and security.
William Ryan
Sho Takatori
Thomas Booze
Hai-Yong Kang
Toward Safe and Sustainable Nanomaterials: Chemical Information Call-in to Manufacturers of Nanomaterials by California as a Case Study.
Eur. J. Law Technol.
2 (3) (2011)
William Ryan
Martin A. Siegel
Evaluating Interactive Entertainment using Breakdown: Understanding Embodied Learning in Video Games.
DiGRA Conference
William Ryan
Erik Stolterman
Heekyoung Jung
Martin A. Siegel
Tonya Thompson
William R. Hazlewood
Device ecology mapper: a tool for studying users' ecosystems of interactive artifacts.
CHI Extended Abstracts
William Ryan
William R. Hazlewood
Kevin Makice
Twitterspace: a co-developed display using Twitter to enhance community awareness.
Heekyoung Jung
Erik Stolterman
William Ryan
Tonya Thompson
Marty Siegel
Toward a framework for ecologies of artifacts: how are digital artifacts interconnected within a personal life?
Jeffrey Bardzell
Shaowen Bardzell
Craig Birchler
William Ryan
Double dribble: illusionism, mixed reality, and the sports fan experience.
Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
Jeffrey Bardzell
Shaowen Bardzell
Christian Briggs
Kevin Makice
William Ryan
Matt Weldon
Machinima prototyping: an approach to evaluation.
Kynthia Brunette
Matthew Eisenstadt
Erik Pukinskis
William Ryan
Meeteetse: social well-being through place attachment.
CHI Extended Abstracts
William Ryan
Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem for General Recursive Arithmetic.
Math. Log. Q.
24 (25-30) (1978)