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Tomaz Bartol
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2019
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Computer Skills
Preliminary Analysis
Classifying Web Pages
University Courses
Top Venues
Br. J. Educ. Technol.
J. Inf. Sci.
Karmen Stopar
Tomaz Bartol
Digital competences, computer skills and information literacy in secondary education: mapping and visualization of trends and concepts.
118 (2) (2019)
Danica Dolnicar
Bojana Boh Podgornik
Tomaz Bartol
A comparative study of three teaching methods on student information literacy in stand-alone credit-bearing university courses.
J. Inf. Sci.
43 (5) (2017)
Andrej Sorgo
Tomaz Bartol
Danica Dolnicar
Bojana Boh Podgornik
Attributes of digital natives as predictors of information literacy in higher education.
Br. J. Educ. Technol.
48 (3) (2017)
Tomaz Bartol
Gordana Budimir
Primoz Juznic
Karmen Stopar
Mapping and classification of agriculture in Web of Science: other subject categories and research fields may benefit.
109 (2) (2016)
Alenka Baggia
Anja Znidarsic
Mirjana Kljajic Borstnar
Andreja Pucihar
Andrej Sorgo
Tomaz Bartol
Blaz Rodic
Danica Dolnicar
Factors influencing the Information Literacy of Students: Preliminary Analysis.
Bled eConference
Bojana Boh Podgornik
Danica Dolnicar
Andrej Sorgo
Tomaz Bartol
Development, testing, and validation of an information literacy test (ILT) for higher education.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol.
67 (10) (2016)
Karmen Stopar
Damjana Drobne
Klemen Eler
Tomaz Bartol
Citation analysis and mapping of nanoscience and nanotechnology: identifying the scope and interdisciplinarity of research.
106 (2) (2016)
Danica Dolnicar
Bojana Boh Podgornik
Irena Sajovic
Andrej Sorgo
Tomaz Bartol
Assessing Content and Cognitive Levels of Information Literacy in a Group of Life Sciences University Students.
Bojana Boh Podgornik
Danica Dolnicar
Andrej Sorgo
Tomaz Bartol
Evaluation of Information Literacy of Slovenian University Students.
Polona Vilar
Primoz Juznic
Tomaz Bartol
Information behaviour of Slovenian researchers: investigation of activities, preferences and characteristics.
Inf. Res.
20 (2) (2015)
Tomaz Bartol
Karmen Stopar
Nano language and distribution of article title terms according to power laws.
103 (2) (2015)
Tomaz Bartol
Gordana Budimir
Doris Dekleva-Smrekar
Miro Pusnik
Primoz Juznic
Assessment of research fields in Scopus and Web of Science in the view of national research evaluation in Slovenia.
98 (2) (2014)
Tomaz Bartol
Non-agricultural databases and thesauri: Retrieval of subject headings and non-controlled terms in relation to agriculture.
46 (2) (2012)
Tomaz Bartol
Agriculture-Related Concepts in Non-agricultural and General Thesauri.
Tomaz Bartol
Assessment of classification and indexing of an agricultural journal based on metadata in AGRIS and CAB Abstracts databases.
Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies
4 (1/2) (2009)
Tomaz Bartol
Assessment of Food and Nutrition Related Descriptors in Agricultural and Biomedical Thesauri.
Tomaz Bartol
Marjan Hocevar
The capital cities of the ten new European Union countries in selected bibliographic databases.
65 (2) (2005)
Simona Juvan
Tomaz Bartol
Bojana Boh
Data structuring and classification in newly-emerging scientific fields.
Online Inf. Rev.
29 (5) (2005)