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Saerom Lee
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2025
Publications (10 Years): 22
Top Topics
Semantic Tags
Website Design
Conducted A User Study
Top Venues
Entertain. Comput.
HCI (6)
Soyeon Jin
Saerom Lee
Hakyeon Lee
How do fandom types differ? A taxonomy of K-pop fandom with network embedding.
Entertain. Comput.
52 (2025)
Soyeon Lee
Saerom Lee
Hyunmi Baek
How does live streaming impact media content consumption? The effect of game live streaming on game players.
Entertain. Comput.
52 (2025)
Toshiki Muguruma
Kaito Minohara
Yusuke Kometani
Naka Gotoda
Saerom Lee
Ryo Kanda
Shotaro Irie
Toru Harai
VR System for Hazard Prediction of Unsafe Behaviors in Outbound Training.
HCI (6)
Saerom Lee
Chulhyun Kim
Hakyeon Lee
What should be offered for free and what for premium in a freemium service? a two-stage approach of Kano & path analysis to the design of freemium services.
Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag.
36 (7) (2024)
Moonkyoung Jang
Saerom Lee
Hyunmi Baek
How the reviewer's historical ratings influence the review helpfulness?: focus on the extremity and negativity.
Ind. Manag. Data Syst.
124 (8) (2024)
Young-joo Kang
Ui-jun Lee
Saerom Lee
Who Makes Popular Content? Information Cues from Content Creators for Users' game Choice: Focusing on User-Created Content Platform "Roblox".
Entertain. Comput.
50 (2024)
Wataru Oomoto
Saerom Lee
An Analysis of the Impact of Bench Placement Angle on Comfortableness and Interaction.
HCI (43)
Dong-Heon Kwak
Derek L. Nazareth
Saerom Lee
Jinwoong Lee
Greta L. Polites
Deborah Erdos Knapp
The effect of charity website design on perceived consistency and its consequences.
Internet Res.
33 (3) (2023)
So Fukuhara
Saerom Lee
Masao Arakawa
Development of Multi-objective Optimal Design Method Using Review Data with Kansei Items as the Objective Function.
HCI (46)
Yusuke Yagi
Yusuke Kometani
Saerom Lee
Naka Gotoda
Takayuki Kunieda
Masanori Yatagai
Teruhiko Unoki
Rihito Yaegashi
Development of a VR Collaboration System to Support Reflection on the Learning Process of Oneself and Others.
HCI (6)
Sotaro Asada
Saerom Lee
Takayoshi Kitamura
Can We Analyze Regional Differences of Emotional Change in COVID-19 pandemic from SNS Data?
Haruko Onishi
Mizuho Hoshikuma
Nagisa Ashihara
Miyui Odama
Saerom Lee
Takayoshi Kitamura
Proposal for a system TODOKATSU: converts feelings of support for others into motivation for managing one's own to-do lists.
Dongyeon Kim
Saerom Lee
Martin Kang
Emmanuel W. Ayaburi
Determinants of Victims' Confrontation with SNS Bullying.
Hyunmi Baek
Saerom Lee
Seongcheol Kim
Are female users equally active? An empirical study of the gender imbalance in Korean online news commenting.
Telematics Informatics
62 (2021)
Dong-Heon Kwak
Saerom Lee
Xiao Ma
Jaeung Lee
Lara Khansa
Alan Brandyberry
Announcement of formal controls as phase-shifting perceptions: their determinants and moderating role in the context of mobile loafing.
Internet Res.
31 (5) (2021)
Soyeon Lee
Saerom Lee
Hyunmi Baek
Does the dispersion of online review ratings affect review helpfulness?
Comput. Hum. Behav.
117 (2021)
Kaiji Sugimoto
Yudai Kon
Saerom Lee
Yoshifumi Okada
Detection and localization of myocardial infarction based on a convolutional autoencoder.
Knowl. Based Syst.
178 (2019)
Saerom Lee
Austin Kwak
Yuju Tu
Xiao Ma
Lara Khansa
Announcement of Formal control as a phase-Shifting perception and its Moderating Role in the Context of Mobile-Loafing.
Kate Letheren
Saerom Lee
Dong-Heon Kwak
Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy
Effects of Gendered Anthropomorphism and Image Appeal on Moral Norms in the Context of Charity Website Design.
Dong-Heon Kwak
Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy
Derek L. Nazareth
Saerom Lee
The moderating role of helper's high in anchoring process: An empirical investigation in the context of charity website design.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
84 (2018)
Saerom Lee
Hyunmi Baek
Jungjoo Jahng
Governance strategies for open collaboration: Focusing on resource allocation in open source software development organizations.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
37 (5) (2017)
Mehdi Darban
Dong-Heon Kwak
Shuyuan Deng
Mark Srite
Saerom Lee
Antecedents and consequences of perceived knowledge update in the context of an ERP simulation game: A multi-level perspective.
Comput. Educ.
103 (2016)
Sehwan Oh
Saerom Lee
Hyunmi Baek
Reinvestigating the Relationship between Information Technology Capability and Firm Performance: Focusing On the Impact of the Adoption of Enterprise Systems.
Saerom Lee
Jungjoo Jahng
Tense Moods Make You Use Habitually Facebook: A New Framework for Habitual IT Use based on the Mechanisms of Mood Regulation.
Jihoon Choi
Kyubum Lee
Saerom Lee
Jay (Jongtae) Ihm
Channel selection for IEEE 802.11 based wireless LANs using 2.4GHz band.
IEICE Electron. Express
8 (16) (2011)