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R. Brenot
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2021
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Gallium Arsenide
Laser Radar
High Pass
Physical Characteristics
Top Venues
Dylan Le Gac
Djalal-Falih Bendimerad
Iosif Demirtzioglou
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Nayla El Dahdah
Antonin Gallet
Hajar Elfaiki
Shuqi Yu
Ge Gao
R. Brenot
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
63.2Tb/s Real-time Transmission Through Discrete Extended C- and L-Band Amplification in a 440km SMF Link.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Chia-Ming Chang
S. Chandrasekhar
Young-Kai Chen
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Po Dong
Integrated 5-channel WDM hybrid III-V/Si transmitter enabling 100Gb/s and beyond.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Chia-Ming Chang
Michael S. Eggleston
Argishti Melikyan
C. Zhu
J. Lee
Jesse E. Simsarian
S. Chandrasekhar
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Kwangwoong Kim
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Hybrid III-V/Silicon integration: Enabling the next generation of advanced photonic transmitters.
Chia-Ming Chang
Guilhem de Valicourt
Jeffrey Lee
K. W. Kim
Michael S. Eggleston
Po Dong
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Young-Kai Chen
Small form factor hybrid Ill-V/Si wavelength-tunable push-pull microring based transmitter.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Michael S. Eggleston
C. Zhu
J. Lee
Chia-Ming Chang
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
K. W. Kim
Young-Kai Chen
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Po Dong
80Gb/s PDM-QPSK PIC-to-PIC transmission based on integrated hybrid silicon/III-V wavelength-tunable transmitter and monolithic silicon coherent receiver.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Agnes Verdier
R. Brenot
Young-Kai Chen
Po Dong
Integrated ultra-wide band wavelength-tunable hybrid external cavity silicon-based laser.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Jesse E. Simsarian
A. Maho
R. Brenot
K. W. Kim
Argishti Melikyan
Po Dong
Chia-Ming Chang
Young-Kai Chen
Dual hybrid silicon-photonic laser with fast wavelength tuning.
Alban Le Liepvre
R. Brenot
Guang-Hua Duan
Ségolène Olivier
A. Maho
Fast tunable silicon ring resonator filter for access networks.
Guillaume Levaufre
Alban Le Liepvre
Christophe Jany
Alain Accard
P. Kaspar
R. Brenot
Dalila Make
Francois Lelarge
Guang-Hua Duan
Ségolène Olivier
Stephane Malhouitre
Christophe Kopp
Gaël Simon
Fabienne Saliou
Philippe Chanclou
Hybrid III-V/silicon tunable laser directly modulated at 10Gbit/s for short reach/access networks.
P. Kaspar
R. Brenot
A. Le Liepvre
Alain Accard
Dalila Make
Guillaume Levaufre
Nils Girard
Francois Lelarge
Guang-Hua Duan
N. Pavarelli
Marc Rensing
Cormac Eason
Giuseppe Talli
Peter O'Brien
Ségolène Olivier
Stephane Malhouitre
Christophe Kopp
Christophe Jany
Sylvie Menezo
Packaged hybrid III-V/silicon SOA.
Fabienne Saliou
Philippe Chanclou
Gaël Simon
R. Brenot
125km long cavity based on self-seeded RSOAs colorless sources for 2.5Gbit/s DWDM networks.
Paola Parolari
Lucia Marazzi
Marco Brunero
Alberto Gatto
Mario Martinelli
R. Brenot
S. Barbet
Paola Galli
Giancarlo Gavioli
10-Gb/s Polarization-Insensitive RSOA-based Self-Tuning transmitter for WDM-PON bridging up to 52 km.