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Po Dong
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2024
Publications (10 Years): 26
Top Topics
Synthetic Aperture Imaging
Data Center
Matrix Multiplication
High Speed
Top Venues
Dun Mao
Lorry Chang
Po Dong
Tingyi Gu
Space Qualifying Silicon Photonic Modulators and Circuits.
Xiansong Meng
Deming Kong
Kwangwoong Kim
Qiuchi Li
Po Dong
Ingemar J. Cox
Christina Lioma
Hao Hu
Digital-analog hybrid matrix multiplication processor for optical neural networks.
Po Dong
Jing Chen
Argishti Melikyan
Tianren Fan
Taylor Fryett
Changyi Li
Jiashu Chen
Chris Koeppen
Silicon Photonics for 800G and Beyond: [invited].
Deming Kong
Haiyun Xin
Kwangwoong Kim
Yong Liu
Leif K. Oxenløwe
Po Dong
Hao Hu
300 Gb/s Net-Rate Intra-Datacenter Interconnects with a Silicon Integrated Optical Frequency Comb Modulator.
Po Dong
Argishti Melikyan
Kwangwoong Kim
Noriaki Kaneda
Brian Stern
Yves Baeyens
In-Phase/Quadrature Modulation by Directly Reflectivity Modulated Laser.
Argishti Melikyan
Ting-Chen Hu
Kwangwoong Kim
Yves Baeyens
Mark Earnshaw
Po Dong
Efficient Optical I/O in Standard SiPh Process.
Argishti Melikyan
Noriaki Kaneda
Kwangwoong Kim
Po Dong
Inter-Polarization 180-Degree Mixer for Reception of M-ASK Signals.
Po Dong
Kwangwoong Kim
Argishti Melikyan
Generating Two Optical Signals from a Single Directly Reflectivity Modulated Laser.
Fred Buchali
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Po Dong
Henning Bülow
Amplifier Less 400 Gb/s Coherent Transmission at Short Reach.
Nihel Benzaoui
José Manuel Estarán
Eric Dutisseuil
Haïk Mardoyan
Guilhem de Valicourt
Arnaud Dupas
Quan Pham-Van
Dominique Verchère
Bogdan Uscumlic
Mijail Szczerban Gonzalez
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Sébastien Bigo
Yvan Pointurier
CBOSS: Bringing Traffic Engineering Inside Data Center Networks.
10 (7) (2018)
Guilhem de Valicourt
Chia-Ming Chang
S. Chandrasekhar
Young-Kai Chen
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Po Dong
Integrated 5-channel WDM hybrid III-V/Si transmitter enabling 100Gb/s and beyond.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Chia-Ming Chang
Michael S. Eggleston
Argishti Melikyan
C. Zhu
J. Lee
Jesse E. Simsarian
S. Chandrasekhar
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Kwangwoong Kim
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Hybrid III-V/Silicon integration: Enabling the next generation of advanced photonic transmitters.
Argishti Melikyan
Guilhem de Valicourt
Kwangwoong Kim
Nicolas K. Fontaine
Young-Kai Chen
Po Dong
Hybrid III-V/Silicon Laser with Integrated Athermal Wavelength Locker.
Chia-Ming Chang
Guilhem de Valicourt
Jeffrey Lee
K. W. Kim
Michael S. Eggleston
Po Dong
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Young-Kai Chen
Small form factor hybrid Ill-V/Si wavelength-tunable push-pull microring based transmitter.
Xi Chen
S. Chandrasekhar
Gregory Raybon
Po Dong
Borui Li
Andrew Adamiecki
Peter Winzer
Characterization of electro-optic bandwidth of ultra-high speed modulators.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Joseph Kakande
Chia-Ming Chang
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
oung-Kai Chen
Bob Tkach
Po Dong
Fully Monolithic Integrated Silicon Photonics Slave Transceiver for Short-Reach Network.
Po Dong
Anaelle Maho
Romain Brenot
Young-Kai Chen
Argishti Melikyan
Directly Reflectivity Modulated Laser.
Argishti Melikyan
Kwangwok Kim
Young-Kai Chen
Po Dong
Tapless locking of silicon ring modulators for WDM applications.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Michael S. Eggleston
C. Zhu
J. Lee
Chia-Ming Chang
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
K. W. Kim
Young-Kai Chen
A. Maho
R. Brenot
Po Dong
80Gb/s PDM-QPSK PIC-to-PIC transmission based on integrated hybrid silicon/III-V wavelength-tunable transmitter and monolithic silicon coherent receiver.
José Manuel Estarán
Eric Dutisseuil
Haïk Mardoyan
Guilhem de Valicourt
Arnaud Dupas
Quan Pham-Van
Dominique Verchère
Bogdan Uscumlic
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Sébastien Bigo
Yvan Pointurier
Cloud-BOSS Intra-Data Center Network: On-Demand QoS Guarantees via μβ Optical Slot Switching.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Agnes Verdier
R. Brenot
Young-Kai Chen
Po Dong
Integrated ultra-wide band wavelength-tunable hybrid external cavity silicon-based laser.
Robert Gatdula
Kwangwoong Kim
Argishti Melikyan
Young-Kai Chen
Po Dong
Three-channel Thermal Adaptation of Polarization Insensitive Silicon Photonics WDM Receiver.
Jeffrey Lee
Po Dong
Noriaki Kaneda
Young-Kai Chen
Discrete multi-tone transmission for short-reach optical connections.
Chia-Ming Chang
Po Dong
Chengcheng Gui
Guilhem de Valicourt
Low-chirp push-pull microring modulators.
Po Dong
Jeffrey Lee
Kwangwoong Kim
Young-Kai Chen
Chengcheng Gui
Ten-channel discrete multi-tone modulation using silicon microring modulator array.
Guilhem de Valicourt
Jesse E. Simsarian
A. Maho
R. Brenot
K. W. Kim
Argishti Melikyan
Po Dong
Chia-Ming Chang
Young-Kai Chen
Dual hybrid silicon-photonic laser with fast wavelength tuning.
Chia-Ming Chang
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Po Dong
Guilhem de Valicourt
Young-Kai Chen
Dual-illuminated parallel-fed traveling wave germanium photodetectors.
Chengcheng Gui
Po Dong
Guilhem de Valicourt
Haoshuo Chen
Nicolas K. Fontaine
Kwangwoong Kim
Young-Kai Chen
Experimental demonstration of quadrature phase-shift keying silicon ring modulator based on intensity modulation.
Po Dong
Jeffrey Lee
Young-Kai Chen
Lawrence L. Buhl
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Kwangwoong Kim
Four-channel vestigial sideband discrete multi-tone modulation using silicon photonic integrated circuits.
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Tingyi Gu
Lawrence L. Buhl
David T. Neilson
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Reconfigurable 100 Gb/s Silicon Photonic Network-on-Chip [Invited].
7 (1) (2015)
Guilhem de Valicourt
Po Dong
Kwangwoong Kim
Chia-Ming Chang
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Lawrence L. Buhl
Young-Kai Chen
16-Channel digitally wavelength-tunable hybrid III-V/silicon laser.
Po Dong
Jeffrey Lee
Young-Kai Chen
Lawrence L. Buhl
S. Chandrasekhar
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Kwangwoong Kim
Four-channel 100-Gb/s per channel discrete multi-tone modulation using silicon photonic integrated circuits.
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Lawrence L. Buhl
Reconfigurable four-channel polarization diversity silicon photonic WDM receiver.
Chongjin Xie
Po Dong
Sebastian Randel
Dario Pilori
Peter Winzer
Silvia Spiga
Benjamin Kogel
Christian Neumeyr
Markus-Christian Amann
Single-VCSEL 100-Gb/s short-reach system using discrete multi-tone modulation and direct detection.
Po Dong
Chongjin Xie
Lawrence L. Buhl
Monolithic coherent receiver based on 120-degree optical hybrids on silicon.
Silvia Spiga
Chongjin Xie
Po Dong
Markus-Christian Amann
Peter Winzer
Ultra-high-bandwidth monolithic VCSEL arrays for high-speed metro networks.
Po Dong
Young-Kai Chen
Tingyi Gu
Lawrence L. Buhl
David T. Neilson
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Reconfigurable 100 Gb/s silicon photonic network-on-chip.
Chongjin Xie
Silvia Spiga
Po Dong
Peter J. Winzer
Alexander Andrejew
Benjamin Kogel
Christian Neumeyr
Markus-Christian Amann
All-VCSEL based 100-Gb/s PDM-4PAM coherent system for applications in metro networks.
Po Dong
Chongjin Xie
Lawrence L. Buhl
Young-Kai Chen
Jeffrey H. Sinsky
Gregory Raybon
Silicon in-phase/quadrature modulator with on-chip optical equalizer.
Chongjin Xie
Silvia Spiga
Po Dong
Peter Winzer
Alan H. Gnauck
Christoph Greus
Markus Ortsiefer
Christian Neumeyr
Michael Muller
Markus-Christian Amann
Generation and transmission of 100-Gb/s PDM 4-PAM using directly modulated VCSELs and coherent detection.
Chongjin Xie
Silvia Spiga
Po Dong
Peter Winzer
Michael Bergmann
Benjamin Kogel
Christian Neumeyr
Markus-Christian Amann
Generation and transmission of a 400-Gb/s PDM/WDM signal using a monolithic 2×4 VCSEL array and coherent detection.
Po Dong
Chongjin Xie
Lawrence L. Buhl
Young-Kai Chen
Silicon microring modulators for advanced modulation formats.
Po Dong
Xiang Liu
Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar
Lawrence L. Buhl
Ricardo Aroca
Yves Baeyens
Young-Kai Chen
224-Gb/s PDM-16-QAM modulator and receiver based on silicon photonic integrated circuits.