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Fred Buchali
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2024
Publications (10 Years): 58
Top Topics
Neural Network
Modulation Scheme
Forward Error Correction
Experimental Comparison
Top Venues
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.
Qian Hu
Tobias Tannert
Markus Grözing
Gregory Raybon
Robert Borkowski
Fred Buchali
Xi Chen
Patrick Iannone
Georg Rademacher
Roland Ryf
467 Gbit/s Net Bitrate IM/DD Transmission Using 176 GBd PAM-8 Enabled by SiGe AMUX with Excellent Linearity.
Vincent Lauinger
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Improving the Bootstrap of Blind Equalizers with Variational Autoencoders.
Vincent Lauinger
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Improving the Bootstrap of Blind Equalizers with Variational Autoencoders.
Vincent Lauinger
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Blind Equalization and Channel Estimation in Coherent Optical Communications Using Variational Autoencoders.
Vincent Lauinger
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Blind Equalization and Channel Estimation in Coherent Optical Communications Using Variational Autoencoders.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.
40 (9) (2022)
Robert Borkowski
Qian Hu
Yannick Lefevre
Fred Buchali
René Bonk
Karsten Schuh
Junho Cho
Juerg Leuthold
Wolfgang Heni
Benedikt Baeuerle
Claudia Hoessbacher
Experimental Evaluation of PAM and Polybinary Modulation for Intra-DCI Optical Lanes with up to 300 Gbit/s Net Bitrates.
Laurent Schmalen
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Roman Dischler
Ulrich Gebhard
Distributed Transmission and Spatially Coupled Forward Error Correction in Regenerative Multipoint-to-Point Networks.
Qian Hu
Robert Borkowski
Yannick Lefevre
Fred Buchali
René Bonk
Karsten Schuh
Eva de Leo
Patrick Habegger
Marcel Destraz
Nino Del Medico
Hamit Duran
Valentino Tedaldi
Christian Funck
Yuriy Fedoryshyn
Juerg Leuthold
Wolfgang Heni
Benedikt Baeuerle
Claudia Hoessbacher
Plasmonic-MZM-based Short-Reach Transmission up to 10 km Supporting >304 GBd Polybinary or 432 Gbit/s PAM-8 Signaling.
Vladislav Neskorniuk
Fred Buchali
Vinod Bajaj
Sergei K. Turitsyn
Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky
Vahid Aref
Neural-Network-Based Nonlinearity Equalizer for 128 GBaud Coherent Transcievers.
Kaoutar Benyahya
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Vahid Aref
Mathieu Chagnon
Aymeric Arnould
Stenio Ranzini
Haïk Mardoyan
Fred Buchali
Jeremie Renaudier
On the Comparison of Single-Carrier vs. Digital Multi-Carrier Signaling for Long-Haul Transmission of Probabilistically Shaped Constellation Formats.
Fred Buchali
Beyond 1 Tbit/s transmission using high-speed DACs and analog multiplexing.
Kaoutar Benyahya
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Vahid Aref
Mathieu Chagnon
Aymeric Arnould
Stenio Ranzini
Haïk Mardoyan
Fred Buchali
Jeremie Renaudier
On the Comparison of Single-Carrier vs. Digital Multi-Carrier Signaling for Long-Haul Transmission of Probabilistically Shaped Constellation Formats.
Qian Hu
Karsten Schuh
Michael Collisi
Vahid Aref
Horst Hettrich
Rolf Schmid
Fred Buchali
Michael Möller
120 GSa/s BiCMOS Analog Multiplexer Enabling 360 Gbit/s DSCM-PCS-256QAM IM/DD Transmission.
Vinod Bajaj
Fred Buchali
Mathieu Chagnon
Sander Wahls
Vahid Aref
54.5 Tb/s WDM Transmission over Field Deployed Fiber Enabled by Neural Network-Based Digital Pre-Distortion.
Karsten Schuh
Qian Hu
Roman Dischler
Vahid Aref
Fred Buchali
Son Thai Le
Michael Collisi
Michael Möller
Horst Hettrich
Rolf Schmid
Xuan-Quang Du
Markus Grözing
Manfred Berroth
High-speed IM/DD transmission with analog (de-)multiplexers.
Philipp Thomas
Tobias Tannert
Markus Grözing
Manfred Berroth
Qian Hu
Fred Buchali
1-to-4 Analog Demultiplexer With up to 128 GS/s for Interleaving of Bandwidth-Limited Digitizers in Wireline and Optical Receivers.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
56 (9) (2021)
Qian Hu
Karsten Schuh
Robert Borkowski
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
120 Gbaud IM/DD PAM-4 Transmission over 1.5 km SMF Using a Single CMOS DAC with <20 GHz Analog Bandwidth.
Fred Buchali
Vincent Lauinger
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Vahid Aref
1.1 Tb/s/λ at 9.8 Bit/s/Hz DWDM Transmission over DCI Distances Supported by CMOS DACs.
Karsten Schuh
Qian Hu
Michael Collisi
Roman Dischler
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Horst Hettrich
Rolf Schmid
Michael Möller
100 GSa/s BiCMOS Analog Multiplexer Based 100 GBd PAM Transmission over 20 km Single-Mode Fiber in the C-Band.
Son T. Le
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Tomislav Drenski
Andrew Hills
Malcom King
Tod Sizer
Optical Single-Sideband Direct Detection Transmissions: Recent Progress and Commercial Aspects.
Vinod Bajaj
Fred Buchali
Mathieu Chagnon
Sander Wahls
Vahid Aref
Single-channel 1.61 Tb/s Optical Coherent Transmission Enabled by Neural Network-Based Digital Pre-Distortion.
Fred Buchali
Vahid Aref
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Horst Hettrich
Anna Bielik
Lars Altenhain
Markus Guntermann
Rolf Schmid
Michael Möller
1.52 Tb/s Single Carrier Transmission Supported by a 128 GSa/s SiGe DAC.
Fred Buchali
Vahid Aref
Mathieu Chagnon
Roman Dischler
Horst Hettrich
Rolf Schmid
Michael Möller
52.1 Tb/s C-band DCI transmission over DCI distances at 52.1 Tb/s C-Band DCI Transmission over DCI Distances at 1.49 Tb/s/λ.49 Tbsλ.
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Roman Dischler
Mathieu Chagnon
Vahid Aref
Henning Bülow
Qian Hu
Florian Pulka
Massimo Frascolla
Esmaeel Alhammadi
Adel Samhan
Islam Younis
Mohamed El-Zonkoli
Peter Winzer
49.2-Tbit/s WDM Transmission over 2×93-km Field-Deployed Fiber.
Qian Hu
Robert Borkowski
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
Novel Optical Field Reconstruction for IM/DD with Receiver Bandwidth Well below Full Optical Signal Bandwidth.
Fred Buchali
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Transmission Link Optimization for Coherent 4 Tb/s Extended Reach (ZR) Transmission.
Qian Hu
Karsten Schuh
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
84 GBd Faster-Than-Nyquist PAM-4 Transmission using Only Linear Equalizer at Receiver.
Fred Buchali
Karsten Schuh
Son Thai Le
Xuan-Quang Du
Markus Grozing
Manfred Berroth
A SiGe HBT BiCMOS 1-to-4 ADC Frontend Supporting 100 GBaud PAM4 Reception at 14 GHz Digitizer Bandwidth.
Karsten Schuh
Son Thai Le
Roman Dischler
Fred Buchali
Transmission of 90 Gbd 32 QAM Over 480 km of SSMF with Kramers-Kronig Detection.
Son Thai Le
Karsten Schuh
Roman Dischler
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Henning Bülow
5×510 Gbps Single-Polarization Direct-Detection WDM Transmission over 80 km of SSMF.
Fanny Jardel
Tobias A. Eriksson
Cyril Méasson
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Joseph J. Boutros
Experiments and Shaping Tradeoffs for Long-Haul Transmissions.
Qian Hu
Fred Buchali
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Henning Bülow
3.6-Tbps Duobinary 16-QAM Transmission with Improved Tolerance to Cascaded ROADM Filtering Penalty.
Son T. Le
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
100 Gbps b-modulated Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexed Transmission.
Son Thai Le
Karsten Schuh
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
1.53-Tbps CPRI-Equivalent Data Rate Transmission with Kramers-Kronig Receiver for Mobile Fronthaul Links.
Jokhakar Jignesh
Tobias A. Eriksson
Mathieu Chagnon
Bill Corcoran
Arthur J. Lowery
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
Transmitter-side Volterra Filtering for Increased Dispersion Tolerance in 56 Gbaud PAM-4 Systems.
Son Thai Le
Karsten Schuh
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
1.6Tbps WDM Direct Detection Transmission with Virtual-Carrier over 1200km.
Fred Buchali
Qian Hu
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Laurent Schmalen
Sergejs Makovejs
Flexible Transmission Enabled by Novel M2-QAM Formats with Record Distance - Spectral Efficiency Tuneability.
Qian Hu
Karsten Schuh
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
Up to 94 GBd THP PAM-4 Transmission with 33 GHz Bandwidth Limitation.
Fred Buchali
Mathieu Chagnon
Karsten Schuh
Po Dong
Henning Bülow
Amplifier Less 400 Gb/s Coherent Transmission at Short Reach.
Qian Hu
Karsten Schuh
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Son Thai Le
Henning Bülow
50 Gb/s PAM-4 Transmission Over 80-km SSMF Without Dispersion Compensation.
Son T. Le
Karsten Schuh
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Roman Dischler
Vahid Aref
Henning Bülow
Klaus M. Engenhardt
8×256Gbps Virtual-Carrier Assisted WDM Direct-Detection Transmission over a Single Span of 200km.
Qian Hu
Roman Dischler
Karsten Schuh
Henning Bülow
Laurent Schmalen
Fred Buchali
Beating Bandwidth Limitation for High-speed PAM-4 Transmission Based on Turbo Equalizer.
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Laurent Schmalen
Qian Hu
Flexible optical transmission close to the Shannon limit by probabilistically shaped QAM.
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Nonlinear mitigation using probabilistically shaped real-valued modulation formats.
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Laurent Schmalen
Gabriel Charlet
Electronically subcarrier multiplexed PM-32QAM with optimized FEC overheads.
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Tobias A. Eriksson
Laurent Schmalen
Wolfgang Templ
Lars Altenhain
Ulrich Dumler
Rolf Schmid
Michael Möller
Klaus Engenhardt
Single carrier 1.2 Tbit/s transmission over 300 km with PM-64 QAM at 100 GBaud.
Mathieu Chagnon
Tobias A. Eriksson
Roman Dischler
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
Stephan ten Brink
Duobinary IQ Modulation Schemes for C- and O-band PAM4 Direct Detect Systems.
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Tobias A. Eriksson
Wolfgang Templ
Lars Altenhain
Ulrich Dumler
Rolf Schmid
Michael Möller
800 Gbit/s dual channel transmitter with 1.056 Tbit/s gross rate.
Tobias A. Eriksson
Mathieu Chagnon
Fred Buchali
Karsten Schuh
Stephan ten Brink
Laurent Schmalen
56 Gbaud Probabilistically Shaped PAM8 for Data Center Interconnects.
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Minimizing Fourth-order Modulation Factor using Dispersion Optimization.
Fanny Jardel
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Cyril Measson
Joseph J. Boutros
Experimental Comparison of 64-QAM and Combined Geometric-Probabilistic Shaped 64-QAM.
Qian Hu
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Wilfried Idler
Roman Dischler
Vahid Aref
Henning Bülow
Inter-Channel Crosstalk Compensation for Time-Frequency Packing Systems.
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Roman Dischler
Tobias A. Eriksson
Laurent Schmalen
Spectrally Efficient Probabilistically Shaped Square 64QAM to 256 QAM.
Mathieu Chagnon
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
Stephan ten Brink
Single Carrier 168 Gb/s PAM8 over 80 km Below HD-FEC Using Simple Receiver Equalization for Data Centre Interconnects.
Qian Hu
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Wilfried Idler
Roman Dischler
Vahid Aref
Henning Bülow
Transmit filter optimization for improved performance of time-frequency packing systems.
Laurent Schmalen
Tobias A. Eriksson
Fred Buchali
Roman Dischler
Ulrich Gebhard
Distributed Transmission and Spatially Coupled Forward Error Correction in Regenerative Multipoint-to-Point Networks.
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Nazanin Rastegardoost
Tomislav Drenski
R. Ward
L. Zhao
Preemphased prime frequency multicarrier bases ENOB assessment and its application for optimizing a dual-carrier 1-Tb/s QAM transmitter.
Wilfried Idler
Fred Buchali
Karsten Schuh
Experimental study of symbol-rates and MQAM formats for single carrier 400 Gb/s and few carrier 1 Tb/s options.
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Laurent Schmalen
Karsten Schuh
Performance and advantages of 100 Gb/s QPSK/8QAM hybrid modulation formats.
Fred Buchali
Henning Bülow
Karsten Schuh
Wilfried Idler
4D-CMA: Enabling separation of channel compensation and polarization demultiplex.
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Qian Hu
Di Che
Low latency digital regenerator for dual polarization QAM signals.
Wilfried Idler
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Karsten Schuh
Henning Bülow
Hybrid modulation formats outperforming 16QAM and 8QAM in transmission distance and filtering with cascaded WSS.
Fred Buchali
Georg Böcherer
Wilfried Idler
Laurent Schmalen
Patrick Schulte
Fabian Steiner
Experimental demonstration of capacity increase and rate-adaptation by probabilistically shaped 64-QAM.
Fred Buchali
Georg Böcherer
Wilfried Idler
Laurent Schmalen
Patrick Schulte
Fabian Steiner
Experimental Demonstration of Capacity Increase and Rate-Adaptation by Probabilistically Shaped 64-QAM.
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Karsten Schuh
Wilfried Idler
Optimization of time-division hybrid-modulation and its application to rate adaptive 200Gb transmission.
Fred Buchali
Laurent Schmalen
Axel Klekamp
Karsten Schuh
Andreas Leven
5 × 50 Gb/s WDM transmission of 32 Gbaud DP-3-PSK over 36, 000 km fiber with spatially coupled LDPC coding.
Fred Buchali
Axel Klekamp
Laurent Schmalen
Tomislav Drenski
Implementation of 64QAM at 42.66 GBaud using 1.5 samples per symbol DAC and demonstration of up to 300 km fiber transmission.
Wilfried Idler
Fred Buchali
Karsten Schuh
N. Cameron
Tino Brast
S. Schmid
Andreas G. Steffan
1 Tb/s - 4×343 Gb/s subcarriers on 50GHz grid - transmission over 480 km SMF with 22 GHz bandwidth semiconductor modulator.
Karsten Schuh
Fred Buchali
Compensation of fiber nonlinearities for 32 Gbaud 16QAM and QPSK transmission.
Henning Bülow
Xiaofeng Lu
Laurent Schmalen
Axel Klekamp
Fred Buchali
Experimental performance of 4D optimized constellation alternatives for PM-8QAM and PM-16QAM.
Fred Buchali
Karsten Schuh
Laurent Schmalen
Wilfried Idler
Eugen Lach
Andreas Leven
1-Tbit/s dual-carrier DP 64QAM transmission at 64Gbaud with 40% overhead soft-FEC over 320km SSMF.
Wilfried Idler
Fred Buchali
Karsten Schuh
Detlef Roesener
Eugen Lach
Andreas Leven
Spectral pre-distortion with FPGA and DAC at 448-Gb/s DP-16QAM improving nonlinear threshold power.
Henning Bülow
Talha Rahman
Fred Buchali
Wilfried Idler
Wolfgang Kuebart
Transmission of 4-D modulation formats at 28-Gbaud.
Eleni Palkopoulou
Marianna Angelou
Dimitrios Klonidis
Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos
Axel Klekamp
Fred Buchali
Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
Ioannis Tomkos
Quantifying Spectrum, Cost, and Energy Efficiency in Fixed-Grid and Flex-Grid Networks [Invited].
4 (11) (2012)
Xiang Liu
Fred Buchali
Robert W. Tkach
Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar
Mitigation of fiber nonlinear impairments in polarization division multiplexed OFDM transmission.
Bell Labs Tech. J.
14 (4) (2010)
Fred Buchali
Roman Dischler
Xiang Liu
Optical OFDM: A promising high-speed optical transport technology.
Bell Labs Tech. J.
14 (1) (2009)