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Dylan Le Gac
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2023
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Power Allocation
Bit Error Rate
Nonlinear Regression
Wireless Systems
Top Venues
J. Opt. Commun. Netw.
Salma Escobar-Landero
Xiaohui Zhao
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Dylan Le Gac
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
Modeling and Optimization of Experimental S+C+L WDM Coherent Transmission System.
Xin Yang
Alessio Ferrari
Dylan Le Gac
Gabriel Charlet
Massimo Tornatore
Yvan Pointurier
Experimental impact of power re-optimization in a mesh network.
J. Opt. Commun. Netw.
15 (7) (2023)
Trung-Hien Nguyen
Celestino Sanches Martins
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Dylan Le Gac
Sami Mumtaz
Iosif Demirtzioglou
Nayla El Dahdah
Romain Brenot
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
Yu Zhao
On the Nonlinearity Tolerance of Using Short DM Blocklengths for SOA Booster in Coherent Systems.
Salma Escobar-Landero
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Alessio Ferrari
Dylan Le Gac
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
Link Power Optimization for S+C+L Multi-band WDM Coherent Transmission Systems.
Alessio Ferrari
Venkata Virajit Garbhapu
Dylan Le Gac
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Gabriel Charlet
Yvan Pointurier
Demonstration of AI-Light: an Automation Framework to Optimize the Channel Powers Leveraging a Digital Twin.
Djalal F. Bendimerad
Romain Brenot
Dylan Le Gac
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Martí Sales-Llopis
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
Influence of SOA parameters on the nonlinear impairments experienced by QAM modulated signals.
Venkata Virajit Garbhapu
Alessio Ferrari
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Dylan Le Gac
Gabriel Charlet
Yvan Pointurier
Network-Wide SNR-based Channel Power Optimization.
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Trung-Hien Nguyen
Sami Mumtaz
Dylan Le Gac
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Martí Sales-Llopis
Stefanos Dris
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
32 Tbit/s Transmission over 1400 km Using Power Allocation Optimization.
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Djalal-Falih Bendimerad
K. Le-Trung
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Yu Zhao
Martí Sales-Llopis
S. Kamel
K. Huang
Celestino Sanches Martins
Dylan Le Gac
Sami Mumtaz
Stefanos Dris
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
PCS-16QAM vs QPSK: What is the best choice for Next-Generation Long-Haul 400G?
Sarah Kamel
Hartmut Hafermann
Dylan Le Gac
Ludovic Dos Santos
Balázs Kégl
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
OSNR prediction for optical links via learned noise figures.
Iosif Demirtzioglou
Djalal-Falih Bendimerad
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Dylan Le Gac
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Nayla El Dahdah
Antonin Gallet
Hajar Elfaiki
Shuqi Yu
Ge Gao
Salma Escobar-Landero
Romain Brenot
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
107.6 Tb/s GMI Throughput over 220 km SSMF using Discrete C- and L-Band Amplification across >12 THz.
Dylan Le Gac
Djalal-Falih Bendimerad
Iosif Demirtzioglou
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Nayla El Dahdah
Antonin Gallet
Hajar Elfaiki
Shuqi Yu
Ge Gao
R. Brenot
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
63.2Tb/s Real-time Transmission Through Discrete Extended C- and L-Band Amplification in a 440km SMF Link.
Djalal-Falih Bendimerad
Abel Lorences-Riesgo
Dylan Le Gac
Ivan Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz
Iosif Demirtzioglou
Celestino Sanches Martins
Stefanos Dris
Yann Frignac
Gabriel Charlet
Experimental assessment of multi-dimensional modulation formats at high Baudrate for unrepeatered WDM systems.
Maria Ionescu
Aymeric Arnould
Dylan Le Gac
S. Etienne
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
M. Duval
Christian Bastide
Hans Bissessur
Jérémie Renaudier
20.6 Pb/s·km Unrepeatered Transmission without ROPA: UWB SOA Booster and Backward Raman Amplification.
Aymeric Arnould
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Dylan Le Gac
Maria Ionescu
Patrick Brindel
Jeremie Renaudier
Record 300 Gb/s per Channel 99 GBd PDM-QPSK Full C-Band Transmission over 20570 km using CMOS DACs.
Xiaoyan Ye
Aymeric Arnould
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Dylan Le Gac
Jeremie Renaudier
Experimental Prediction and Design of Ultra-Wideband Raman Amplifiers using Neural Networks.
Aymeric Arnould
Jérémie Renaudier
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Dylan Le Gac
Patrick Brindel
Mathilde Makhsiyan
Fabrice Blache
Mohand Achouche
Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems Based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers.
Aymeric Arnould
Dylan Le Gac
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Patrick Brindel
Mathilde Makhsiyan
Karim Mekhazni
Fabrice Blache
Helene Debregeas
Mohand Achouche
Gabriel Charlet
Jeremie Renaudier
Impact of the Number of Channels on the Induced Nonlinear Distortions in Ultra-Wideband SOAs.
Jérémie Renaudier
Aymeric Arnould
Dylan Le Gac
Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Patrick Brindel
M. Makhsiyan
Agnes Verdier
Karim Mekhazni
Fabrice Blache
Helene Debregeas
Aurelien Boutin
Nicolas K. Fontaine
David T. Neilson
Roland Ryf
Haoshuo Chen
Mohand Achouche
Gabriel Charlet
107 Tb/s Transmission of 103-nm Bandwidth over 3×100 km SSMF using Ultra-Wideband Hybrid Raman/SOA Repeaters.