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Philipp Brune
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 37
Top Topics
Computer Science
Case Study
Application Server
Web Services
Top Venues
WorldCIST (1)
Simon Fischer-Heselhaus
Philipp Brune
AI vs. Dinosaurs - Automated Re-implementation of Legacy Mainframe Applications in Java by Combining Program Synthesis and GPT.
Sarah Dreher
Jens Gebele
Philipp Brune
Applying Transfer Testing to Identify Annotation Discrepancies in Facial Emotion Data Sets.
Christoph Gaudl
Philipp Brune
Towards a Pattern-based Approach for Transforming Legacy COBOL Applications Into RESTful Web Services.
Raphaela Erbel
Philipp Brune
Measure It Yourself - Why Smart Cities Need Custom Weather Data Sources.
Jens Gebele
Philipp Brune
Stefan Faußer
Face Value: On the Impact of Annotation (In-)Consistencies and Label Ambiguity in Facial Data on Emotion Recognition.
Fabian Kaimer
Philipp Brune
Making Java EE Cool Again: Building MongoDB-Based Web Services Using JPA and EJB.
Vivien Weinfurter
Amrei Sophia Kirmaier
Philipp Brune
Bianca Bergande
Raising Awareness for IT Security in Higher Education - A Teaching Experiment on SQL Injection for Non-Computer Science Majors.
ITiCSE (Working Group Reports)
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
How to Staff Software Engineering Team Roles Using the Concept of Personality? - An Exploratory Study.
WorldCIST (3)
Bianca Bergande
Anna Petrikoglou
Theodoros H. Kaskalis
Philipp Brune
CodeTripping: Towards Mastering App Development Using a Web-based Learning Tool. A Case Study.
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
The Influence of Personality on Software Quality - A Systematic Literature Review.
WorldCIST (1)
Philipp Brune
Towards an Enterprise-Ready Implementation of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled, Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts.
Carina Landerer
Philipp Brune
Future CMS for e-Business: Will Microservices and Containerization Change the Game?
Michael Leisner
Philipp Brune
Good-bye localhost: a cloud-based web IDE for teaching Java EE web development to non-computer science majors.
ICSE (Companion Volume)
Fabian Kaimer
Philipp Brune
As They Like It - Outcome Of A User-Centric Design Approach For An Online Health- And Well-Being Service Platform For Transition-Agers.
Brian Jannik Eiband
Bianca Bergande
Angela Schedel
Philipp Brune
Game of Codes: Towards Learning Java by an Educational Mobile Game Adapted to Female Programming Novices.
Philipp Brune
Do We Really Need Another Blockchain Framework? A Case for a Legacy-friendly Distributed Ledger Implementation based on Java EE Web Technologies.
Bianca Bergande
Philipp Brune
When students meet developers: are barcamps a format for interactive software engineering education?
ICSE (Companion Volume)
Philipp Brune
A Hybrid Approach to Re-Host and Mix Transactional COBOL and Java Code in Java EE Web Applications using Open Source Software.
Sarah Müller
Bianca Bergande
Philipp Brune
Robot Tutoring: On the Feasibility of Using Cognitive Systems as Tutors in Introductory Programming Education: A Teaching Experiment.
Selina Görgner
Philipp Brune
Software-Based Brand Ambassador Selection - A Celebrity-Branding Assessment Framework in Action.
WorldCIST (1)
Fabian Kaimer
Philipp Brune
Return of the JS: Towards a Node.js-Based Software Architecture for Combined CMS/CRM Applications.
Philipp Brune
An Open Source Approach for Modernizing Message-Processing and Transactional COBOL Applications by Integration in Java EE Application Servers.
WEBIST (Revised Selected Papers)
Angela Schedel
Philipp Brune
Predicting Response Time-Related Quality-of-Service Outages of PaaS Cloud Applications by Machine Learning.
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Learning Core Concepts of Business Information Systems Engineering by Teaching-Lessons Learned from a Comparative Teaching Experiment.
WorldCIST (1)
Philipp Brune
Simulating User Interactions: A Model and Tool for Semi-realistic Load Testing of Social App Backend Web Services.
Friederike Boll
Philipp Brune
Heiko Gewald
Towards your Parents' Social Network Platform: Design of a User Interface for the Age of Retirement.
Erica Janke
Philipp Brune
Stefan Wagner
Does Outside-In Teaching Improve the Learning of Object-Oriented Programming?
Sina Katharina Weiss
Philipp Brune
Crossing the Boundaries - Agile Methods in Large-Scale, Plan-Driven Organizations: A Case Study from the Financial Services Industry.
Philipp Brune
Robert Rockmann
Towards An Application Architecture For A Smart Online Service Network Platform For The Elderly.
Robert Deilr
Philipp Brune
Cloudy with a Chance of Usage? - Towards a Model of Cloud Computing Adoption in German SME.
Rebecca Bregant
Claudia Jandl
Philipp Brune
Heiko Gewald
How to Manage the Segment-of-One? A Framework to Reduce Customer Complexity.
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Dany Meyer
Geek Toys for Non-techies? Using Robots in Introductory Programming Courses for Computer Science Non-majors.
Matthias Stürner
Philipp Brune
Virtual Worlds on Demand? Model-Driven Development of JavaScript-based Virtual World UI Components for Mobile Apps.
Steven Blakowski
Philipp Brune
May the Ontologies Be with You! Towards a User-Friendly Web-Based Editor for Semantic Web Service Description.
Friederike Boll
Philipp Brune
Online Support for the Elderly - Why Service and Social Network Platforms should be Integrated.
Frank Ebbers
Philipp Brune
The Authentication Game - Secure User Authentication by Gamification?
Paula Figas
Alexander Bartel
M. Ebert
Martina Müller-Amthor
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Georg Hagel
Learning programming languages through input-providing tasks.
Friederike Boll
Philipp Brune
User Interfaces with a Touch of Grey? - Towards a Specific UI Design for People in the Transition Age.
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Less Distress with a Scrum Mistress?: On the Impact of Females in Agile Software Development Teams.
Erica Janke
Philipp Brune
Stefan Wagner
Does Outside-In Teaching Improve the Learning of Object-Oriented Programming?
ICSE (2)
Philipp Brune
Michael Leisner
Erica Janke
Towards an Easy-to-Use Web Application Server and Cloud PaaS for Web Development Education.
Fabian Köpf
Heiko Gewald
Philipp Brune
The Impact of Educational Background on Working Relationships in Offshoring Projects.
WorldCIST (1)
Jonas Keppeler
Philipp Brune
Heiko Gewald
A Description and Retrieval Model for Web Services Including Extended Semantic and Commercial Attributes.
Michael Huber
Philipp Brune
Model-driven Development of Interactive Web User Interfaces with HTML5.
Erica Janke
Philipp Brune
Reimer Studt
Exposing students to the unfamiliar - Improving software engineering teaching in non-major computer science programs.
Tünay Özcan
Semra Kocak
Philipp Brune
Agile Software Development with Open Source Software in a Hospital Environment - Case Study of an eCRF-System for Orthopaedical Studies.
Alan Thorogood
Heiko Gewald
Philipp Brune
It Operating Models In Practice And Research: An Analysis Of The State Of Knowledge.
Roman Wild
Philipp Brune
Determining Software Product Release Readiness by the Change-Error Correlation Function: On the Importance of the Change-Error Time Lag.
Ramona Groner
Philipp Brune
Towards an Empirical Examination of IT Security Infrastructures in SME.
Jinying Yu
Philipp Brune
No Security by Obscurity - Why Two Factor Authentication Should Be based on an Open Design.
Tobias Wiedemann
Philipp Brune
Heiko Gewald
A question of methodology - creating a customized rollout-method for a collaboration portal in a distributed environment.