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Erica Weilemann
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2021
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Software Engineering
Core Concepts
Introductory Programming
Intrinsic Motivation
Top Venues
WorldCIST (1)
ICSE (Companion Volume)
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
How to Staff Software Engineering Team Roles Using the Concept of Personality? - An Exploratory Study.
WorldCIST (3)
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
The Influence of Personality on Software Quality - A Systematic Literature Review.
WorldCIST (1)
Erica Weilemann
A winning team: what personality has to do with software engineering.
ICSE (Companion Volume)
Anne Gressmann
Erica Weilemann
Dany Meyer
Bianca Bergande
Nao Robot vs. Lego Mindstorms: The Influence on the Intrinsic Motivation of Computer Science Non-Majors.
Koli Calling
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Learning Core Concepts of Business Information Systems Engineering by Teaching-Lessons Learned from a Comparative Teaching Experiment.
WorldCIST (1)
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Dany Meyer
Geek Toys for Non-techies? Using Robots in Introductory Programming Courses for Computer Science Non-majors.
Jan-Peter Ostberg
Stefan Wagner
Erica Weilemann
Does personality influence the usage of static analysis tools?: an explorative experiment.
Paula Figas
Alexander Bartel
M. Ebert
Martina Müller-Amthor
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Georg Hagel
Learning programming languages through input-providing tasks.
Erica Weilemann
Philipp Brune
Less Distress with a Scrum Mistress?: On the Impact of Females in Agile Software Development Teams.