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Mario Veniero
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Acute Myeloid
Supply Chain
Quality Management
Collision Avoidance
Top Venues
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
Mario Veniero
Davide Varriale
AI-enabled efficient PVM performance monitoring.
Mario Veniero
Giampaolo Fiorentino
Ciro Romano
Application of XAI to the Integrated Quality Management in Public Administration.
Giampaolo Fiorentino
Mario Veniero
Ciro Romano
AI poWered cancer predIction, diagnosis and treatmeNt.
Emma Salatiello
Mario Veniero
Guido Guizzi
Andrea Grassi
Supply Chain Optimization Through an Ontological Model: Overcoming Information Asymmetry.
Gianfranco E. Modoni
Alberto Trombetta
Mario Veniero
Marco Sacco
Dimitris Mourtzis
An event-driven integrative framework enabling information notification among manufacturing resources.
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf.
32 (3) (2019)
Gianfranco E. Modoni
Mario Veniero
Alberto Trombetta
Marco Sacco
Susanna Clemente
Semantic based events signaling for AAL systems.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
9 (5) (2018)
Marta Gandolla
Simona Ferrante
Stefania Coelli
Giulia Tacchino
Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli
Michele Cotti Cottini
Carlo Seneci
Alessandro Scannapieco
Mario Veniero
Alessandra Pedrocchi
Technical validation of an integrated robotic hand rehabilitation device: Finger independent movement, EMG control, and EEG-based biofeedback.
Gianfranco E. Modoni
Mario Veniero
Marco Sacco
Semantic Knowledge Management and Integration Services for AAL.
Stefania Coelli
Giulia Tacchino
Elisa Rossetti
Mario Veniero
Luigi Pugnetti
Francesca Baglio
Anna Maria Bianchi
Assessment of the usability of a computerized Stroop Test for clinical application.
Susanna Clemente
Vincenzo Loia
Mario Veniero
Applying cognitive situation awareness to collision avoidance for harbour last-mile area safety.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
5 (5) (2014)
Cosimo Birtolo
Diego De Chiara
Simona Losito
Pierluigi Ritrovato
Mario Veniero
Searching optimal product bundles by means of GA-based Engine and Market Basket Analysis.
Domenico Furno
Vincenzo Loia
Mario Veniero
Marco Anisetti
Valerio Bellandi
Paolo Ceravolo
Ernesto Damiani
Towards an agent-based architecture for managing uncertainty in situation awareness.
Giuseppe Fenza
Domenico Furno
Vincenzo Loia
Mario Veniero
Agent-based Cognitive approach to Airport Security Situation Awareness.
Matteo Gaeta
Vincenzo Loia
Stefano Paolozzi
Pierluigi Ritrovato
Mario Veniero
Towards an Architectural Pattern for Automatic Web Service Discovery and Selection in Business Marketplace.
Vincenzo Loia
M. Mattiucci
Sabrina Senatore
Mario Veniero
Computer Crime Investigation by Means of Fuzzy Semantic Maps.
Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops
Vincenzo Galdi
Vincenzo Loia
Antonio Piccolo
Mario Veniero
Fuzzy Pro-active Agents as Key Issue to Increase Traffic Safety for Next Generation Tunnels.