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Mario Nadj
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2023
Publications (10 Years): 29
Top Topics
Business Intelligence
Theoretical Framework
Frequency Ranges
E Learning
Top Venues
CAiSE Forum
Merlin Knaeble
Mario Nadj
Luisa Germann
Alexander Maedche
Tools of Trade of the Next Blue-Collar Job? Antecedents, Design Features, and Outcomes of Interactive Labeling Systems.
Merlin Knaeble
Gabriel Sailer
Zihan Chen
Thorsten Schwarz
Kailun Yang
Mario Nadj
Rainer Stiefelhagen
Alexander Maedche
AutoChemplete - Making Chemical Structural Formulas Accessible.
Miguel Angel Meza Martínez
Mario Nadj
Moritz Langner
Peyman Toreini
Alexander Maedche
Does this Explanation Help? Designing Local Model-agnostic Explanation Representations and an Experimental Evaluation Using Eye-tracking Technology.
ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst.
13 (4) (2023)
Jonas Gunklach
Mario Nadj
Guidance in Business Intelligence & Analytics Systems: A Review and Research Agenda.
Raphael Rissler
Mario Nadj
Maximilian Xiling Li
Nico Loewe
Michael T. Knierim
Alexander Maedche
To Be or Not to Be in Flow at Work: Physiological Classification of Flow Using Machine Learning.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.
14 (1) (2023)
Jonas Gunklach
Sven Michalczyk
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Metadata Extraction from User Queries for Self-Service Data Lake Exploration.
23 (2) (2023)
Mario Nadj
Raphael Rissler
Marc T. P. Adam
Michael T. Knierim
Maximilian Li
Alexander Maedche
René Riedl
What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions.
47 (4) (2023)
Merlin Knaeble
Gabriel Sailer
Zihan Chen
Thorsten Schwarz
Kailun Yang
Mario Nadj
Rainer Stiefelhagen
Alexander Maedche
AutoChemplete - Making Chemical Structural Formulas Accessible.
Maximilian Xiling Li
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Dirk Ifenthaler
Johannes Wöhler
Towards a Physiological Computing Infrastructure for Researching Students' Flow in Remote Learning.
Technol. Knowl. Learn.
27 (2) (2022)
Sven Michalczyk
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Christoph Gröger
Demystifying Job Roles in Data Science: A Text Mining Approach.
Markus Foerste
Mario Nadj
Merlin Knaeble
Alexander Maedche
Leonie Gehrmann
Florian Stahl
An Interactive Machine Learning System for Image Advertisements.
Mensch und Computer
Sven Michalczyk
Mario Nadj
Harald Beier
Alexander Maedche
Designing a Self-service Analytics System for Supply Base Optimization.
CAiSE Forum
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Christian Schieder
The effect of interactive analytical dashboard features on situation awareness and task performance.
Decis. Support Syst.
135 (2020)
Mario Nadj
Merlin Knaeble
Maximilian Xiling Li
Alexander Maedche
Power to the Oracle? Design Principles for Interactive Labeling Systems in Machine Learning.
Künstliche Intell.
34 (2) (2020)
Nico Loewe
Mario Nadj
Physio-Adaptive Systems- A State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Directions.
Merlin Knaeble
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Oracle or Teacher? A Systematic Overview of Research on Interactive Labeling for Machine Learning.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (Zentrale Tracks)
Sven Michalczyk
Mario Nadj
Darius Azarfar
Alexander Maedche
Christoph Gröger
A State-of-the-Art Overview and Future Research Avenues of Self-Service Business Intelligence and Analytics.
Michael T. Knierim
Mario Nadj
Christof Weinhardt
Flow and Optimal Difficulty in the Portable EEG: On the Potentiality of using Personalized Frequency Ranges for State Detection.
Michael T. Knierim
Mario Nadj
Maximilian Li
Christof Weinhardt
Flow in Knowledge Work Groups - Autonomy as a Driver or Digitally Mediated Communication as a Limiting Factor?
Miguel Angel Meza Martínez
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Towards an integrative Theoretical Framework of Interactive Machine Learning Systems.
Raphael Rissler
Mario Nadj
Maximilian Xiling Li
Michael Thomas Knierim
Alexander Maedche
Got Flow?: Using Machine Learning on Physiological Data to Classify Flow.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Michael T. Knierim
Mario Nadj
Anuja Hariharan
Christof Weinhardt
Flow Neurophysiology in Knowledge Work: Electroencephalographic Observations from Two Cognitive Tasks.
Raphael Rissler
Mario Nadj
Marc T. P. Adam
Alexander Maedche
Towards an integrative Theoretical Framework of IT-Mediated interruptions.
Raphael Rissler
Mario Nadj
Marc T. P. Adam
Flow in Information Systems Research: Review, Integrative Theoretical Framework, and Future Directions.
Raphael Rissler
Mario Nadj
Alexander Maedche
Norbert Koppenhagen
Flow-Erfassung am Arbeitsplatz: Aktueller Stand der Forschung und innovative Anwendungsszenarien.
Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag.
9 (6) (2017)
Mario Nadj
Christian Schieder
Towards a Taxonomy of Real-Time Business Intelligence Systems.
Mario Nadj
Felix Häußler
Stefan Wenzel
Alexander Maedche
The Smart Mobile Application Framework (SMAF) - Exploratory Evaluation in the Smart City Context.
Mario Nadj
Harshavardhan Jegadeesan
Alexander Maedche
Dirk Hoffmann
Philipp Erdmann
A Situation Awareness Driven Design for predictive Maintenance Systems: the Case of Oil and gas Pipeline Operations.
Mario Nadj
Christian Schieder
Quo vadis Real-Time Business Intelligence? A Descriptive literature Review and Future Directions.
Martin Kretzer
Mario Nadj
Alexander Mädche
The Effect of Recommender Systems on Users' Situation Awareness and Actions.