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Klaus Kessler
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1999-2021
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Virtual Humans
Scientific Databases
Virtual Agents
Distributed Cognition
Top Venues
Frontiers Virtual Real.
Top. Cogn. Sci.
Samantha E. A. Gregory
Clíona Kelly
Klaus Kessler
Look Into my "Virtual" Eyes: What Dynamic Virtual Agents add to the Realistic Study of Joint Attention.
Frontiers Virtual Real.
2 (2021)
Clíona Kelly
Ulysses Bernardet
Klaus Kessler
A Neuro-VR toolbox for assessment and intervention in Autism: Brain responses to non-verbal, gaze and proxemics behaviour in Virtual Humans.
VR Workshops
Gillian Roberts
Niall Holmes
Nicholas Alexander
Elena Boto
James Leggett
Ryan M. Hill
Vishal Shah
Molly Rea
Richard Vaughan
Eleanor A. Maguire
Klaus Kessler
Shaun Beebe
T. Mark Fromhold
Gareth R. Barnes
Richard Bowtell
Matthew J. Brookes
Towards OPM-MEG in a virtual reality environment.
199 (2019)
Robert A. Seymour
Hongfang Wang
Gina Rippon
Klaus Kessler
Oscillatory networks of high-level mental alignment: A perspective-taking MEG study.
177 (2018)
Andriy Myachykov
Christoph Scheepers
Martin H. Fischer
Klaus Kessler
TEST: A Tropic, Embodied, and Situated Theory of Cognition.
Top. Cogn. Sci.
6 (3) (2014)
Sara Bögels
Dale Barr
Simon Garrod
Klaus Kessler
"Are we still talking about the same thing?" MEG reveals perspective-taking in response to pragmatic violations, but not in anticipation.
Klaus Kessler
Hongfang Wang
Spatial Perspective Taking is an Embodied Process, but Not for Everyone in the Same Way: Differences Predicted by Sex and Social Skills Score.
Spatial Cogn. Comput.
12 (2-3) (2012)
Klaus Kessler
Frank Schmitz
Joachim Gross
Bernhard Hommel
Kimron L. Shapiro
Alfons Schnitzler
Erratum to "Target consolidation under high temporal processing demands as revealed by MEG" [NeuroImage 26 (2005) 1030-1041].
35 (2) (2007)
Klaus Kessler
Katja Biermann-Ruben
Melanie Jonas
Hartwig Roman Siebner
Tobias Bäumer
Alexander Münchau
Alfons Schnitzler
Investigating the human mirror neuron system by means of cortical synchronization during the imitation of biological movements.
33 (1) (2006)
Klaus Kessler
Frank Schmitz
Joachim Gross
Bernhard Hommel
Kimron L. Shapiro
Alfons Schnitzler
Target consolidation under high temporal processing demands as revealed by MEG.
26 (4) (2005)
Petra Weiß
Klaus Kessler
Bernd Hildebrandt
Hans-Jürgen Eikmeyer
Konzeptualisierung in inkrementell-integrativer Sprachverarbeitung.
8 (3) (1999)
Klaus Kessler
Martin Hoffhenke
Gert Rickheit
Ipke Wachsmuth
Dynamische Konzeptverarbeitung mit imaginalen und assoziativen Strukturen.
8 (3) (1999)
Klaus Kessler
Gert Rickheit
Dynamische Konzeptgenerierung in konnektionistischen Netzen: Begriffsklärung, Modellvorstellungen zur Szenenrekonstruktion und experimentelle Ergebnisse.
8 (2) (1999)