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John Walsh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2023
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Prostate Segmentation
Inter Disciplinary
Evidence Based Medicine
Attitudes Toward
Top Venues
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
Astron. Comput.
Tatsiana Mikulchyk
Kevin Murphy
John Walsh
Suzanne Martin
Dervil Cody
Izabela Naydenova
Improving the Angular Visibility of Photopolymer-Based Reflection Holograms for Sensing Applications.
23 (9) (2023)
Stephen Felix
Shannon Morton
Simon Stacey
John Walsh
Wafer-Level Stacking of High-Density Capacitors to Enhance the Performance of a Large Multicore Processor for Machine Learning Applications.
Oisín Creaner
Eugene Hickey
John Walsh
Kevin Nolan
The Locus Algorithm: The design, implementation and performance characterisation of a software and grid computing system to optimise the quality of fields of view for differential photometry.
Astron. Comput.
41 (2022)
Haiwen Du
Yu An
Qing Ye
Jiulin Guo
Lu Liu
Dongjie Zhu
Conrad Childs
John Walsh
Ruihai Dong
Disentangling Noise Patterns From Seismic Images: Noise Reduction and Style Transfer.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
60 (2022)
Yu An
Jiulin Guo
Qing Ye
Conrad Childs
John Walsh
Ruihai Dong
Deep convolutional neural network for automatic fault recognition from 3D seismic datasets.
Comput. Geosci.
153 (2021)
Oisín Creaner
John Walsh
Kevin Nolan
Eugene Hickey
The Locus Algorithm IV: Performance metrics of a grid computing system used to create catalogues of optimised pointings.
Akshay Bhardwaj
Daniel Slavin
John Walsh
James S. Freudenberg
R. Brent Gillespie
Estimation and Decomposition of Rack Force for Driving on Uneven Roads.
Oisín Creaner
Kevin Nolan
John Walsh
Eugene Hickey
The Locus Algorithm III: A Grid Computing system to generate catalogues of optimised pointings for Differential Photometry.
Akshay Bhardwaj
Daniel Slavin
John Walsh
James S. Freudenberg
R. Brent Gillespie
Rack Force Estimation for Driving on Uneven Roads.
Ann Graf
Crystal Fulton
Amy Jackson
Kathryn La Barre
John Walsh
Carol L. Tilley
Shannon Lucky
Tim Gorichanaz
Everyday documentation of arts and humanities collections.
Nieke A. Elbers
Robin Chase
Ashley Craig
Lyn Guy
Ian A. Harris
James W. Middleton
Michael K. Nicholas
Trudy Rebbeck
John Walsh
Simon Willcock
Keri Lockwood
Ian D Cameron
Health care professionals' attitudes towards evidence-based medicine in the workers' compensation setting: a cohort study.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
17 (1) (2017)
Ciaran O'Loughlin
John Walsh
Tony Mahon
Collaboration in the development of a Precision Engineering programme at Limerick Institute of Technology in response to a call from industry.
Michael Duren
John Walsh
Hal Aldridge
Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu
Resilient device authentication system (RDAS) through SIOMETRICS.
John Walsh
Session WA3a: Information theoretic signal processing.
William A. Sandham
Eldon D. Lehmann
Martha Zequera Diaz
David J. Hamilton
Patrizio Tatti
John Walsh
Electrical and Computer Technology for Effective Diabetes Management and Treatment.
J. Electr. Comput. Eng.
2011 (2011)
John Burns
Heather J. Ruskin
Dimitri Perrin
John Walsh
Visualization of Complex Biological Systems: An Immune Response Model Using OpenGL.
Complex (1)
John Walsh
Weimin Huang
Eric W. Gill
The second-order monostatic HF radar cross section incorporating antenna barge motion.
Eric Gill
Weimin Huang
John Walsh
The Effect of the Bistatic Scattering Angle on the High-Frequency Radar Cross Sections of the Ocean Surface.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
5 (2) (2008)
John Walsh
Coordination Mechanisms for Knowledge Work: A Case Study.
Eric W. Gill
John Walsh
A perspective on two decades of fundamental and applied research in electromagnetic scattering and high frequency ground wave radar on the Canadian East Coast.
Ken J. Hickey
Eric W. Gill
John Walsh
Some fundamental statistics associated with ocean surface current measurement using a dual station, long-range, high-frequency ground wave radar system.