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Jennifer Murphy
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Regression Model
Virtual Reality Technology
Healthcare Professionals
Internal Representations
Top Venues
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
HCI (15)
AIED Workshops
Luis Sebastian Contreras-Huerta
Michel-Pierre Coll
Geoffrey Bird
Hongbo Yu
Annayah Prosser
Patricia L. Lockwood
Jennifer Murphy
Molly J. Crockett
Matthew A. J. Apps
Neural representations of vicarious rewards are linked to interoception and prosocial behaviour.
269 (2023)
Jennifer Murphy
Jeffrey Chanat
Leveraging machine learning to automate regression model evaluations for large multi-site water-quality trend studies.
Environ. Model. Softw.
170 (2023)
Julian Abich IV
Jason Parker
Jennifer Murphy
Morgan Eudy
A review of the evidence for training effectiveness with virtual reality technology.
Virtual Real.
25 (4) (2021)
Jennifer Murphy
T. Uttamlal
Kelly Ann Schmidtke
Ivo Vlaev
David Taylor
Mian Ahmad
S. Alsters
P. Purkayastha
Samantha Scholtz
Ramin Ramezani
A. R. Ahmed
H. Chahal
Ara Darzi
Alexandra I. F. Blakemore
Tracking physical activity using smart phone apps: assessing the ability of a current app and systematically collecting patient recommendations for future development.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
20 (1) (2020)
Julian Abich IV
Morgan Eudy
Jennifer Murphy
Christopher Garneau
Yasmina Raby
Charles Amburn
Use of the Augmented REality Sandtable (ARES) to Enhance Army CBRN Training.
HCI (29)
Mary Jean Blink
Ted Carmichael
Jennifer Murphy
Michael Eagle
Predictive Models of User Performance for Marksmanship Training.
FLAIRS Conference
Tarah Daly
Jennifer Murphy
Katlin Anglin
James L. Szalma
Max Acree
Carla Landsberg
Laticia Bowens
Moving Vigilance Out of the Laboratory: Dynamic Scenarios for UAS Operator Vigilance Training.
HCI (15)
David Taylor
Jennifer Murphy
Mian Ahmad
Sanjay Purkayastha
Samantha Scholtz
Ramin Ramezani
Ivaylo Vlaev
Alexandra I. F. Blakemore
Ara Darzi
Quantified-Self for Obesity: Physical Activity Behaviour Sensing to Improve Health Outcomes.
Jennifer Murphy
Francis Hannigan
Michael Hruska
Ashley Medford
Gabriel Diaz
Leveraging Interoperable Data to Improve Training Effectiveness Using the Experience API (XAPI).
HCI (14)
Michael Hruska
Ashley Medford
Jennifer Murphy
Learning Ecosystems Using the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) and the Experience API (xAPI).
AIED Workshops
Dhiya Al-Jumeily
Abir Hussain
Áine MacDermott
Jennifer Murphy
Improving the barrier of communication between healthcare professionals and their patients using a Prescription Tracking System.
Dhiya Al-Jumeily
Abir Hussain
Áine MacDermott
Hissam Tawfik
Jennifer Murphy
Improving Communication between Healthcare Professionals and Their Patients through a Prescription Tracking System.