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Jason Mars
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 51
Top Topics
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Top Venues
Christopher Clarke
Karthik Krishnamurthy
Walter Talamonti
Yiping Kang
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
One Agent Too Many: User Perspectives on Approaches to Multi-agent Conversational AI.
Christopher Clarke
Yuzhao Heng
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
PEFT-U: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for User Personalization.
Chandra Irugalbandara
Ashish Mahendra
Roland Daynauth
Tharuka Kasthuri Arachchige
Jayanaka Dantanarayana
Krisztián Flautner
Lingjia Tang
Yiping Kang
Jason Mars
Scaling Down to Scale Up: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Replacing OpenAI's LLM with Open Source SLMs in Production.
Christopher Clarke
Roland Daynauth
Charlene Wilkinson
Hubert Devonish
Jason Mars
Guylingo: The Republic of Guyana Creole Corpora.
Jason Mars
Yiping Kang
Jayanaka Dantanarayana
Chandra Irugalbandara
Kugesan Sivasothynathan
Lingjia Tang
LLMs are Meaning-Typed Code Constructs.
Roland Daynauth
Jason Mars
Aligning Model Evaluations with Human Preferences: Mitigating Token Count Bias in Language Model Assessments.
Chandra Irugalbandara
Ashish Mahendra
Roland Daynauth
Tharuka Kasthuri Arachchige
Krisztián Flautner
Lingjia Tang
Yiping Kang
Jason Mars
Scaling Down to Scale Up: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Replacing OpenAI's GPT-4 with Self-Hosted Open Source SLMs in Production.
Christopher Clarke
Yuzhao Heng
Yiping Kang
Krisztián Flautner
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Label Agnostic Pre-training for Zero-shot Text Classification.
ACL (Findings)
Christopher Clarke
Matthew Hall
Gaurav Mittal
Ye Yu
Sandra Sajeev
Jason Mars
Mei Chen
Rule By Example: Harnessing Logical Rules for Explainable Hate Speech Detection.
Christopher Clarke
Matthew Hall
Gaurav Mittal
Ye Yu
Sandra Sajeev
Jason Mars
Mei Chen
Rule By Example: Harnessing Logical Rules for Explainable Hate Speech Detection.
ACL (1)
Jason Mars
Yiping Kang
Roland Daynauth
Baichuan Li
Ashish Mahendra
Krisztián Flautner
Lingjia Tang
The Jaseci Programming Paradigm and Runtime Stack: Building Scale-Out Production Applications Easy and Fast.
IEEE Comput. Archit. Lett.
22 (2) (2023)
Jason Mars
Yiping Kang
Roland Daynauth
Baichuan Li
Ashish Mahendra
Krisztián Flautner
Lingjia Tang
The Jaseci Programming Paradigm and Runtime Stack: Building Scale-out Production Applications Easy and Fast.
Christopher Clarke
Yuzhao Heng
Yiping Kang
Krisztián Flautner
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Label Agnostic Pre-training for Zero-shot Text Classification.
Jason Mars
The Case for a Wholistic Serverless Programming Paradigm and Full Stack Automation for AI and Beyond - The Philosophy of Jaseci and Jac.
Christopher Clarke
Joseph Joshua Peper
Karthik Krishnamurthy
Walter Talamonti
Kevin Leach
Walter S. Lasecki
Yiping Kang
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
One Agent To Rule Them All: Towards Multi-agent Conversational AI.
Yiping Kang
Ashish Mahendra
Christopher Clarke
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Towards Personalized Intelligence at Scale.
Christopher Clarke
Joseph Peper
Karthik Krishnamurthy
Walter Talamonti
Kevin Leach
Walter S. Lasecki
Yiping Kang
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
One Agent To Rule Them All: Towards Multi-agent Conversational AI.
ACL (Findings)
Tianyi Liu
Sen He
Sunzhou Huang
Danny Tsang
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Wei Wang
A Benchmarking Framework for Interactive 3D Applications in the Cloud.
Tianyi Liu
Sen He
Sunzhou Huang
Danny Tsang
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Wei Wang
A Benchmarking Framework for Interactive 3D Applications in the Cloud.
Ram Srivatsa Kannan
Lavanya Subramanian
Ashwin Raju
Jeongseob Ahn
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
GrandSLAm: Guaranteeing SLAs for Jobs in Microservices Execution Frameworks.
Stefan Larson
Anish Mahendran
Joseph J. Peper
Christopher Clarke
Andrew Lee
Parker Hill
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
Kevin Leach
Michael A. Laurenzano
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
An Evaluation Dataset for Intent Classification and Out-of-Scope Prediction.
Manish Arora
Matt Skach
Wei Huang
Xudong An
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Dean M. Tullsen
Understanding the Impact of Socket Density in Density Optimized Servers.
Stefan Larson
Anish Mahendran
Joseph J. Peper
Christopher Clarke
Andrew Lee
Parker Hill
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
Kevin Leach
Michael A. Laurenzano
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
An Evaluation Dataset for Intent Classification and Out-of-Scope Prediction.
Stefan Larson
Anish Mahendran
Andrew Lee
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
Parker Hill
Michael A. Laurenzano
Johann Hauswald
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Outlier Detection for Improved Data Quality and Diversity in Dialog Systems.
Ram Srivatsa Kannan
Michael Laurenzano
Jeongseob Ahn
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Caliper: Interference Estimator for Multi-tenant Environments Sharing Architectural Resources.
ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.
16 (3) (2019)
Stefan Larson
Anish Mahendran
Andrew Lee
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
Parker Hill
Michael A. Laurenzano
Johann Hauswald
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Outlier Detection for Improved Data Quality and Diversity in Dialog Systems.
Chang-Hong Hsu
Qingyuan Deng
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
SmoothOperator: Reducing Power Fragmentation and Improving Power Utilization in Large-scale Datacenters.
Yiping Kang
Yunqi Zhang
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Data Collection for Dialogue System: A Startup Perspective.
Shih-Chieh Lin
Chang-Hong Hsu
Walter Talamonti
Yunqi Zhang
Steve Oney
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Adasa: A Conversational In-Vehicle Digital Assistant for Advanced Driver Assistance Features.
Shih-Chieh Lin
Yunqi Zhang
Chang-Hong Hsu
Matt Skach
Md. Enamul Haque
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
The Architectural Implications of Autonomous Driving: Constraints and Acceleration.
Matt Skach
Manish Arora
Dean M. Tullsen
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Virtual Melting Temperature: Managing Server Load to Minimize Cooling Overhead with Phase Change Materials.
Parker Hill
Babak Zamirai
Shengshuo Lu
Yu-Wei Chao
Michael Laurenzano
Mehrzad Samadi
Marios C. Papaefthymiou
Scott A. Mahlke
Thomas F. Wenisch
Jia Deng
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Rethinking Numerical Representations for Deep Neural Networks.
Animesh Jain
Michael A. Laurenzano
Gilles A. Pokam
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Architectural support for convolutional neural networks on modern CPUs.
Animesh Jain
Amar Phanishayee
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Gennady Pekhimenko
Gist: Efficient Data Encoding for Deep Neural Network Training.
Ram Srivatsa Kannan
Animesh Jain
Michael A. Laurenzano
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Proctor: Detecting and Investigating Interference in Shared Datacenters.
Matt Skach
Manish Arora
Chang-Hong Hsu
Qi Li
Dean M. Tullsen
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Thermal Time Shifting: Decreasing Data Center Cooling Costs with Phase-Change Materials.
IEEE Internet Comput.
21 (4) (2017)
Yiping Kang
Johann Hauswald
Cao Gao
Austin Rovinski
Trevor N. Mudge
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Neurosurgeon: Collaborative Intelligence Between the Cloud and Mobile Edge.
Quan Chen
Hailong Yang
Minyi Guo
Ram Srivatsa Kannan
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Prophet: Precise QoS Prediction on Non-Preemptive Accelerators to Improve Utilization in Warehouse-Scale Computers.
Hailong Yang
Quan Chen
Moeiz Riaz
Zhongzhi Luan
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
PowerChief: Intelligent Power Allocation for Multi-Stage Applications to Improve Responsiveness on Power Constrained CMP.
Jason Mars
Enhancing human capabilities.
Chang-Hong Hsu
Yunqi Zhang
Michael A. Laurenzano
David Meisner
Thomas F. Wenisch
Ronald G. Dreslinski
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Reining in Long Tails in Warehouse-Scale Computers with Quick Voltage Boosting Using Adrenaline.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.
35 (1) (2017)
Parker Hill
Animesh Jain
Mason Hill
Babak Zamirai
Chang-Hong Hsu
Michael A. Laurenzano
Scott A. Mahlke
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
DeftNN: addressing bottlenecks for DNN execution on GPUs via synapse vector elimination and near-compute data fission.
Animesh Jain
Parker Hill
Shih-Chieh Lin
Muneeb Khan
Md. Enamul Haque
Michael A. Laurenzano
Scott A. Mahlke
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Concise loads and stores: The case for an asymmetric compute-memory architecture for approximation.
Quan Chen
Hailong Yang
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Baymax: QoS Awareness and Increased Utilization for Non-Preemptive Accelerators in Warehouse Scale Computers.
Johann Hauswald
Michael A. Laurenzano
Yunqi Zhang
Hailong Yang
Yiping Kang
Cheng Li
Austin Rovinski
Arjun Khurana
Ronald G. Dreslinski
Trevor N. Mudge
Vinicius Petrucci
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Designing Future Warehouse-Scale Computers for Sirius, an End-to-End Voice and Vision Personal Assistant.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst.
34 (1) (2016)
Yunqi Zhang
David Meisner
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Treadmill: Attributing the Source of Tail Latency through Precise Load Testing and Statistical Inference.
Animesh Jain
Michael A. Laurenzano
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Continuous shape shifting: Enabling loop co-optimization via near-free dynamic code rewriting.
Stephen Zekany
Daniel Rings
Nathan Harada
Michael A. Laurenzano
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
CrystalBall: Statically analyzing runtime behavior via deep sequence learning.
Johann Hauswald
Michael A. Laurenzano
Yunqi Zhang
Cheng Li
Austin Rovinski
Arjun Khurana
Ronald G. Dreslinski
Trevor N. Mudge
Vinicius Petrucci
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Sirius Implications for Future Warehouse-Scale Computers.
IEEE Micro
36 (3) (2016)
Michael A. Laurenzano
Parker Hill
Mehrzad Samadi
Scott A. Mahlke
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Input responsiveness: using canary inputs to dynamically steer approximation.
Michael A. Laurenzano
Yunqi Zhang
Jiang Chen
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
PowerChop: Identifying and Managing Non-critical Units in Hybrid Processor Architectures.
Johann Hauswald
Michael A. Laurenzano
Yunqi Zhang
Cheng Li
Austin Rovinski
Arjun Khurana
Ronald G. Dreslinski
Trevor N. Mudge
Vinicius Petrucci
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Sirius: An Open End-to-End Voice and Vision Personal Assistant and Its Implications for Future Warehouse Scale Computers.
Johann Hauswald
Yiping Kang
Michael A. Laurenzano
Quan Chen
Cheng Li
Trevor N. Mudge
Ronald G. Dreslinski
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
DjiNN and Tonic: DNN as a service and its implications for future warehouse scale computers.
Matt Skach
Manish Arora
Chang-Hong Hsu
Qi Li
Dean M. Tullsen
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Thermal time shifting: leveraging phase change materials to reduce cooling costs in warehouse-scale computers.
Muneeb Khan
Michael A. Laurenzano
Jason Mars
Erik Hagersten
David Black-Schaffer
AREP: Adaptive Resource Efficient Prefetching for Maximizing Multicore Performance.
Vinicius Petrucci
Michael A. Laurenzano
John Doherty
Yunqi Zhang
Daniel Mossé
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Octopus-Man: QoS-driven task management for heterogeneous multicores in warehouse-scale computers.
Chang-Hong Hsu
Yunqi Zhang
Michael A. Laurenzano
David Meisner
Thomas F. Wenisch
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Ronald G. Dreslinski
Adrenaline: Pinpointing and reining in tail queries with quick voltage boosting.
Yunqi Zhang
Michael A. Laurenzano
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
SMiTe: Precise QoS Prediction on Real-System SMT Processors to Improve Utilization in Warehouse Scale Computers.
Michael A. Laurenzano
Yunqi Zhang
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Protean Code: Achieving Near-Free Online Code Transformations for Warehouse Scale Computers.
Alex D. Breslow
Ananta Tiwari
Martin Schulz
Laura Carrington
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Enabling fair pricing on high performance computer systems with node sharing.
Sci. Program.
22 (2) (2014)
Yan Zhai
Xiao Zhang
Stéphane Eranian
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
HaPPy: Hyperthread-aware Power Profiling Dynamically.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Wei Wang
Tanima Dey
Mary Lou Soffa
ReQoS: reactive static/dynamic compilation for QoS in warehouse scale computers.
Hailong Yang
Alex D. Breslow
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Bubble-flux: precise online QoS management for increased utilization in warehouse scale computers.
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Xiao Zhang
Robert Hagmann
Robert Hundt
Eric Tune
Optimizing Google's warehouse scale computers: The NUMA experience.
Alex D. Breslow
Ananta Tiwari
Martin Schulz
Laura Carrington
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Enabling fair pricing on HPC systems with node sharing.
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Understanding Application Contentiousness and Sensitivity on Modern Multicores.
Adv. Comput.
91 (2013)
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Whare-map: heterogeneity in "homogeneous" warehouse-scale computers.
Wei Wang
Tanima Dey
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Jack W. Davidson
Mary Lou Soffa
Performance analysis of thread mappings with a holistic view of the hardware resources.
Kristen Walcott-Justice
Jason Mars
Mary Lou Soffa
THeME: a system for testing by hardware monitoring events.
Jason Mars
Naveen Kumar
BlockChop: Dynamic squash elimination for hybrid processor architecture.
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Mary Lou Soffa
Compiling for niceness: mitigating contention for QoS in warehouse scale computers.
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Kevin Skadron
Mary Lou Soffa
Robert Hundt
Increasing Utilization in Modern Warehouse-Scale Computers Using Bubble-Up.
IEEE Micro
32 (3) (2012)
Mary Lou Soffa
Kristen R. Walcott
Jason Mars
Exploiting hardware advances for software testing and debugging.
Jason Hiser
Daniel W. Williams
Wei Hu
Jack W. Davidson
Jason Mars
Bruce R. Childers
Evaluating indirect branch handling mechanisms in software dynamic translation systems.
ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.
8 (2) (2011)
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Mary Lou Soffa
Directly characterizing cross core interference through contention synthesis.
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Robert Hundt
Heterogeneity in "Homogeneous" Warehouse-Scale Computers: A Performance Opportunity.
IEEE Comput. Archit. Lett.
10 (2) (2011)
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Neil Vachharajani
Robert Hundt
Mary Lou Soffa
The impact of memory subsystem resource sharing on datacenter applications.
Jason Mars
Lingjia Tang
Robert Hundt
Kevin Skadron
Mary Lou Soffa
Bubble-Up: increasing utilization in modern warehouse scale computers via sensible co-locations.
Jason Mars
Neil Vachharajani
Robert Hundt
Mary Lou Soffa
Contention aware execution: online contention detection and response.
Daniel W. Williams
Aprotim Sanyal
Dan Upton
Jason Mars
Sudeep Ghosh
Kim M. Hazelwood
A cross-layer approach to heterogeneity and reliability.
Jason Mars
Robert Hundt
Scenario Based Optimization: A Framework for Statically Enabling Online Optimizations.
Jason Hiser
Daniel W. Williams
Wei Hu
Jack W. Davidson
Jason Mars
Bruce R. Childers
Evaluating Indirect Branch Handling Mechanisms in Software Dynamic Translation Systems.