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India Irish
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Middle School
African American
Discussion Forums
Significantly Higher
Top Venues
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.
India Irish
Saurabh Chatterjee
Sheliza Jivani
Xiangyu Jia
Jeonghyun Lee
Rosa I. Arriaga
Thad Starner
Managing the Chaos: Approaches to Navigating Discussion Forums for Instructional Staff.
India Irish
Saurabh Chatterjee
Chirag Tailor
Roy Finkelberg
Rosa I. Arriaga
Thad Starner
Post Recommendation System Impact on Student Participation and Performance in an Online AI Graduate Course.
Akshay Dahiya
Rocko Graziano
India Irish
Thad Starner
JackMarker with GitDown: A Framework to Counter Plagiarism at Scale.
Yolanda A. Rankin
India Irish
A Seat at the Table: Black Feminist Thought as a Critical Framework for Inclusive Game Design.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
4 (CSCW2) (2020)
India Irish
Roy Finkelberg
Daniel Nkemelu
Swar Gujrania
Aadarsh Padiyath
Sumedha Raman
Chirag Tailor
Rosa I. Arriaga
Thad Starner
PARQR: Automatic Post Suggestion in the Piazza Online Forum to Support Degree Seeking Online Masters Students.
Raghav Apoorv
Akshay Dahiya
Uma Sreeram
Bharat Rahuldhev Patil
India Irish
Rocko Graziano
Thad Starner
Examinator: A Plagiarism Detection Tool for Take-Home Exams.
Anish Khazane
Jia Mao
India Irish
Rocko Graziano
Thad Starner
BELT: Bluejeans codE Leak deTection.
Noah Bilgrien
Roy Finkelberg
Chirag Tailor
India Irish
Girish Murali
Abhishek Mangal
Niklas Gustafsson
Sumedha Raman
Thad Starner
Rosa I. Arriaga
PARQR: Augmenting the Piazza Online Forum to Better Support Degree Seeking Online Masters Students.
Noah Bilgrien
Roy Finkelberg
Chirag Tailor
India Irish
Girish Murali
Abhishek Mangal
Niklas Gustafsson
Sumedha Raman
Thad Starner
Rosa I. Arriaga
PARQR: Augmenting the Piazza Online Forum to Better Support Degree Seeking Online Masters Students.
Yolanda A. Rankin
Jakita Owensby Thomas
India Irish
Food for Thought: Supporting African American Women's Computational Algorithmic Thinking in an Intro CS Course.
Alexis Hiniker
Kiley Sobel
Sungsoo (Ray) Hong
Hyewon Suh
India Irish
Julie A. Kientz
Hidden symbols: How informal symbolism in digital interfaces disrupts usability for preschoolers.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.
90 (2016)
Alexis Hiniker
Kiley Sobel
Sungsoo (Ray) Hong
Hyewon Suh
India Irish
Daniella Kim
Julie A. Kientz
Touchscreen prompts for preschoolers: designing developmentally appropriate techniques for teaching young children to perform gestures.
Yolanda A. Rankin
Jakita Owensby Thomas
India Irish
Stevie-Mari Hawkins
From consumers to producers: African American middle school students as game designers.