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Emily Collins
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2021
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Game Players
Digital Games
Public Displays
Risk Analysis
Top Venues
Comput. Hum. Behav.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
Jason R. C. Nurse
Nikki Williams
Emily Collins
Niki Panteli
John M. Blythe
Ben Koppelman
Remote Working Pre- and Post-COVID-19: An Analysis of New Threats and Risks to Security and Privacy.
Jason R. C. Nurse
Nikki Williams
Emily Collins
Niki Panteli
John M. Blythe
Ben Koppelman
Remote Working Pre- and Post-COVID-19: An Analysis of New Threats and Risks to Security and Privacy.
HCI (39)
John M. Blythe
Alan Gray
Emily Collins
Human Cyber Risk Management by Security Awareness Professionals: Carrots or Sticks to Drive Behaviour Change?
HCI (30)
Ben L. Marder
David Gattig
Emily Collins
Leyland F. Pitt
Jan Kietzmann
Antonia Erz
The Avatar's new clothes: Understanding why players purchase non-functional items in free-to-play games.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
91 (2019)
David J. Houghton
Adam N. Joinson
Nigel Caldwell
Ben L. Marder
Emily Collins
Photographic Disclosure in Facebook and Relational Closeness with Others.
Charlene Jennett
Laure Kloetzer
Anna L. Cox
Daniel Schneider
Emily Collins
Mattia Fritz
Michael J. Bland
Cindy Regalado
Ian Marcus
Hannah Stockwell
Louise Francis
Eleanor Rusack
Ioannis Charalampidis
Creativity in Citizen Cyberscience.
Hum. Comput.
3 (1) (2016)
Nicholas Sheep Dalton
Emily Collins
Paul Marshall
Display Blindness?: Looking Again at the Visibility of Situated Displays using Eye-tracking.
Emily Collins
Anna Louise Cox
Switch on to games: Can digital games aid post-work recovery?
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.
72 (8-9) (2014)
Emily Collins
Jonathan Freeman
Video Game Use and Cognitive Performance: Does It Vary with the Presence of Problematic Video Game Use?
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
17 (3) (2014)
Anna Louise Cox
Jon Bird
Natasha Mauthner
Susan M. Dray
Anicia Peters
Emily Collins
Socio-technical practices and work-home boundaries.
Mobile HCI
Emily Collins
Jonathan Freeman
Do problematic and non-problematic video game players differ in extraversion, trait empathy, social capital and prosocial tendencies?
Comput. Hum. Behav.
29 (5) (2013)