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Elyes Lamine
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 40
Top Topics
Process Mining
Event Logs
Call Center
Discrete Event
Top Venues
Requir. Eng.
Sina Namaki Araghi
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Frédérick Bénaben
Stable Heuristic Miner 2: Evaluating the Statistical Stability in Event Logs to Discover Business Processes.
Hum. Centric Intell. Syst.
4 (2) (2024)
Maha Nssibi
Ghaith Manita
Francis Faux
Ouajdi Korbaa
Elyes Lamine
African vultures optimization algorithm based Choquet fuzzy integral for global optimization and engineering design problems.
Artif. Intell. Rev.
56 (Supplement 3) (2023)
Heithem Sliman
Imen Megdiche
Sami Yangui
Aida Drira
Ines Drira
Elyes Lamine
A Synthetic Dataset Generation for the Uveitis Pathology Based on MedWGAN Model.
Linda Bouallegue
Rafika Thabet
Chabane Mazri
Adrien Défossez
Marie-Hélène Cleostrate
Elyes Lamine
Effective Tool for Reporting and Analyzing Medication Errors.
Hanae Touati
Rafika Thabet
Franck Fontanili
Marie-Hélène Cleostrate
Marie-Noëlle Cufi
Elyes Lamine
Towards a novel Data Mining System for Medication Error Management.
Ghassen Frikha
Xavier Lorca
Hervé Pingaud
Adel Taweel
Christophe Bortolaso
Katarzyna Borgiel
Elyes Lamine
A Recommendation System for Personalized Daily Life Services to Promote Frailty Prevention.
ADBIS (Short Papers)
Ghassen Frikha
Xavier Lorca
Hervé Pingaud
Christophe Bortolaso
Katarzyna Borgiel
Elyes Lamine
Developing a Recommender System for Frailty Prevention: Addressing Challenges of Data Collection and User Interface Design.
Heithem Sliman
Imen Megdiche
Loay Alajramy
Adel Taweel
Sami Yangui
Aida Drira
Elyes Lamine
MedWGAN based synthetic dataset generation for Uveitis pathology.
Intell. Syst. Appl.
18 (2023)
Hanae Touati
Rafika Thabet
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Towards a Digital Collaborative Framework for an Efficient Medication Errors Management.
Liwen Zhang
Hervé Pingaud
Elyes Lamine
Franck Fontanili
Christophe Bortolaso
Mustapha Derras
A Model Driven Approach to Transform Business Vision-Oriented Decision-Making Requirement into Solution-Oriented Optimization Model.
Sina Namaki Araghi
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Uche Okongwu
Frédérick Bénaben
Stable heuristic miner: Applying statistical stability to discover the common patient pathways from location event logs.
Intell. Syst. Appl.
14 (2022)
Loay Alajramy
Adel Taweel
Radi Jarrar
Elyes Lamine
Imen Megdiche
Automated Learning Approach for Genetic Diseases.
Rafika Thabet
Elyes Lamine
Marie-Hélène Cleostrate
Marie-Noëlle Cufi
Hervé Pingaud
Towards a novel spontaneous medication error reporting tool for enhancing patient safety.
Nadhem Ben Ameur
Imene Lahyani
Rafika Thabet
Imen Megdiche
Jean-Christophe Steinbach
Elyes Lamine
Predicting Patient's Waiting Times in Emergency Department: A Retrospective Study in the CHIC Hospital Since 2019.
MEDI Workshops
Abdallah Karakra
Franck Fontanili
Adel Taweel
Elyes Lamine
Jacques Lamothe
Hafez Barghouthi
Digital Twin in Healthcare: Security Threat Meta-Model.
Seyda Alperen Pehlivan
Canan Pehlivan
Cléa Martinez
Nicolas Cellier
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Performance Evaluation and Statistical Data Analysis of a Call Center for the Deaf Community.
Rafika Thabet
Elyes Lamine
Hervé Pingaud
Development of a Risk-aware Business Process Modeling Tool for Healthcare processes.
Rafika Thabet
Dominik Bork
Amine Boufaied
Elyes Lamine
Ouajdi Korbaa
Hervé Pingaud
Risk-aware business process management using multi-view modeling: method and tool.
Requir. Eng.
26 (3) (2021)
Rafika Thabet
Dominik Bork
Amine Boufaied
Elyes Lamine
Ouajdi Korbaa
Hervé Pingaud
Correction to: Risk‑aware business process management using multi‑view modeling: method and tool.
Requir. Eng.
26 (4) (2021)
Rafika Thabet
Maria di Mascolo
Elyes Lamine
Ghassen Frikha
Hervé Pingaud
Analyzing Hospital Sterilization Service Vulnerabilities Using a Risk-Aware Business Process Modeling Method.
Youssef Marzouk
Omar Ezzat
Khaled Medini
Elyes Lamine
Xavier Boucher
Measuring Complexity for Collaborative Business Processes Management.
Adel Taweel
Elyes Lamine
Richard Bache
A Model for Computing Temporal Eligibility Criteria on Large and Diverse Data Repositories.
Liwen Zhang
Elyes Lamine
Franck Fontanili
Christophe Bortolaso
Marianne Sargent
Mustapha Derras
Hervé Pingaud
BLPAD.Core: A Multi-Functions Optimizer Towards Daily Planning Generation in Home Health Care.
Eva Petitdemange
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Matthieu Lauras
Uche Okongwu
A Tool-Based Framework to Assess and Challenge the Responsiveness of Emergency Call Centers.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management
67 (3) (2020)
Liwen Zhang
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Christophe Bortolaso
Mustapha Derras
Hervé Pingaud
A Systematic Model to Model Transformation for Knowledge-Based Planning Generation Problems.
Rafika Thabet
Amine Boufaied
Elyes Lamine
Dominik Bork
Ouajdi Korbaa
Hervé Pingaud
AdoBPRIM: Towards a New Healthcare Risk-aware Business Process Management Tool.
Elyes Lamine
Rafika Thabet
Amadou Sienou
Dominik Bork
Franck Fontanili
Hervé Pingaud
BPRIM: An integrated framework for business process management and risk management.
Comput. Ind.
117 (2020)
Sina Namaki Araghi
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Nicolas Salatgé
Frédérick Bénaben
Interpretation of Patients' Location Data to Support the Application of Process Mining Notations.
Rafika Thabet
Elyes Lamine
Amine Boufaied
Dominik Bork
Ouajdi Korbaa
Hervé Pingaud
Formal Specification, Implementation, and Evaluation of the AdoBPRIM Approach.
Eva Petitdemange
Elyes Lamine
Franck Fontanili
Matthieu Lauras
Enhancing Emergency Call Centers' Performance Through a Data-driven Simulation Approach.
Liwen Zhang
Elyes Lamine
Franck Fontanili
Christophe Bortolaso
Mustapha Derras
Hervé Pingaud
A Decision-Making Support System for Operational Coordination of Home Health Care Services.
Sina Namaki Araghi
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Nicolas Salatgé
Julien Lesbegueries
Sebastien Rebiere Pouyade
Frédérick Bénaben
Evaluating the Process Capability Ratio of Patients' Pathways by the Application of Process Mining, SPC and RTLS.
Elyes Lamine
Katarzyna Borgiel
Hervé Pingaud
Marie-Noëlle Cufi
Christophe Bortolaso
Mustapha Derras
BL.Frailty: Towards an ICT-Based Platform for Frailty Assessment at Home.
Abdallah Karakra
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Jacques Lamothe
HospiT'Win: A Predictive Simulation-Based Digital Twin for Patients Pathways in Hospital.
Sina Namaki Araghi
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Ludovic Tancerel
Frédérick Bénaben
Applying Process Mining and RTLS for Modeling, and Analyzing Patients' Pathways.
Sina Namaki Araghi
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Nicolas Salatgé
Julien Lesbegueries
Sebastien Rebiere Pouyade
Ludovic Tancerel
Frédérick Bénaben
A Conceptual Framework to Support Discovering of Patients' Pathways as Operational Process Charts.
Rafika Thabet
Elyes Lamine
Amine Boufaied
Ouajdi Korbaa
Hervé Pingaud
Towards a Risk-Aware Business Process Modelling Tool Using the ADOxx Platform.
CAiSE Workshops
Abdallah Karakra
Franck Fontanili
Elyes Lamine
Jacques Lamothe
Adel Taweel
Pervasive Computing Integrated Discrete Event Simulation for a Hospital Digital Twin.
Kingsley Okoye
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Usman Naeem
Syed Islam
Elyes Lamine
Using semantic-based approach to manage perspectives of process mining: Application on improving learning process domain data.
IEEE BigData
Kingsley Okoye
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Usman Naeem
Syed Islam
Elyes Lamine
Semantic-Based Model Analysis Towards Enhancing Information Values of Process Mining: Case Study of Learning Process Domain.
Kingsley Okoye
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Usman Naeem
Elyes Lamine
Semantic Process Mining Towards Discovery and Enhancement of Learning Model Analysis.
Elyes Lamine
Franck Fontanili
Maria di Mascolo
Hervé Pingaud
Improving the Management of an Emergency Call Service by Combining Process Mining and Discrete Event Simulation Approaches.
Kingsley Okoye
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Usman Naeem
Elyes Lamine
A Semantic Reasoning Method Towards Ontological Model for Automated Learning Analysis.
Kingsley Okoye
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Usman Naeem
Rabih Bashroush
Elyes Lamine
A Semantic Rule-based Approach Supported by Process Mining for Personalised Adaptive Learning.
Elyes Lamine
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Rémi Bastide
Hervé Pingaud
Ontology-Based Workflow Design for the Coordination of Homecare Interventions.
Kingsley Okoye
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Usman Naeem
Rabih Bashroush
Elyes Lamine
A Semantic Rule-Based Approach Towards Process Mining for Personalised Adaptive Learning.
Elyes Lamine
Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
Rémi Bastide
Hervé Pingaud
An Ontology-Driven Approach for the Management of Home Healthcare Process.
Wided Guédria
Elyes Lamine
Hervé Pingaud
Interoperability Frameworks for Health Systems: Survey and Comparison.
Sabrina Zefouni
Elyes Lamine
Rémi Bastide
Hervé Pingaud
Design and Evolution of Home-care Workflows using Ontologies and Model Transformations.
Olfa Rejeb
Rémi Bastide
Elyes Lamine
François Marmier
Hervé Pingaud
A model driven engineering approach for business continuity management in e-Health systems.
Sabrina Zefouni
Elyes Lamine
Rémi Bastide
Hervé Pingaud
Paper Ontology-Driven Customization of Home-Care Workflows.
DEXA Workshops
Elyes Lamine
Sabrina Zefouni
Rémi Bastide
Hervé Pingaud
A System Architecture Supporting the Agile Coordination of Homecare Services.
Amadou Sienou
Elyes Lamine
Hervé Pingaud
Achim Karduck
Aspects of the BPRIM Language for Risk Driven Process Engineering.
OTM Workshops
Amadou Sienou
Achim Karduck
Elyes Lamine
Hervé Pingaud
Business Process and Risk Models Enrichment: Considerations for Business Intelligence.
Amadou Sienou
Elyes Lamine
Achim Karduck
Hervé Pingaud
Conceptual Model of Risk: Towards a Risk Modelling Language.
WISE Workshops