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David King
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1982-2024
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Digital Economy
Agent Systems
Data Sparsity
Age Estimation
Top Venues
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
Brett M. Bode
David King
Celso L. Mendes
William T. Kramer
Saurabh Jha
Roger Ford
Justin Davis
Steven Dramstad
Blue Waters system and component reliability.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
36 (8) (2024)
Ada Diaconescu
David King
Kirstie L. Bellman
Christopher Landauer
Phyllis R. Nelson
Lensing: It is All About Perspective.
David King
David Jacques
Jeremy Gray
Katherine Cheney
Design and Simulation of a Wide Area Search Mission: An Implementation of an Autonomous Systems Reference Architecture.
Lee MacLeod
David King
Euan W. Dempster
A Review of Age Estimation Research to Evaluate Its Inclusion in Automated Child Pornography Detection.
SAI (1)
Kartikeya Upasani
David King
Jinfeng Rao
Anusha Balakrishnan
Michael White
The OSU/Facebook Realizer for SRST 2019: Seq2Seq Inflection and Serialized Tree2Tree Linearization.
David King
Gilbert L. Peterson
The Emergence of Division of Labor in Multi-Agent Systems.
Murray E. Jennex
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
David Croaswell
David King
Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems at HICSS.
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
43 (2018)
David King
Gilbert L. Peterson
A Macro-Level Order Metric for Self-Organizing Adaptive Systems.
Paulo Cortez
Sérgio Moro
Paulo Rita
David King
Jon Hall
Insights from a text mining survey on Expert Systems research from 2000 to 2016.
Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng.
35 (3) (2018)
Lifeng Jin
David King
Amad Hussein
Michael White
Douglas Danforth
Using Paraphrasing and Memory-Augmented Models to Combat Data Sparsity in Question Interpretation with a Virtual Patient Dialogue System.
David King
Evaluating Sequence Alignment for Learning Inflectional Morphology.
David King
Introduction to the Mining, Analysis and Visualization of Web Content and Usage Minitrack.
David King
Alan R. Dennis
Introduction to the Internet and Digital Economy Track.
Evan Jaffe
Lifeng Jin
David King
Marten van Schijndel
AZMAT: Sentence Similarity Using Associative Matrices.
David King
Philip Breedon
Cooperative Object Recognition: Behaviours of a Artificially Evolved Swarm.
ANTS Conference
Jane Bromley
David King
David R. Morse
Finding Agriculture among Biodiversity: Metadata in Practice.
Guido Sautter
Klemens Böhm
David King
RefConcile - Automated Online Reconciliation of Bibliographic References.
David King
Philip Breedon
A Metric for Hexagonal Grid-World Cooperative Object Recognition Tasks for a Swarm of Agents.
David King
David R. Morse
Document Mark-Up for Different Users and Purposes.
David King
Gerardo Orlando
James Kohler
A case for trusted sensors: Encryptors with Deep Packet Inspection capabilities.
David King
Ishfaq Ahmad
Hafiz Fahad Sheikh
Methods for optimizing the performance of directed acyclic graphs operating under strict energy constraints on multi-core architectures.
Sustain. Comput. Informatics Syst.
1 (2) (2011)
David King
Philip Breedon
Robustness and Stagnation of a Swarm in a Cooperative Object Recognition Task.
ICSI (1)
David King
Planning for climate change in the 21st century.
ICSE (1)
Christof Karmonik
Michele York
Robert G. Grossman
Ekta Kakkar
Krutina Patel
Hani Haykal
David King
An image analysis pipeline for the semi-automated analysis of clinical fMRI images based on freely available software.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
40 (3) (2010)
David King
Ishfaq Ahmad
Hafiz Fahad Sheikh
Stretch and compress based re-scheduling techniques for minimizing the execution times of DAGs on multi-core processors under energy constraints.
Green Computing Conference
Alistair Willis
David King
David R. Morse
Anton Dil
Chris Lyal
Dave Roberts
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers.
Pete Thomas
David King
Shailey Minocha
The effective use of a simple wiki to support collaborative learning activities.
Comput. Sci. Educ.
19 (4) (2009)
Kevin Curran
David King
Investigating the human computer interaction problems with automated teller machine navigation menus.
Interact. Technol. Smart Educ.
5 (1) (2008)
Kevin Curran
David King
Investigating the Human Computer Interaction Problems with Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Navigation Menus.
Comput. Inf. Sci.
1 (2) (2008)
David King
Chris Kimble
Philosophical Smoke Signals: Theory and Practice in Information Systems Design
Michael Losavio
David King
Adel Elmaghraby
Kevin Price
Global Opportunities for Service Learning in Computer Science.
Matt-Mouley Bouamrane
Saturnino Luz
Masood Masoodian
David King
Supporting Remote Collaboration Through Structured Activity Logging.
David King
Chris Kimble
Uncovering the epistemological and ontological assumptions of software designers
David King
Chris Kimble
Notions of Equivalence in Software Design
Yu-Chung Wang
Che-Wei Wang
David King
A Position Model in Evaluating the Levels of Information Technology Adoption for SMEs in the Business Network.
David King
Is the human mind a Turing machine?
108 (3) (1996)
David King
Kirk Jones
Competitive intelligence, software robots and the Internet: the NewsAlert prototype.
David King
Jackson design methodology.
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes
7 (2) (1982)