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Sven Dittes
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
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Collaborative Tagging
Virtual Organisations
Emotional Intelligence
Distributed Teams
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Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag.
Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng.
Frederik Ahlemann
Sven Dittes
Tim Fillbrunn
Kevin Rehring
Stefan Reining
Nils Urbach
Managing In-Company IT Standardization: A Design Theory.
Inf. Syst. Frontiers
25 (3) (2023)
Simon Pinell
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
Vergleich der Prozessqualität von IT-gestützten und nicht-IT-gestützten Entscheidungsprozessen in Unternehmen: eine experimentelle Studie.
Murray E. Jennex
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
David Croaswell
David King
Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems at HICSS.
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
43 (2018)
Olivia Hornung
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
When Emotions Go Social - Understanding the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Social Network Use.
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
Why are we Doing this Again? Towards Uncovering the Outcome Perspective of Enterprise Social Software Use.
Silke Weissenfels
Katharina Ebner
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
Does the is Artifact Matter in Sociomateriality Research? A Literature Review of Empirical Studies.
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
Is It an Antecedent? Is It an Outcome? No, It's Culture! Understanding the Relationship between Cultural Values and the Use of Information Systems Fostering Collaboration.
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
Murray E. Jennex
David T. Croasdell
Eleven Years of the Knowledge Management Track at HICSS: An Overview.
Int. J. Knowl. Manag.
12 (4) (2016)
Sven Dittes
Nils Urbach
Frederik Ahlemann
Stefan Smolnik
Thomas Müller
Why don't you stick to them? Understanding factors influencing and counter-measures to combat deviant behavior towards organizational IT standards.
Thomas Müller
Sven Dittes
Frederik Ahlemann
Nils Urbach
Stefan Smolnik
Because Everybody is Different: Towards Understanding the Acceptance of Organizational IT Standards.
Maurice Kügler
Sven Dittes
Stefan Smolnik
Alexander Richter
Connect Me! Antecedents and Impact of Social Connectedness in Enterprise Social Software.
Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng.
57 (3) (2015)
Sven Dittes
Nils Urbach
Frederik Ahlemann
IT-Standardisierung - vom Lippenbekenntnis zu nachhaltigem Nutzen.
Wirtschaftsinformatik Manag.
6 (4) (2014)