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Ben Wright
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Autonomous Systems
Human Agent Interaction
Independent Set
Top Venues
LMS J. Comput. Math.
Michael Potter
Shuo Tang
Paul Ghanem
Milica Stojanovic
Pau Closas
Murat Akçakaya
Ben Wright
Marius Necsoiu
Deniz Erdogmus
Michael Everett
Tales Imbiriba
Continuously Optimizing Radar Placement with Model Predictive Path Integrals.
Ben Wright
Emily C. Collins
David Cameron
When Robots Interact with Groups, Where Does the Trust Reside?
Ben Wright
J. Malcolm McCurry
Wallace Lawson
J. Gregory Trafton
Autonomous Group Detection, Delineation, and Selection for Human-Agent Interaction.
Ben Wright
Magdalena D. Bugajska
William Adams
Ed Lawson
J. Malcolm McCurry
J. Gregory Trafton
Proxemic Reasoning for Group Approach.
Sean McComber
Todd A. Fechter
Eric Farrar
Phillip Hall
Monica Rankin
Ben Wright
El oro: animating humanities research.
SIGGRAPH Educator's Forum
Peter Rowley
Ben Wright
Structure of the maximal -local geometry point-line collinearity graph.
LMS J. Comput. Math.
19 (1) (2016)
Cyril Margaria
Giovanni Martinelli
Steve Balls
Ben Wright
Label Switched Path (LSP) Attribute in the Explicit Route Object (ERO).
7570 (2015)