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Asli Özyürek
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 28
Top Topics
Sign Language
Semantic Categories
Audio Visual
Pointing Gestures
Top Venues
Cogn. Sci.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
Esam Ghaleb
Marlou Rasenberg
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Ivan Toni
Judith Holler
Asli Özyürek
Raquel Fernández
Analysing Cross-Speaker Convergence in Face-to-Face Dialogue through the Lens of Automatically Detected Shared Linguistic Constructions.
Esam Ghaleb
Ilya Burenko
Marlou Rasenberg
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Peter Uhrig
Judith Holler
Ivan Toni
Asli Özyürek
Raquel Fernández
Co-Speech Gesture Detection through Multi-Phase Sequence Labeling.
Esam Ghaleb
Ilya Burenko
Marlou Rasenberg
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Ivan Toni
Peter Uhrig
Anna Wilson
Judith Holler
Asli Özyürek
Raquel Fernández
Leveraging Speech for Gesture Detection in Multimodal Communication.
Ezgi Mamus
Laura J. Speed
Gerardo Ortega
Asifa Majid
Asli Özyürek
Lack of visual experience influences silent gesture productions for concepts across semantic categories.
Esam Ghaleb
Ilya Burenko
Marlou Rasenberg
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Peter Uhrig
Judith Holler
Ivan Toni
Asli Özyürek
Raquel Fernández
Co-Speech Gesture Detection through Multi-phase Sequence Labeling.
Ezgi Mamus
Laura J. Speed
Lilia Rissman
Asifa Majid
Asli Özyürek
Lack of Visual Experience Affects Multimodal Language Production: Evidence From Congenitally Blind and Sighted People.
Cogn. Sci.
47 (1) (2023)
Myrto Grigoroglou
Barbara Landau
Anna Papafragou
Ercenur Ünal
Kevser Kirbasoglu
Dilay Z. Karadöller
Beyza Sümer
Asli Özyürek
Barend Beekhuizen
Kenny R. Coventry
Piotr J. Barc
Lucy-Amber Roberts
Harmen Gudde
Space in Context: Communicative factors shape spatial language.
Lotte Eijk
Marlou Rasenberg
Flavia Arnese
Mark Blokpoel
Mark Dingemanse
Christian F. Doeller
Mirjam Ernestus
Judith Holler
Branka Milivojevic
Asli Özyürek
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Iris van Rooij
Herbert Schriefers
Ivan Toni
James P. Trujillo
Sara Bögels
The CABB dataset: A multimodal corpus of communicative interactions for behavioural and neural analyses.
264 (2022)
Anita Slonimska
Asli Özyürek
Olga Capirci
Simultaneity as an Emergent Property of Efficient Communication in Language: A Comparison of Silent Gesture and Sign Language.
Cogn. Sci.
46 (5) (2022)
Yue Ji
Caroline Andrews
Sebastian Sauppe
Monique Flecken
Roberto Zariquiey
Itziar Laka
Moritz M. Daum
Ercenur Ünal
Anna Papafragou
Lilia Rissman
Saskia van Putten
Asifa Majid
Francie Manhardt
Asli Özyürek
Arrate Isasi-Isasmendi
Martin Meyer
Balthasar Bickel
Universality and Diversity in Event Cognition and Language.
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Mark Dingemanse
Yasamin Motamedi
Asli Özyürek
A Systematic Investigation of Gesture Kinematics in Evolving Manual Languages in the Lab.
Cogn. Sci.
45 (7) (2021)
Ezgi Mamus
Laura J. Speed
Asli Özyürek
Asifa Majid
Sensory Modality of Input Influences the Encoding of Motion Events in Speech But Not Co-Speech Gestures.
Dilay Z. Karadöller
Beyza Sümer
Ercenur Ünal
Asli Özyürek
Spatial Language Use Predicts Spatial Memory of Children: Evidence from Sign, Speech, and Speech-plus-gesture.
Wim T. J. L. Pouw
Jan de Wit
Sara Bögels
Marlou Rasenberg
Branka Milivojevic
Asli Özyürek
Semantically Related Gestures Move Alike: Towards a Distributional Semantics of Gesture Kinematics.
HCI (16)
Demet Özer
Asli Özyürek
Tilbe Göksun
Is it for all? Spatial abilities matter in processing gestures during the comprehension of spatial language.
Marlou Rasenberg
Asli Özyürek
Mark Dingemanse
Alignment in Multimodal Interaction: An Integrative Framework.
Cogn. Sci.
44 (11) (2020)
Asli Özyürek
From Hands to Brains: How Does Human Body Talk, Think and Interact in Face-to-Face Language Use?
Marlijn ter Bekke
Asli Özyürek
Ercenur Ünal
Speaking but not Gesturing Predicts Motion Event Memory Within and Across Languages.
Linda Drijvers
Mircea van der Plas
Asli Özyürek
Ole Jensen
Native and non-native listeners show similar yet distinct oscillatory dynamics when using gestures to access speech in noise.
194 (2019)
Ezgi Mamus
Lilia Rissman
Asifa Majid
Asli Özyürek
Effects of Blindfolding on Verbal and Gestural Expression of Path in Auditory Motion Events.
Linda Drijvers
Julija Vaitonyte
Asli Özyürek
Degree of Language Experience Modulates Visual Attention to Visible Speech and Iconic Gestures During Clear and Degraded Speech Comprehension.
Cogn. Sci.
43 (10) (2019)
Linda Drijvers
Asli Özyürek
Ole Jensen
Alpha and Beta Oscillations Index Semantic Congruency between Speech and Gestures in Clear and Degraded Speech.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
30 (8) (2018)
Dilay Z. Karadöller
Beyza Sümer
Asli Özyürek
Effects of Delayed Language Exposure on Spatial Language Acquisition by Signing Children and Adults.
Gerardo Ortega
Annika Schiefner
Asli Özyürek
Speakers' gestures predict the meaning and perception of iconicity in signs.
Zeynep Azar
Ad Backus
Asli Özyürek
Highly Proficient Bilinguals Maintain the Language-Specific Pragmatic Constraints on Pronouns: Evidence from Speech and Gesture.
Zeynep Azar
Ad Backus
Asli Özyürek
Pragmatic relativity: Gender and context affect the use of personal pronouns in discourse differentially across languages.
Diana Dimitrova
Mingyuan Chu
Lin Wang
Asli Özyürek
Peter Hagoort
Beat that Word: How Listeners Integrate Beat Gesture and Focus in Multimodal Speech Discourse.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
28 (9) (2016)
Gerardo Ortega
Asli Özyürek
Generalisable patterns of gesture distinguish semantic categories in communication without language.
Pamela Perniss
Asli Özyürek
Gary Morgan
The Influence of the Visual Modality on Language Structure and Conventionalization: Insights From Sign Language and Gesture.
Top. Cogn. Sci.
7 (1) (2015)
David Peeters
Mingyuan Chu
Judith Holler
Peter Hagoort
Asli Özyürek
Electrophysiological and Kinematic Correlates of Communicative Intent in the Planning and Production of Pointing Gestures and Speech.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
27 (12) (2015)
Pamela Perniss
Asli Özyürek
Visible Cohesion: A Comparison of Reference Tracking in Sign, Speech, and Co-Speech Gesture.
Top. Cogn. Sci.
7 (1) (2015)
David Peeters
Zeynep Azar
Asli Özyürek
The Interplay between Joint Attention, Physical Proximity, and Pointing Gesture in Demonstrative Choice.
Gerardo Ortega
Beyza Sümer
Asli Özyürek
Type of iconicity matters: Bias for action-based signs in sign language acquisition.
Beyza Sümer
Pamela Perniss
Inge Zwitserlood
Asli Özyürek
Learning to Express Left-Right & Front-Behind in a Sign versus Spoken Language.
David Peeters
Mingyuan Chu
Judith Holler
Asli Özyürek
Peter Hagoort
Getting to the Point: The Influence of Communicative Intent on the Kinematics of Pointing Gestures.
Judith Holler
Louise Schubotz
Spencer Kelly
Peter Hagoort
Manuela Schuetze
Asli Özyürek
Here's not looking at you, kid! Unaddressed recipients benefit from co-speech gestures when speech processing suffers.
Judith Holler
Spencer Kelly
Peter Hagoort
Asli Özyürek
When gestures catch the eye: The influence of gaze direction on co-speech gesture comprehension in triadic communication.
Boukje Habets
Sotaro Kita
Zeshu Shao
Asli Özyürek
Peter Hagoort
The Role of Synchrony and Ambiguity in Speech-Gesture Integration during Comprehension.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
23 (8) (2011)
Pamela Perniss
Inge Zwitserlood
Asli Özyürek
Does Space Structure Spatial Language? Linguistic Encoding of Space in Sign Languages.
Roel M. Willems
Asli Özyürek
Peter Hagoort
Differential roles for left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortex in multimodal integration of action and language.
47 (4) (2009)
Asli Özyürek
The Role of Iconic Gestures in Production and Comprehension of Language: Evidence from Brain and Behavior.
Gesture Workshop
Roel M. Willems
Asli Özyürek
Peter Hagoort
Seeing and Hearing Meaning: ERP and fMRI Evidence of Word versus Picture Integration into a Sentence Context.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
20 (7) (2008)
Asli Özyürek
Roel M. Willems
Sotaro Kita
Peter Hagoort
On-line Integration of Semantic Information from Speech and Gesture: Insights from Event-related Brain Potentials.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
19 (4) (2007)