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Arne Schulz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1999-2024
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Attribute Values
Upper Bound
Decision Tree Learning
Integer Programming Formulation
Top Venues
Eur. J. Oper. Res.
Ann. Oper. Res.
J. Comb. Optim.
Arne Schulz
Christian Pfeiffer
Using fixed paths to improve branch-and-cut algorithms for precedence-constrained routing problems.
Eur. J. Oper. Res.
312 (2) (2024)
Arne Schulz
The balanced maximally diverse grouping problem with attribute values.
Discret. Appl. Math.
335 (2023)
Arne Schulz
Malte Fliedner
Minimizing the expected waiting time of emergency jobs.
J. Sched.
26 (2) (2023)
Daniela Gaul
Kathrin Klamroth
Christian Pfeiffer
Arne Schulz
Michael Stiglmayr
A Tight Formulation for the Dial-a-Ride Problem.
Arne Schulz
The balanced maximally diverse grouping problem with integer attribute values.
J. Comb. Optim.
45 (5) (2023)
Arne Schulz
Yoshinori Suzuki
Bounds and valid inequalities for the fixed-route vehicle-refueling problem.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
170 (2022)
Christian Pfeiffer
Arne Schulz
An ALNS algorithm for the static dial-a-ride problem with ride and waiting time minimization.
OR Spectr.
44 (1) (2022)
Arne Schulz
A new mixed-integer programming formulation for the maximally diverse grouping problem with attribute values.
Ann. Oper. Res.
318 (1) (2022)
Arne Schulz
Malte Fliedner
Benedikt Fiedrich
Christian Pfeiffer
Levelling crane workload in multi-yard rail-road container terminals.
Eur. J. Oper. Res.
293 (3) (2021)
Arne Schulz
The Balanced Maximally Diverse Grouping Problem with Attribute Values and Varying Group Sizes.
Arne Schulz
The balanced maximally diverse grouping problem with block constraints.
Eur. J. Oper. Res.
294 (1) (2021)
Sascha Alexander Jopen
Arne Schulz
Raphael Ernst
Measuring and modeling performance of WLAN communication for multistatic sonar applications.
Kathrin Seget
Arne Schulz
Ulrich Heute
Maneuver-Adaptive Multi-Hypothesis Tracking for Active Sonar Systems.
GI Jahrestagung (2)
Kathrin Seget
Arne Schulz
Ulrich Heute
Multi-Hypothesis Tracking and fusion techniques for multistatic active sonar systems.
Hannah Baumgartner
Arne Schulz
Andreas Hein
Inga Holube
Tobias Herzke
A fitting method for headphones to compensate individual hearing impairments.
Kathrin Seget
Holger Schmaljohann
Arne Schulz
Contact Fusion and Multi-Hypotheses Tracking for Low Frequency Active Sonar Data.
GI Jahrestagung
Arne Schulz
Hannah Baumgartner
Frerk Müller
Andreas Hein
Eine Multimediazentrale als Hörunterstützung im häuslichen Umfeld.
GI Jahrestagung
Andreas Hein
Marco Eichelberg
Oliver Nee
Arne Schulz
Axel Helmer
Myriam Lipprandt
A Service Oriented Platform for Health Services and Ambient Assisted Living.
AINA Workshops
Jonas Beskow
Björn Granström
Peter Nordqvist
Samer Al Moubayed
Giampiero Salvi
Tobias Herzke
Arne Schulz
Hearing at home - communication support in home environments for hearing impaired persons.
Axel Reimer
Arne Schulz
Wolfgang Nebel
Modelling macromodules for high-level dynamic power estimation of FPGA-based digital designs.
Arne Schulz
Wolfgang Nebel
Verlustleistungsabschätzung und -optimierung auf hohen Abstraktionsebenen: Modellierung von Funktionskomponenten und Leitungslängenabschätzung.
GI Jahrestagung (1)
Arne Schulz
Wolfgang Nebel
Optimization of Digital Audio Processing Algorithms Suitable for Hearing Aids.
Arne Schulz
Andreas Schallenberg
Domenik Helms
Milan Schulte
Axel Reimer
Wolfgang Nebel
A High Level Constant Coefficient Multiplier Power Model for Power Estimation on High Levels of Abstraction.
Ansgar Stammermann
Domenik Helms
Milan Schulte
Arne Schulz
Wolfgang Nebel
Interconnect Driven Low Power High-Level Synthesis.
Ansgar Stammermann
Domenik Helms
Milan Schulte
Arne Schulz
Wolfgang Nebel
Binding, Allocation and Floorplanning in Low Power High-Level Synthesis.
Domenik Helms
Eike Schmidt
Arne Schulz
Ansgar Stammermann
Wolfgang Nebel
An Improved Power Macro-Model for Arithmetic Datapath Components.
Lars Kruse
Eike Schmidt
Gerd Jochens
Ansgar Stammermann
Arne Schulz
Enrico Macii
Wolfgang Nebel
Estimation of lower and upper bounds on the power consumption from scheduled data flow graphs.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
9 (1) (2001)
Ansgar Stammermann
Lars Kruse
Wolfgang Nebel
Alexander Pratsch
Eike Schmidt
Milan Schulte
Arne Schulz
System level optimization and design space exploration for low power.
M. Brucke
Arne Schulz
Wolfgang Nebel
Auditory Signal Processing in Hardware: A Linear Gammatone Filterbank Design for a Model of the Auditory System.